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Everything posted by Neffelo

  1. Looks like the general's handbook is next month, I think we will be getting some serious love, except maybe the Grimghast reapers. What does everyone else think?
  2. I think everyone would have preferred some new kits with Fyreslayers (Named characters, Salamander rider cavalry?) But they did a really good job with what they had, similar to FEC, Balance issues aside.
  3. Well, I managed to get three halves of Looncurse, so I am hoping Sylvaneth turn out awesome! I've always liked the models, except for the dryads. So I am hoping a Revanant/Spite list will be good in the new book.
  4. That Box seems like a great spot if you are collecting either army. Combine a few of the Sylvaneth halfs and their start collecting and you pretty much have a near complete army.
  5. I disagree with this, I think they clearly have a long-term strategy in mind. The issue is that they do have to mix in New splash releases with the old releases, so that they can maintain YoY growth. I think the updates to 2ed tomes so far demonstrate that they have thought this through with a multi-year plan. For instance, updating a perceived unpopular army like Fyreslayers, may not be an immediate return on investment, so they have to hedge these bets with new releases like Slaanesh. As for the Rumor, I can believe most of it. If the new boxset is Sylvaneth vs Gloomspite, then it only makes sense that Sylvaneth would be getting a release a la FEC/Skaven.
  6. The no mortals part blows. I am really surprised they didn't include at least a single kit or dual kit for mortals. That deflates some of the excitement from me, for sure.
  7. Ironjawz are plenty popular to remain a stand-alone army, but the range is very limited, and there are some noted issues with selection. Bonesplitterz are not popular enough to remain a stand alone army (IMO) and there doesn't seem to be a greenskin LON style book on the way. This is why they would be getting rolled into Ironjawz and not the other way around.
  8. I did say some consolidation work, not all. That being said, Bonesplittarz would aesthetically roll into Ironjawz much easier than Fyreslayers would in the other Duradin armies. For FEC, the LoN book had already come out, and FEC was considered a popular enough stand alone army to keep it's book. I don't think the same thing could be said for Bonesplittaz
  9. I would honestly be surprised if Bonesplitterz got their own tome again. 2.0 Seems to have been doing some consolidation work, and I think they could be rolled into IronJawz pretty easy.
  10. I think it's probably more likely that Blackstone Fortress and the Warbands go up, but I would be down for Slaanesh too!
  11. Fyreslayers are looking very good, and I am happy for the faction. I am hoping this will drive sales for them and will mean in expanded model range in the future. I'm going to wait to see how things play out, but there is a good chance I may be picking up this faction. I just need to sit down with the tome for a bit. There really doesn't seem to be any duds in the army, except maybe the Runeson? Everything else seems quite good!
  12. GW is really pumping out these releases. I hope this means DoT is on the Horizon as well!
  13. The Carrion empire pictures make him look smaller than a Horror, but bigger than AGK.
  14. Yeah, you can see it as well on the 360 view on the Carrion empire box on the GW website as well. It's a nice detail!
  15. I could see this. I'm not a huge fan of those models, but I would not turn down expanding the range somewhat. Would be cool if that Artwork we saw is a new dual-kit corpse cart.
  16. We get it, can you stop spamming this topic about it?
  17. Yeah, I admit I am a bit disappointed that we did not some new FEC models, but at least they are not languishing for years like the GW of old.
  18. I just hope the FEC get some new models. They really need to flesh-out that range some.
  19. That is an incredibly unique list. I am curious to hear how the shrieker host plays out. The only models I have not picked up for my Nightahunt have been the Harridans. The list is pretty thematic though, a lot of banshees!
  20. Ah, got it. So he is used for just that particular list/build. That makes sense.
  21. Is he though? I don't think I've seen almost any lists with Kairos over a LoC. I think the LoC is just flat out better than Kairos right now and is used quite a bit more.
  22. It takes time. Wrath and Rapture was just released about 3 weeks ago. The article mentioned in "The new few weeks" So I suspect sometime in February-March. The updated Battletome also would line up with the rumors that several AOS 1.0 factions would be getting updates. I have no trouble admitting If I'm wrong, but I think we have enough information (even if some is unconfirmed) that the FEC will get something beyond just the box set. The extent of the release is yet to be determined, but I think it's a pretty safe bet FEC will get a tome and endless spells. I'd like to see them get a plastic kit or two as well as a terrain piece.
  23. It said in the article that there is more to come for both of these factions soon, so I would expect at the very least a new battletome and endless spells for FEC. Hopefully we get lucky and see a plastic Varghulf and maybe another new unit as well.
  24. I believe the mechanic was detailed on stream earlier, that once per Gloomspite phase you pick an enemy unit and roll a die. If the number is less than the number of models in the unit it takes D3 mortal wounds. Someone posted a screenshot in the panic thread in News and Rumors I think. That seems pretty fair and balanced. It can't really snipe heros, and will only be really effective on units greater than 5. I think that's a nice little bonus, with the main focus being on the moon affecting your units.
  25. GW mentioned that the Dankhold will have several options that will be shown soon, I would not be surprised if one of them is a Wizard.
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