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Everything posted by Latty

  1. Garrisoned models are removed from play while they're in the ships, but when KO ships get destroyed they roll off to determine how many garrisoned models are destroyed.
  2. They have to roll for each model and one is destroyed for every 1 rolled. As strong as KO are, they're ironically one of our better matchups.
  3. Their factories are shut down, everything that goes out of stock isn't being re-produced until further notice.
  4. I s I sent an email as well, maybe enough of us sending messages in a short period of time might get something out of GW.
  5. You should probably take the recast links out of your post
  6. Even so, there's 9 entries under Chaos. The 7 armies on the GW site, LoA, and Other. In order: Beasts of Chaos Blades of Khorne Disciples of Tzeentch Hedonites of Slaanesh Legion of Azgorh Maggotkin of Nurgle Skaventide Slaves to Darkness Allies
  7. On the preorder page, 5th entry under Chaos, page 8, Legion of Azgorh.
  8. I don't know if anyone's pointed it out but they're not getting rid of them in GHB 2020, you can clearly see Legion of Azgorh in the table of contents on the preview image. Whether we're getting point changes is questionable.
  9. It seems to me that Gorgers' main strength is being able to drop single model units and testing your luck on MWs from trampling charge. Example, drop three single Gorgers as deepstrike, charge each at your target, on a good day two of them will make it with rerolls, and then you've got 18-24 dice to roll for trampling charge. Seems like a good way to ****** off your opponent.
  10. Has anyone tried using Greasus Goldtooth/Overtyrant since the book came out? Has he been useful at all?
  11. Are the BCR still available? I've got some Ironjawz I could trade.
  12. I've been debating with myself on Gorgers vs Hunter/Sabres for deepstriking purposes. My goal is trying to take out a Slann in a local meta with a lot of Seraphon players. I'm wondering people's experience who have tried both and what they think. Tribewise, I'm running Bloodgullet. For 240 points, you can take 3 Gorgers or a Hunter and 6 Sabres. The Gorgers have to charge 9" when dropped, but they can reroll. The Sabres get one shot at the charge, but get a +3, which is pretty huge. Gorgers will have 12 3+/3+/-/2 attacks, as well as 3 3+/3+/-1/D3 attacks, vs the Frost Sabres 18 (24 with CA) 4+/3+/-1/1 attacks. Alternatively I've considered taking 2 Gorgers and Cogs to help the charge. My thought is that the Gorgers are less likely to make the charge, but if they do, they're much more likely to kill the target than the Sabres. Thoughts?
  13. It's very unlikely that Chorfs get squatted anytime soon, they're mentioned in most of the recent tome releases, they've had exclusive AoS releases, and there's hints of an expansion under the name Furnace Kings at some point down the line. I think we're pretty safe. Whether or not it's a GW expansion that might phase out FW models is up in the air, though.
  14. So I had a thought about LoA and realm rules; say you play a game in Aqshy and roll the burning skies realmscape, how would that interact with the burning skies that we have as a battle trait? Would ours overrule the realm rules? Would Draz'hoath and K'daai be subject to the rule? Would they stack, making the opponent take the roll twice? Thoughts?
  15. Have any Bonesplitterz playerz undertaken the task of magnetizing their orruks? I started on a box today and it is quite the time consuming process... And then I look over and see all the extra weapons to paint now
  16. This threads been slow lately but I want to float a few list ideas for an upcoming tournament past anyone who is browsing. I wanted to pick a theme and roll with it for each one. Feedback appreciated. Firebornspam.pdf Artillerytrain.pdf Executionherd.pdf
  17. After playing in a tournament recently I've come to my own conclusions about what I think the army needs. Granted it was only 1k, but I still think it's a fair assessment as our weaknesses are exacerbated at 2k games. I played against Tzeentch, Bonereapers, Fyreslayers, and Slaanesh, several top dogs in the meta. Allegiance: Legion of Azgorh LEADERS Bull Centaur Taur'ruk (160) - General - Command Trait : Grotesque - Artefact : Armour of Bazherak the Cruel Daemonsmith (100) - Darkforged Weapon UNITS 10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100) 10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100) 10 x Infernal Guard Fireglaives (100) 1 x Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher (120) 1 x Iron Daemon War Engine (180) 1 x Magma Cannon (140) TOTAL: 1000/1000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 65 On retrospect I would've dropped a unit of Fireglaives and the Rocket Launcher in favor of a second Magma Cannon and an endless spell, maybe Cogs or the Soulscream Bridge. The rocket launcher's output is so unreliable, it's crazy how much it's outclassed by the Magma Cannon. As for the rest of what I took... Taur'ruk: He's great as is, and perfectly costed as well. No changes needed here. Daemonsmith: Also pretty good, could do with a range increase on Blood of Hashut. Fireglaives: Hitting on 3+ would go a long way on these guys, and of course it goes without saying that the Deathmask blows and should be reworked. Let's compare with Mortek Guard, possibly one of the game's best infantry choices. At 130 points for 10 models, they get 2 3+/4+ attacks at -1 rend, with an extra attack on 6's to hit. It's certainly not farfetched to give Fireglaives a 3+ to hit when they're costed at 100 points. Deathshrieker: Bad. Needs at least one of the following to make it a competitive choice: 3+ to hit, additional Rend, or flat 3 damage. Magma Cannon: We all know this thing is amazing, if anything it's the only thing in our army that could be acceptably nerfed, I think. I don't think it needs to be; as much as your opponent might complain about how you can just drop 6 (7) mortals on him with no way to prevent it, it's still a 140 point unit that can't do much else. I think if they changed anything about this they would make it savable wounds instead of mortals. Iron Daemon: Pretty solid all around. I think More Power should be slightly changed to 1 wound if the result is between 12 and 18, and d3 if the roll is 19+. I think the biggest thing we need is less so our damage output and more so durability; We've got an allegiance ability that lets us negate wounds in each phase, so our biggest strength should be being hard to kill. We lack anything that gives us a bonus to save. It would be broken to give everything in our army a 3+ save, but what about the Standard Bearer? It would not be unreasonable I think to change its aura to give everything in range a +1 to save.
  18. The rider's arm is holding the top of the squig's head, so it's pretty hard to color match if you were to subassemble. It'd actually be easier to glue the arm on and keep the rest of the rider off.
  19. I want to put Archaon in a 2000 point list, thoughts on this? Archaon - 660 points Harbinger of Decay - 160 points Lord of Blights - 140 points Sorcerer - 120 points 20 plaguebearers - 240 points 3 x 5 blightkings - 480 points 3 plague drones - 200 points 135 wounds 2000/2000
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