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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. While it may feel like cheating, GW is probably doing this to counteract spaghetti line formation. IIRC they implemented it in 40k because of 30 conscripts in thin line bubble wrapping eachother requiring multiple turns of charges. These layers made it difficult for melee units to reach shooting units like Broadsides or Leman Russ tanks. With smaller boards and a greater emphasis on shooting this edition (from what rules we have seen so far) they are probably doing this so I can't put large narrow lines of spearmen to completely block off archers/artillery. Personally I am excited to see my Dankhold do more to disrupt people's formations if they aren't careful.
  2. Luckily Fellwaters are still best in squads of 3 unless the meta shifted during the pandemic, so they are probably fine. I guess you are right about Rockguts 5 in the front and 4 in the back to maximize damage. I guess I am just looking for an excuse to dust off my Dankholds.
  3. Well this is going to be weird for my Troggoths. Even with 2" clubs it's going to be difficult to get them to hit things. The large squads of 6-to-9 that were popular for Rockguts are going to be a bit unwieldy. I guess this is how they fix the Dankhold problem and make them finally relevant. They can still use all their attacks while Rockguts now can't. I don't hate it, I already moved my Grots like that anyway, but it's going to make large squads of large models harder to use. Edit: I just realized this is going to affect Sneaky Snufflers since they come in a minimum squad of 6 and make it a lot hard to distribute their buff. Now I don't like it.
  4. Currently I am reevaluating my collection to see where I go with it. Back when all we had was speculation about mysterious goblins that may be Gitmob I was super excited, but since they were revealed to be Orruks I kind of lost interest. It's still very cool and I like Orcs (I play Orks in 40k), but they don't feel right for me and I think I rather take that time/effort and double down on my Gloomspite. I have a full 2000 pts of pure Moonclan Grots with some Squigs and Troggoth support , so I think I will expand on one of those two support groups. Currently on the fence between a troggherd army or a mounted squig knight army. I am leaning towards Troggherd, since I have the dumb idea of a pink Troggboss with a large star wand named Kur'bo. Like a similar pink softy, he's on a quest because he is hangry.
  5. I like how people keep saying shooting is OP in a way that implies all shooting in this game is bad for the game, then when asked about the problem people complain specifically about Lumineth archers. This doesn't sound like a problem with shooting in AoS, this sounds like a problem with the Lumineth. I mean, I never see people complain about Grot Shootas, Ogor leadbelchers, Melusai Stalkers, Arrowboyz, Fyreslayer hearthguard, Namarti Reavers, or the other 90% of shooting units in the game. It's almost always about the Auralan Wardens or Seraphon people point to. Terrain rules and stuff could definitely be improved, and we should all bring more full LoS blocking terrain, but maybe your problem isn't with shooting as a phase. Maybe your problem is a specific unit or faction. I don't see anyone at my store complaining that my 60 Shootas are OP for getting 9 wounds (before saves) on average. It doesn't feel unfair when my Opponent's warp lightning cannon wipes my Troggs off the board without me hitting back. That is just how the game goes.
  6. I wonder if these Kruleboyz are going to be the "Face" of destruction going forth? Since 1st edition the Ironjawz have had their faces plastered everywhere whenever GW talks about destruction. Promotional images, short stories, store banners, books, etc, Just like how Stormcast are used to represent GA:Order or how Nighthaunt are the face of GA:Death after Soul Wars. Will these new Orruks be the new face of our Grand Alliance? Or will we still see Orruk Brutes and Megabosses on all the promo images for Destruction? I remember when Gloomspite and Mawtribes came out with larger and more developed factions there were a lot of people asking why the Grots or Ogors weren't the face of the Grand Alliance. Now there is a big and developed Orruk force in a starter set that fits the bill better.
  7. Now that Look Out Sir doesn't affect models with 10+ wounds it's going to be a bit rougher for the Troggboss. Heroic actions seem neat though. I like Finest Hour because it means the Troggboss can hit on 2s and get +1 to save. Our low bravery it means we only have a ~40% chance to get the Heroic Recovery off on a Dankhold for even more healing. In funnier news, the change to Look out Sir means Mollog is going to be slightly more durable than a normal Troggboss to shooting since he still gets Look Out Sir. Mollog has 11 wounds (8 wounds and 3 minions to sacrifice) with a 3+ save due to Look Out Sir, while the Troggboss has 12 wounds with a 4+ save. If my math checks out, it's like effectively 18.15 wounds vs. 18 wounds against no rend shooting. Completely pointless, but fun to think about.
  8. I like the idea of the Fanatics hidden in the shootas to catch someone off guard. I am looking at the loonboss on GCS because I was afraid my list didn't have enough punch to it, but the massive block of 60 is tempting.
  9. My local store if finally opening up for games again and I am about a year and a half out of practice. I am currently brainstorming some 1000 point lists for our reopening game and would love critique. Allegiance: Gloomspite GitzLeadersLoonboss (70)- Artefact: The Clammy cowlFungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkBattleline60 x Stabbas (360)- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields- 9x Barbed Nets- 2x Moonclan Flag Bearers- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers20 x Shootas (120)- 1x Moonclan Flag BearersUnits5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)Total: 980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 114 My thinking is the large blob of Stabbas push up the middle supported by the Loonboss and Boingrots. The fanatics will probably ride with the stabbas to cause some damage. The shootas could work objectives in the back or be Hand of Gork'd onto a further objective. I am also considering reducing the 60 Stabbas to 40 so I could fit in a Loonboss on Great Cave Squig to better support the Boingrots, or swap the boingrots for some Troggoths. As for opponents, I know our store has at least one (cow-focused) Lumineth player, one Stormcast player, and another Gitz player.
  10. Nah, I mean the first ghoul picture. She has a blue dress like an old noble, but instead of gold jewelry she has necklaces/bracelets of bone and teeth. A ghoul queen, but with some shreds of humanity to help reinforce their noble delusion in their mind.
  11. I really like the Ghoul Queen in a tattered dress. We need more scraps of humanity/nobility to the ghouls.
  12. There's something wrong with your Centaur. It seems to be half-horse and... half-horse? How is it supposed to carry a weapon like that?
  13. Squig Gobba still has rules, but the model was discontinued by FW a couple months ago I think. Since we are going into 3.0 I assume it's going into Legends. As far as the Gnashtooths go, I am going to bet on Orruk riders. My only reasoning is that the Killaboss is riding one, and GW doesn't like mixing hero/unit pairs. When the Wight King on Horse came out with the Blood Knights they didn't show this skeleton leading the BK. It seems more GW's style to match Orruk Boss with Orruk riders. Also with all the Uruk-hai comparisons, it would make sense if these not-Wargs were ridden by Orruks.
  14. One of these days the Doomdiver or Squig Gobba will be returned to us in glorious plastic... Back to talking Kruleboyz, my guess would be Gnashtooths as a unit of 3 cavalry. More elite than Boarboyz, less elite than Gore Gruntas. Maybe with some sort of bonus if they attack a unit already in combat with another (like DnD pack tactics).
  15. As a gitz player the giant Beast-Skewer crossbow makes me super jealous. I have been wanted artillery for so long, it hurt a little seeing the first new greenskin artillery piece going to the boyz and not the gobbos.
  16. If they redesign the Chorfs to be reminiscent of the ones of WHFB, i hope they combine the two styles. Have the soldiers look like the cool Azgorh troops (fireglaives and such), and the priests/engineers look like the big hat Babylonians. Or I hope they go nutty with it and they are all silly half-armored bucketheads like the Chorf from Warcry, or crazy looking demonic armor.
  17. "Curse you Sigmar, you foiled me this time,, but I will be back two editions later with an even BIGGER WAAAGH!"
  18. Ironjawz as the bulky shield with Kruleboy Arbalests and Ballista sounds like a cool plan to me. I have been craving some sort of artillery piece like that for my Gloomspite, so hopefully they ally in well.
  19. What do you mean these Boyz who seem to pride themselves on being kunnin, tricksy, and are known for their use of underhanded weapons don't seem like the kind of people to worship... Checks notes A God of Brute Strength who prides himself on his ability to win fights head on with no trickery. Absurd I say. /s
  20. Personally I am a huge fan of the punk rocker look GW gives to a lot of their non-space marine humans. I would love to see Duardin with overdone braids though. If anyone has played the Divinity games, the Dwarf women have these massive beehive hair made of intricate braids with gems/gold bands worked into it. It's goofy and great. It's like a Longbeard's beard, but hair.
  21. Not sure how I feel about the Trogg. He looks fine, but doesn't really match the other varieties of Troggoths. I can't put my finger on it. Also since he has an Orruk rider that means Troggherd won't get him too
  22. Looks neat, don't like the hobgrots. I think it's the skin tone, they look weird with jaundice. It's like they saw Gnoblars with their bigger noses and darker skin over normal grots, and went "whats the opposite? No nose and yellow skin."
  23. I assume this chart will be for some sort of Crusade/Path to Glory rework. It'a just like the 40k one.
  24. Now that we see a silhouette I don't think it's Fellwater Troggs. They are distinctly short and fat, and these silhouettes look tall with weapons and one has a shield. I don't see any fins on the silhouette either. My guess is either Fimir, Sourbreath Troggoths, or something completely new.
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