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Everything posted by Frowny

  1. Every few months I see your donation goals. I really like this forum and wouldn't mind continuing to give routinely. Did you all ever think of a patreon account to do just that? Or is there some way to do recurring small donations to enable that? Maybe Im missing something
  2. That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't need it first...
  3. I have succeeded in obtaining 2 looncurse boxes! Just good old search on a amazon ironically. But relatedly, is there any point in having 2 arch revenants? They seem like 2 is plenty. I only have 1 branchwych and I've never been disappointed. I have plenty of tiny plastic men that I don't need more unless I'm going to use them.
  4. I'm convinced a single TLA will be a staple of every list. Making the woods reliable instead of on a 4+ makes it just so much more useful. It also means the 2nd one for lords of the clan is not as useful, although it does make a dead 'ard center if you just move them up on mass. Has anyone tried the non-glade approach. I'm specifically looking at warsinger. Much more reliable than cogs or the new spites, and you can plausibly include at least one of those to be even more reliable I'm also not seeing a lot of love for dryads anymore. Everyone seems to be going for spites. I guess its a shiny-new-toys thing, but I think dryads may still have a place. I'm thinking a core of: 300 Treelord Ancient 100 Archrevenant 80 Branchwraith 80 Branchwraith 200 Spite revenants x20 270 Dryads x30 80 tree revenants 400 Scythe Hunter x6 1510 I think. Gives me points to try something else out too. Solid alpha if it needs to in the Arch-revenant+ Hunters+spite revenants, treelord to make it possible with the guarnteed tree and 3 casters to give me lots of options, but a good backbone of dryads to fall back to if I need to. I probably need to add in a battalion though, as some of the artifacts seem useful. Maybe a min size outcasts or exchanging a wraith for a wych and getting household
  5. Given that you are hoping to play with your son, it might be worth asking him what kind of army he would prefer playing.
  6. So, now with a little time to think about it, some thoughts. Almost everything seems to have been boosted, even if only because the glades not effect everything, not just a few unit types. Additionally, we won't be tied to battalions, which means we won't be a 1-drop and will have to vie for that like everyone else, but also every list gets ~200 points more to play with. Thinking through the units: Big Winners: Spite Revenants: 4+/4+ to 3+/3+ is ~75% increase in damage. Coupled with a point drop, they are going to find a home. With only 1' reach, I don't think people will use 30 of them, but I think people will try out blocks of 10-20. Durthu: Points drop, same effectiveness. a ton of the command traits and artifacts look very useful on him. + 2 attacks on the charge might be better than ghyrstrike and fallback after striking as a command trait will make him annoying to deal with. Treelord Ancient: I think guaranteed woods will be critical. Gets away from the necessity for the acorn, which is excellent. I expect most lists will have 1 just for that utility. Treelord: Points drop is all he really needed. Comparable to kurnoth hunters. A bit more independent but less buffable. I think he still won't find a home though, since he doesn't seem to be as reliable or sturdy as just getting more hunters... Slight Winners: Kurnoth of all sorts: Benefit a lot from the command abilities with their already good stats. Branchwraith/wych: No real changes, but getting the sure-thing verdant blessing is helpful. The glade changes and loss of lametri's really hurts them though, as their casting will be much much less reliable. None of the glades really buff casting. Still, I expect to see ~3 in every list. Tree revenants: Their deepstrike is now much more reliable and gives them an additional role as charge blockers and mobile screens, but I think they will still mostly be backfield assassins. Slight losers (but still probably slightly stronger with the glades) Dryads: Probably controversial, but I think the wholly-within will really hurt them in getting that -1 to hit. And they will have competition now with improved revenants. I expect 1-2 blocks of 20-30 instead of using them as the end-all-be-all of battleline. Allarielle: Still useful, just no longer an auto-include. Got stronger with the glades, but up in points makes her less of an autoinclude. I kinda like this though, as the queen herself probably shouldn't be in every skirmish. Still provides a ton of utility, although nowhere near the power of nagash.
  7. Can someone PM a link with all the new spoiled information? I haven't seen several of the glades yet.... I'm not sure this is a valid post though, so I suppose the mods may delete it
  8. I quite like 1d4chan for general unit overviews and some big picture stuff on the main battalions. It's pretty up to date and should get you going
  9. I also roll throne of vines each time. Obvious: wholly within, unmodified 6s, endless spells, new trees. likely: wargroves become subfactions, new trees are usuable with/in addition to current Wildwood model for those of us who have many, some Wildwood abilities get incorporated either into the Wildwood scroll or become independent of Wildwoods or become a more coherent allegience ability that isn't dependent on trees. E.g -1 to hit on dryads and brancwraith, extra hitting power on branchwych and durthu, deepstrike on revenants already done. A few streamlinings like rewording the instant death allarielle claw, the treelords. Modifications to the summoning of allarielle and the branchwraith Hopes: spite revenants and tree revenants usable as real battle line for variety, maybe some ability for kurnoth hunter battleline. Treelords and Ancients get a slight points drop. Durthu gets a less brutal decrease with damage. Another command ability beside the treelord ancient (redundent with mystic shield) allarielle (once per battle) and the new guy (great but variety and choice is nice)
  10. Hey there, I was considering getting into disciples of tzeentch, considering a deamon heavy army with some tzaangors as mobile killers. My biggest problems is that the models for horrors just don't appeal to me. I was considering using nighthaunt spirit hosts, 1 per base, maybe with some different faces as horros. Do you think anyone would have a problem with that?
  11. I'm optimistic about those big trees. They look quite majestic. And way easier to fit places. Probably still super annoying to travel with but maybe at least better to play with The new revenants seem a little less finicky but functionally unchanged. Less reliant on the trees though. It doesn't seem like they really opened up options for a 2nd battleline unit besides dryads though, unless the points plumet (which they shouldn't with that mobility), so I expect them to be 1-2 unit wonders unless there is some awesome battalion or something
  12. Yes. This. 100%. On top of this I'm worried about wholly within making teleport too finicky to be useful. Even wholly within 6 for the teleport will almost always mean it takes an extra turn to walk into the woods and it will immediately be almost unusable. You could no longer summon a woods near something and then teleport elsewhere. I'm not even sure the base of allarielle can fit wholly within 6 of a Wildwood if she doesn't fly into it. 3 turns to teleport (walk into woods or wholly within, teleport, then charge) would turn us into a standard walking force just as badly. I'm hoping for single trees like the nurgle ones that can easily be summoned and moved and wholly within 12 of at least one tree as the redeploy. Allows you to put a second tree down to cover a block of 30 if needed since wholly 12 for 30 models is quite finicky and not that enjoyable. I do think we will get some more healing though, likely in the form of an endless spell.
  13. I'm excited for some of the changes such as to the different revenants or even splitting the two warscrolls for Hunters gives options to point them differently. I'm also terrified we will get changed to wholly within however. Unlike other command abilities and spells and such, nearly all of ours are about being near a woods which aren't mobile. So staying wholly within makes it nearly impossible to keep the fun sneaky mobility we have. It would also make the wood jump way way more finicky to use. You couldnt summon a wood next to a unit and the jump. You'd instead have to spend a turn walking into it. This would be a death sentence to a lot of the enjoyment of the army. Allarielle and treelords could never do it at all due to their big bases. Although if they made it wholly within 9 or something it would be reasonable I suppose. On the other hand reducing our heavy heavy reliance on terrain wouldn't be terrible either I suppose, at least not now that everyone else can deploy theirs to block. At least one of our spells is likely to be a healing spell. Then maybe a slowing vines spell and finally a damaging mw spell I think I hope that winged guy has a command ability. We are pretty light on those
  14. Anybody use the doonfire warlocks? I really like the models and they seem to mix up what you can field a lot. Or do they just not do enough despite all their different abilities to justify relative to more witches or snakes? Do they at least work in a semicompetitive environment?
  15. I'd love to see bladgheists become more elite. Maybe +1 wound, +1 attack and bring them up to 120 or 140 points per 5 or so. I think the easiest fix for hexwraiths is just to drop their points but I'd prefer changes to make them hit a little harder.. Maybe an extra attack on the charge would be the best. the fall back and charge from bladegheists and such would actually be super useful on them and would help get the most of their move over ability. Or change that to hit as many targets as they want. Lots of options. Most of the new heros seem pretty interesting and we'll balanced with only point tweaks to fix them. A few too many generic combat heroes that don't do enough which can't easily be fixed with changes to their points though. How does the black coach as a hero help? So you can give it the command trait or artifact? I'm not sure that would really make a difference....
  16. At 1k I tend to just go with a lot of infantry which are excellent even without the wood support. And our cheap casters are quite effective Branchwraith verdent blessing Branchwraith verdent blessing Branchwych the reaping, general: warsinger 3 hunters with swords or glaives 30x dryads 10x dryads 10x dryads 5x revenants Artifact is likely the lametri on one of the wraiths or the circlet on the wych. Place the starter wood in the middle and then summon a other turn 1 on one of the flanks. I wish our spell Lore had more depth... I think it might also be reasonable to drop the second wraith for geminids too. Kinda swarmy and I think I'd enjoy more hunters. I find the big models are a little imalanced at such small game sizes so this is my more balanced approach
  17. The dragon looks kinda big and chunky to me so I can never seem to get my excitement behind it. I'malso struggling to list build with him since he costs so many points but his biggest perk is in his command ability which itself requires several other high point models to take advantage of and use properly. And probably all in one faction so you aren't stick with the useless StD allegience ability. And also you need troops to actually affect with it. I love support heroes but that combination means I just can't quite get there. Too many list building constraints. I wish he cost maybe 1 to 200 pts less or had a foot or mounted version still usable or maybe just that all the best command abilities weren't all on 400 pt models.
  18. I think the mirror will be predictably great against heros. A any kind of medium sized troop unit can either string and edge .001 mm closer to avoid the damage or just take the 2 mw and not care. More of a turn 2 cast. The blades is actually really really good. 12 inch moves means it hits a lot of things as long as the base isn't too big, and does 3-5 mw on everything hit. At 40pts it would be strong. At 60 it is still probably better than pendulum, which sees play. Best again against wizard casters who with usually 5w and a 5+ have ok odds to get 1 shotted. I see that fane artifact sacrifice as still useful. An artifact that just gave full rerolls to hit would sometimes be useful already and is not so different from well picked artifacts like ghyrstrike since it let's you have more chances on those 6s to hit, and it allows you to lateral out of an artifact that lost its function. Something that only works vs casters or spells can be exchanged if you are playing against khorne or kill all their wizards or whatnot.
  19. They just released a Christmas battleforce for slaves to darkness, so I doubt highly they are getting the axe. Plus most of those minis are still very good. Warriors are a bit static and chosen could use a new model but chaos knights and the chariots are very modern appearing
  20. The mortal wound to yourself is also kinda a buff. Gives you a depravity every turn, on a character sitting back who would not otherwise be injured and might not be in any danger of actually dying. Finally it gives you an indestructible way to hold backfield objectives as a summoning icon. Once your whole army has moved out of your deployment and engaged, if they try to take a home objective from you you can summon a block of deamonettes on it to take it back. And get free extra depravity. I think it's best use is for defence in that way actually. 1 enrapturess and it can cover a lot of backfield leaving you 1900 points or so to go fight the enemy. Finally and most importantly you can block other terrain placement or wall off an area. People always underestimate just how good generic deployable terrain is. A ton of the value in my sylvaneth is just the physical terrain. Certainly not the strongest terrain out there but I'm not too disappointed in it either. I just hate how it looks though....
  21. I think if this is where revenants go all together it would be interesting. Fornme They kinda jump to a point all sneaky, usually end up in combat, kill 1 or 2 models and then die. This has the benefit of both making them less risky since you don't have to spend your first activation on them while also boosting their survivability by killing their target I also think units of the revenant archers would be very strong. Imagine jumping them around from wood to wood. Gives them cover and forces enemies to charge into the woods while also allowing easy escape via woodstrike if they get charged so they can keep shooting. I had thought about trying that with hunters but it seemed a bit to expensive to use as a mainline tactic. Relatedly i got destroyed by a mostly eel deepkin list the other day and even on my head replaying it I can't figure out how to kill them. Their lightning discharge easily brackets durthu or allarielle before I can attack and on the charge they can do 20 wounds to a 30 dryad block, which is the sturdiest thing for cost that sylvaneth can muster. fly and incredible mobility make screens hard and almost guarantees they get the charge if they want it.... I currently run harvestboon, allarielle, durthu, 50 dryads, 2 wraiths, and geminids. His list was 2x9 eels, assorted stuff that didnt matter because I died to the eels before it saw combat. Maybe more magic? Ranged attacks seem promising since they aren't that sturdy...
  22. I've been thinking about using a sylvaneth wildwood tree and then trying to turn the top part into a more nest-like thing. I think one of the easiest ways to protect it is just to hide it behind a wood. One of the biggest strengths of this army is deployable line of sight blockers. Its been a while since I've had one of my casters sniped without my making a stupid play.
  23. The other nuanace is that you can position the vortex in front of yourself and then the spell is measured from that base, which is much larger. This gets you maybe 6 more inches forward and let's you sometimes hit their front line on turn 1 plus makes it quite annoying for them to advance into you. Works especially well with the 2 casts in gnarlroot either for throne of vines for some nasty dispels or with the reaping as shown posted
  24. Do people reckon the new winged deamons are new furies? Or some other sort of undivided deamon?
  25. Yes that looks like a great get-your-feet-wet build. The only thing I might change is building one set of bow hunters with scythes or swords. They are solid all ways but it gives you something else to try. Also nice if later you move to an allarielle list as it gives you choices to summon
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