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Everything posted by Bululu

  1. well, just that, wanted you to know it!, strange, because FAQ is not in the air yet...
  2. He made it with greenstuff and some other bits from orruks you can always ask him more on his instagram there is a link on the first post. Yeah it started from warchanter. Thanks a lot!
  3. Do you mean like the skin of dal'rend?
  4. Thanks mate, im glad you liked it, it looks better on site, on the photo it gets little difference between the black scales and the metal parts, but in "person" it gets way better
  5. And that's all for now! i hope you like it! i will keep this post updated with new images
  6. And now the remaining 5 gore gruntas of kargath unit, they are all from the shattered hand clan so they do have bladefists on them we used same skin pattern as on kargath for getting some coherency on unit colors
  7. And now Kargath Bladefist wich will be the champion of a unit of 6 goregruntas, we did the goregruntas resemble fel boars
  8. And Dal'Rend Blackhand, son of Blackhand the destroyer, wich will be another orruk warchanter
  9. Now with Kilrogg Deadeye, one of my orruk warchanters
  10. The next on the list is the infamous Guldan, i have it m agnetized on 40mm and 32mm in case i want to play him as orruk weirdnob shaman or wurrgog prophet
  11. Next we have Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grommash, i have it magnetized to 60mm and 40mm bases so i can use him either as megaboss on foot or brute unit champion
  12. First one is Blackhand the destroyer, one of the most prominent orcs, we put some chin metal protector on the mawkrusha to resemble it a bit to deathwing
  13. Hi i love the orruk models, specially ironjawz, and i love world of warcraft orcs, so i wanted to get an iron horde theme with some excepcions with other orcs characters from the classic wow, etc. So i decided to call up a couple of friends and try making some special army for me. Models where converted by theblacktempleminiatures and painted by belselch_medina we are from Gran Canaria where we have a very little but very dedicated group of AOS. As im liking the results a lot, i would like to share them with you guys, and i will be posting updates every now and then with the new things get going. Thanks!
  14. yeah mag'har orcs are very cool looking
  15. AOS meets World of Warcraft converted by theblacktempleminiatures and painted by belselch_medina Update: Garrosh Guldan
  16. the ghb 2020 artifacts are plain useless, ironsunz is good but you lose the command trait of free mighty destroyers. And before, at least the tzeentch / seraphon user had to use basically a complete turn to destroy your ethereal mawcrusha, leaving the rest of the army breath to attack and catch up. Now they will kill the mawcrusha with just a unit or 2 of shooting, so they can take care also of your big goregrunta unit all on first turn, leaving you basically with nothing that can deal with a unit of pinks or whatever. Lets see how they deal with tzeentch and seraphon, but i dont think they will nerf them hard enough (seraphon will probably even go unchanged).
  17. well the removal of ethereal mawcrushar is a big nerf indeed, but its something every army has to deal with. The problem i see with this is that it benefits even more to the new shooting meta making it even easier for them...
  18. yeah its ridiculous, shouldnt be raised at all, but yo know they do stupid things with fw models, i think it was changed cause it was on the monstrous arcanum part of the ghb and not in orruk warclans wich will be updated on a faq later on (maybe they fix that rise there, but i dont excpect much tbh)
  19. they havent listed any batallions on the ghb and they cant ally no one
  20. nah you dont get the realm spell, it only gets to use when you play a game on that realm yes it did come after cities, so our points are unchanged on the book but will get updated on the pdf, so when i said our points get unchanged it was false.
  21. as sedraxed say, it seems they get updated on a pdf after the book comes, as i do have the book their points are not updated on mine, so dont get relaxed just yet, i hope the get fixed cause if this is it this ghb points doesnt fix a thing of meta xD so i firmly believe what @Sedraxis said. Im just sad that they release a book that is already obsolete when the release comes
  22. i think its not legit to post scans here, so i just took this half pic as proof, but man im dont earn anything from this, if you want to believe me or not its up to you
  23. Sorry theive told me that gw will update points of newer armies in a pdf after the release so my book info might be wrong
  24. Sorry theive told me that gw will update points of newer armies in a pdf after the release so my book info might be wrong
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