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Everything posted by Maddpainting

  1. This update is pretty big honestly. First thoughts on everything I think bringing 2 Monsters is fine (not counting Shaggoth) so Cockatrices, Chimera, or Ghorgons are all fine. Cygor only if you need to remove Endless spells. Bullgors has 2 weapons are are good now, Paired and Great. I feel Paired might be the better pick now. Bestigors still are meh to bring but 1 unit should be ok to bring now with -2/3 rend. Beastlord is slightly more optional now with -2/3 rend as a support hero. Gavespawn got a boost over all now too. +1PCP every player turn is very good! Allherd might be crazy good with +1PCP every turn, given CP that is 1 summoning every turn no matter what. Enlighten are just better and always were great. All Chaff got batter, DO's, Centigors, Hounds, etc.. bc -1 rend, still be careful bc many armies has ignore -1 rend units. Turn 3 this skyrockets making summoning turn 3 a lot more interesting. Heck this helps Cockatrice spam too lol. Ghorgons seem a lot stronger now, still glass cannons but high rend and healing, for sure an support bruiser. Herdstone can be placed almost anywhere and not care now. TEoF got a huge boost (any unit going from -1 to -2 rend did, but being so cheap already this is very important) Rally can be clutch good for us, but at the cost of no Immune Bravery, 3-6 mans might be the sweet spot now and 10man units less so. New White Dwarf rules to remember for list building BoC Monstrous Rampages (some) can work against Hunters of the Heartland battalion bc they do not pick those units. Monstrous Rampages can work not in combat, Primal Road can give 1 PCP turn 1. Thunderscorn can heal while not in combat, so can sac to stone without worry about bravery Herdstone starts at 12" but table wide bonus to rend in melee, can hide it easier now and still be useful. Sevireth Scour doesn't smash terrain for purpose of Smash and Grand Strat Overall we got a good power boost, with 1-2 more summons a game, getting to the -2 rend so much easier now. The Herdstone not needing to be up front is also a good boost. We still are a glass army though and that is fine.
  2. Its not about hope but it is new and could change my current list.
  3. We all are just waiting for the WD next month most likely.
  4. Yep, I am going to guess at least a year away.
  5. My actual list I will be running is more like this Gargant or Khorne DP Shaggoth AA/MoM Shaman/Garshrak X hero (Tshaman or Doom) DO's x3 Optional 6 DO's x3 DO's x3 TEoF or Bullgors TEoF or Bullgors Centigors x1 or x2 Chariot x1 or x2 Depending on main Ally hero, will be Chimeras or Cockatrices I have 3 Chimeras and 3 Cockatrices but now with DO's so cheap, I might do more of them and a Mega.
  6. Looking over the Flagellants new WD Battle tactic it got me thinking and I could not find it anywhere (though I could be over looking it or looking in wrong spots). Can you choose a unit that is off the table to complete a Battle Tactic? The only rules I found were And looking up what an ability is So I see no reason why I can not, but it feels like you should not be able to.
  7. I believe it lol. We need to email the AoSFAQs about this.
  8. I just don't understand why he doesn't have a basic Ward save now. That blows my mind.
  9. What was actually nerfed? I never actually played him and everytime i played against i just ignored and sat on points letting him basically kill 1 unit a turn.
  10. My points was, everything has already been said in the other post, nothing enough changed from 2nd to 3rd to matter.
  11. Do we really need to talk about this again? GW isn't going to change to it for AoS anytime soon if ever.
  12. Yep, been asking for that for a bit now, and even more so now.
  13. Now I want to play lists like this... thanks GW for making it even more DO/Cockatrice focus and leaving Brayherds off the table. Yeah I have Grashrak but only bc Herdstone and his spell. Shaggoth 155 Shaggoth 155 Grashrak 150 Dragon Ogres x6 250 Dragon Ogres x6 250 Dragon Ogres x3 125 Dragon Ogres x3 125 Dragon Ogres x3 125 Grashrak's Despoilers Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95 Cockatrice 95
  14. They are a bit more tanky than you would think. But I could see 18 in an army now, thats only 750pts, they are 8.33 points per wounds, thats 0.83ppm more than Gors and DOs are better in almost every way.
  15. As a BoC player I am both happy and mad at the same time. DO and Bullgors/Warherds are where they need to be at for their terrible rules, but it just makes Bestigors/Brayherd even more bad than it was before..... which was bad already. All my lists I am coming up with are basically 3 units of DO's, Bullgors, Cockatrices, and heroes. IDK if any Brayherd list is actually viable anymore compare to what we can take. Also the AoD change kind of makes me sad, they should have said anything over 9 wounds is a 6+++ and let us take it on smaller heroes to give them the ability to not die from 1 rock throw or 2 units of Sentinels.
  16. This was my biggest issue with it.... But oh boy are DOs and Bullgors better.
  17. I think that has something more to do with the meta and you must pick it for your army than the options themselves. If you could pick it when you start the game it would be massively different of importance.
  18. Here is what I did. Yours is already painted so will be harder, but if you need an idea.
  19. Players don't like that armies years ahead of others gets straight up better rules to win the game, making them slightly less viable but also more of an option to do is not a bad thing.
  20. Its fine, it is only 3 units and can not be used more than once.
  21. That was the point, just bc an army isn't updated much or bad doesn't mean people can't love them
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