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Everything posted by Sigmarusvult

  1. So it looks like the new points reflect the op summoning that we got... In a previous edition 😂. Seriously if they can't balance this mechanic then please GW, just remove it and point this army accordingly, I am sure it would make everyone happier, including you GW. I've never understood why summoning had to be such a biggy in a Slaanesh army 🤔, it's not even a lore thing. I'd rather use depravity points in a similar way than bloodtithe, it's way more fun and interesting IMHO.
  2. I am thinking of getting the FEC Start Collecting box and a box of zombies. Will there be enough bits left from the zombies kit to convert the crypts ghouls into more zombies?
  3. So butcher can issue bloodbath and has to receive it even if Bloodbath only affects units of gluttons that are in the aura?
  4. The article is strange, it suggests that you can stack both Bloodbath and All Out Attack on a single unit of Gluttons but in the core rule it is said that a unit cannot receive more than one command ability per phase.
  5. I have received the newest issue of the white dwarf today and the last few pages are dedicated to a story that follows Grungni, it involves dialogues with many other gods. Without spoiling it, I have found the story to be excellent, I really can't wait to see what GW have planned for duardins in the future!
  6. Rough translation: To triumph you need to .... but also carefully think of how you build your army list. LIMITE EN POINT (Points Limit) Players must agree on a points limit before a game, you can go up to 3K if you want. The nb of points you have agreed on involves restrictions that define what you can take in your army list, the nb of terrains and table size (these last two are not obligatory ) as shown on the chart below. You can't spend more than half of your points in a single unit. First line : nb of points limit you have chosen for your game. Second line is nb of leaders you can take: at 750 pts you can only take up to 2 leaders, only up to 6 in a 2000 points etc... Battelines Behemoths Artillery Endless spells and invocations Reinforced units Ally Minimum table size recommended Minimum nb of terrains recommended. From what I can read, it seems to be for a narrative game or a campaign: The paragraph "Role tactique" states that the chart tells you the minimum nb of Leaders and battlelines that you MUST take and the maximum of Leaders, Behemoth and Artillery that you CAN take in the army -de départ- that you start with (for a campaign?)
  7. I have finished reading the book last night. So far the series has been great in my opinion, in particular Bel'akor. Unfortunately BR Kragnos felt rushed and despite of all the built up from the previous books and short stories, the series ended with a classic but underwhelming ending. One of my greatest issue is that the city of Excelsis has a plot armor thicker than a character from Games of Thrones: First, there is a civil war brewing between Alves and humans within the city, then Skaven caused a big mayhem, killed and destroyed lots. Not long after (a week or two in the book) the city is attacked by one of the biggest Waaagh! we have seen since the Age of Myth and it is led by a god that genocide... drakes! In the same time the city is also being attack from within by the offspring of... a chaos god ! 😬 Wow surely the city is doomed, don't worry ! The good guys still win... because they get reinforcement once the walls and gates were breached 😂 I know you could argue that it's Morathi and Kroak who helped, sure but nothing really explain why. Morathi came by sea to save a city she doesn't want to keep while it is said that Kroak doesn't really care if the city falls as long as he can close the realm gates to isolate the Ghur from Azyr. So even if they have no strong reason to be bother to help they still manage to save a city from the worst situation ? Not a great story line imo. There is also a huge miss opportunity in not having Morathi confronts the consequences of her action in a scene with the twins. Unfortunately the latters died like a small boss in a 3 players mmo instance. Finally, Kragnos is another dumb dumb "I destroy stuff because I am angry" guy who simply fell in another trap set by Kroak. He is such a miss opportunity for me, it would have been so refreshing to have someone in destruction who is both smart and strong with an ambitious agenda, sadly this is not Kragnos. In conclusion, parts of the story felt they came out of magician hat (Morathi) and I was hoping for something that put the forces of destruction under the light, unfortunately they remain the typical vilains who lost even when all the odds were with them. It is hard to believe that they are going to be the main threat of V3. Overall I was more thrilled by the short dialogue between Teclis and Nagash than by the rest of the book. I am still happy with the Broken Realm series and I look forwards reading the evolution of the lore in V3.
  8. Okey, that preview was amazing ! I am also very happy to hear that monster are going to have extra rules, the high point costs of Sons of Behemat and Kragnos feel more reasonable now.
  9. They look a lot like Moonclan grots but without the fun side.
  10. I hear you but then what are these models in the background ? At first I thought they were the new skeletons warriors but then in the picture they seem to carry huge hallebardes with their two hands, which none of the new skeletons are doing, hence why I assume it could be new grave guards. I don't know anything I'm just trying to understand what those things are.
  11. These look like new grave guards models imo. Perhaps soulblight might get the LRL, HoS treatment and see a second wave later?
  12. Deathless minions changed into a wholly within 12" 😮 That's way too short for a horde army imo It's been an issue for Nighthaunt since their release . I guess that now it is just going to be an occasional defensive buff.
  13. I like MW because they save me time, I have always found that rolling three times - hit, wound, save- ( without counting rerol) per unit in combat is making the game unnecessary long. Still I don't think everybody should have MW, removing wound rolls from the game could be enough to speed it up and I would keep MW for special characters and monster only, to represent the fact that they are so powerful they ignore armour.
  14. Has any one won the cash prize from subscribing to My Warhammer ? Tomorow is the last day to claim your prize but I haven't heard of any winner.
  15. Selling horde unit in box of 10 is already criminal. Regarding the zombies, I hope we will see another kit, I find the ones from cused City to be over designed and it is going to be a real chore to paint a bulk of them.
  16. Once again, out of the three endless spell models, it is the one I like the less which has the better rules 😂 ( the swords) On the other hand, the snake can be used for conversion without looking back !
  17. I hear you! I start playing DoK because it feels like how Khorne is supposed to be imo. Besides, if we ar honest, Khorne and Khaine are two sides of the same coin 😉.
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