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Lucky Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Lucky Snake Eyes

  1. @Sabotage! I run a fun and fairly casual undivided list using the darkoath allegiance. The bulk of my army is warriors, knights and marauders (both horse and foot), with a warshrine, gorebeast chariot and chosen for good measure, I run different marks on different units and several heroes for full mark coverage. I also ally in valkia, the masque of slaanesh and the ogrid thaumaturge using my 400pts of allies to give a more undivided feel and have some hero representation for the gods. Slaves can be fun but aren't flexible enough with their rules to be competitive. If non slaves heroes could also benefit from gifts or provide the reroll buff to units with matching keywords then i could see them doing better. Fingers crossed that darkoath get's a battletome and makes undivided chaos a viable competitive choice.
  2. I wouldn't say everchosen, they have no allegiance abilities to my knowledge, only diff between them an slaves is slaves has allegiance abilities and everchosen get archaon. Dark oath will probably get their own battletome considering two of the 4 malign portents models already have battletomes/army expansions. Darkoath will probably be the true undivided faction with no mark mechanics and focus more on the brutal glory seeking and viking style fight for survival. They'll probably incorporate a system similar to slaves gifts from the gods. Slaves as it is might as well be generic chaos filler as all their units can join other armies using their mark mechanic. Albeit if darkoath is markless then it should still be able to have some way of taking slaves units and archaon with them also falling under the umbrella of undivided.
  3. Prince V lacks durability for how big a target he is. He definitely works best as a foil for a mortarch but he needs more regen or a better wound mitigation option. Blood chalice helps but it is possible for him to be focused down before you can heal him with vile t and the chalice.
  4. The horses are the real MVP, me and a buddy run an unlimited ally game from time to time (so that he can bring the sisters of twilight and i can bring settra) and settra's horses put in more work than just about anything else. We need more horse support, horse buffing rules when gw? But yeah my own LoB list i'm currently running is just bloodknights smash with vordhai and nefi doing things too i guess. There's a couple foot vampires (vlad and isabella's models obviously) and a bunch of dire doggos and skeles too but they just kinda sit around on objectives watching the real fight happen. ?
  5. Almost 30 rend -2 wounds a turn mean? Naw that's totally balanced, clearly your skeletons just got bad rolls on the save they didn't get to make ?clearly it's all sigmar intended. (thank nagash the limit on artillery puts prevents the ballista spam from getting worse)
  6. I had a nasty encounter against double celestar ballistas, nearly lost neferatta until I got vargheists into them by tying up his retributers with vordhai, vordhai sadly perished with but 2 of the 9 retributers left standing but i managed to get neferata back up to full using vile transference and her lifesteal/regen. Shooting seems to be the biggest threat to anything death especially shooting with rend like the ballistas
  7. I find that running STD without a manticore lord has been kinda rough, my local shop hasn't been able to get a kit for one in for me so i've been using the lord of chaos on foot with the all-favoured mark. I want to refine my STD undivided build so i'm adding a warshrine and chosen. I intend to mark the chosen as nurgle to make it easier for them to give their reroll wounds buff to everything else. I'm having a hard time filling in the heroes to make up every mark (currently running a sorcerer lord, lord of chaos on foot and two champions of chaos) I'm wondering if there are heroes aside from the manticore lord worth investing in to fill those marks or if I should just wait and see for the much awaited darkoath release.
  8. Could I get peoples thoughts on running neferata and vordhai? So far both seem to be working really well for me both separately and together on the same list, but the people in my area don't tend to build very meta lists most of the time. So speaking from a meta perspective are either worth taking as general or at all for tournament play?
  9. That's the problem though, I don't want to run the khorne allegiance, I want to run STD allegiance, so I don't see much use for reavers
  10. On another note, I also got a bloodstoker and some bloodreavers with the rest of my pre owned chaos. Are they worth taking? I've considered using the bloodstoker to buff knights or to help marauders swarm objectives, but I just can't justify bloodreavers when marauders fill the same role. Bloodreavers just seem to specialized for the khorne allegiance and won't hold up in non khorne armies.
  11. I can't help but feel that since nighthaunt got expanded into a full army, that maybe soulblight will get the same treatment... eventually... Nagash may have eternity but GW does not. Then again they still haven't made armies for the two main elf factions (shadow and light) so we could be waiting a while. But given what soulblight units currently exist, as in nothing anyone runs other than bloodknights and vargheists, there is plenty of room to expand to add infantry like vampires swordsmen or living thralls and maybe make units for different creatures other than humans that have been victim to the blood kiss. It'd be nice if they got named characters as well, like say bringing back Isabella Von Carstein as a hook for old world VC fans, they could easily handwave her existing in AoS by saying her having the Von Carstein ring let her survive the destruction of the old world, plus it would be a cool lore reason to have undead armies that want to tell nagash to stick it where the sun don't shine. But in their current state I find myself running legion of blood over soulblight for when I feel like running a vampire list, extra attacks for bloodknights and vampire lords along with a bravery debuff aura trumps the mediocre bloodline buffs from soulblight in my opinion. Anyone have any ideas on how soulblight could be expanded on or how to make a soulblight list comparable to what you can do with the legions/grand host?
  12. So I recently started Darkoath/STD when a bunch of cheap preowned STD models fell into my lap. I've had a few games with them with about a 50/50 win rate mostly against stormcasts and death armies. We tend to house rule things from time to time to make things interesting and with the lack of a proper chaos undivided army, we decided that heroes from other chaos armies (provided they still remained within the 400pts of allies) benefited from the keyword bonuses of STD. So with that in mind I made a undivided list with what I currently own: Chaos Undivided 1960pts Heroes: Lord of chaos -mark of the undivided Chaos sorcerer lord -nurgle Valkia the bloody Ogrid Thaurmaturge Masque of slaanesh Units: 2X5 marauder horsemen -javelines -tribal banner -horns -khorne 1X20 marauders -flails -tribal banner -drummer -khorne 2X10 chaos warriors -sword and shield -banner- horn -tzeench 1x10 chaos warriors -2 weapon -banner -horn -nurgle 2X5 chaos knights -glaives -banner -horn -slaanesh 1x1 gorebeast chariot -great weapon -slaanesh
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