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Everything posted by 123lac

  1. Recently picked up the Start Collecting Skeleton Horde. Any tips on where to go from here? I've assembled Arkhan so I'd like to structure a good 1k list first based on the legion of sacrament.
  2. They look really good. You can't even tell that they're using different legs which is what you want. I've picked up 10 blood warriors and I'll be leaving 5 of them aside for when I get a box of wrathmongers. Keen.
  3. Aren't the boats terrible for their cost? Khorne should get endless prayers.
  4. Khorne Bloodbound will go up though won't it? Just not the Goreblade or whatever the old starter set is called.
  5. I think it's just whatever is in the Gloomspite Gitz tome. At least you got awesome new squigs and troggoths?
  6. They look sweet! Have you got the bloodsecrator and bloodstoker? Those two, plus priests, seem to be a mainstay. After that maybe a Wrath of Khorne or Insensate Rage Bloodthirster?
  7. Seems like Daemon Prince with Sword of Judgement could also work quite well. The innate +1 to hit from mark of Khorne applies also to the artifact. Lots of D6 damage to heroes.
  8. Got any pics of the kitbashed skullreapers by chance? I'd really like to see how they look.
  9. Fyreslayers in Feb...? I haven't heard anything about Fyreslayers?
  10. This sounds like a great way to get the most out of the wrathmonger/skullreaper box. Anyone got pics or tips on how to do this kitbashing? I'd be keen to try it myself.
  11. I was hoping the new Karanak would be more impactful in a 1000 point game with him being more likely to get his summoning done before the opponent either shoots him off the board or just keeps him away with big screens. Unfortunately I don't yet have any slaughterpriests for gore pilgrims. I only have the 5 new hounds from wrath and rapture. Hmm I could probably proxy the priests but I was thinking of getting them once I graduate to 2k games. They seem to fit into that point bracket a bit better as gore pilgrims is quite points heavy?
  12. Hey guys, thoughts on a good 1k list? I have the models for the following: General - Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (320) Karanak (160) Bloodstoker (80) Bloodsecrator (140) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Khorgorath (90) Total - 1,000 Or General - Mighty Lord of Khorne (120) Karanak (160) Bloodsecrator (140) Bloodstoker (80) Blood Warriors x 5 (100) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Bloodreavers x 10 (70) Blood Warriors x 5 (100) Khorgorath (90) Total - 1,000 Which do you think will be better out of those two?
  13. Are you sure they've committed to disposessed and the various old 'aelf' factions from WHFB? I see GW as being in an akward position with AoS where on one hand they're releasing these new and exciting armies like Idoneth and KO that are inspired by the new setting, but on the other they're constrained by having to 'support' old WHFB stuff that should have probably been killed off like Tomb Kings and Bretonnia. At the end of the day I wouldn't hold out hope that they'll do anything to these old model lines besides give them some token warscroll battalions and allegiance abilities in each new edition of the general's handbook. An exception to this, I believe, would be Skaven who are both featuring in important parts of the new lore and have a totally unique model line and aesthetic.
  14. Love the new model for Karanak and am getting him purely for rule of cool. BUT Very disappointed with the 160 pt cost. He will die to a stiff breeze and can't even take artifacts to boost his survivability. A smart opponent will just keep the 'quarry' out of range until Karanak is dead, which won't take long. Maybe with bronzed flesh he might last a little longer...but rather use blessings on big blocks of units and not 1 hero.
  15. Personally I doubt Spiderfang will ever get their own battletome. Similarly I doubt there will ever be more than one 'Grot' faction with an updated tome and models. I'm basing this on an economic assumption that there is only enough demand to warrant Moonclan. Think about it - how many people do you know who want to collect a grot army? It's a niche fantasy race in a niche hobby.
  16. Moonclan will be January, Feb at the LATEST.
  17. I hope Slaanesh is AoS 3rd edition. Have to wait a fair while sure, but it'll mean they make his/her release properly epic, plus have the shadow/light aelf factions with brand new models (I hope) and maybe some realm specific stuff (terrain?) for Hyish and Ulgu. In the meantime we just need battle tomes for all the unloved factions and for Destruction to get their time in the sun. Didn't warhammer community post a video along the lines of 'destruction rising' with a bad moon?
  18. Well you guys must not be susceptible to marketing.
  19. Enjoyed this post. This sort of stuff is what makes army projects that much more fun.
  20. So how do the High Elves fit in to the lore of the mortal realms when there's meant to be Light Elves in Hysh? I assume the Light Elves are a totally separate army but I could be wrong. Are we just going to end up with way too many 'Aelf' factions? Idoneth, DoK, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Shadow Elves, Light Elves etc. I find it confusing.
  21. Probably an unpopular opinion but I'd rather see GW scrap the old high elves and dark elves so they can properly re-imagine them in the themes of Hysh and Ulgu. Old model lines have to die at some point, right?
  22. Anyone here like to play 1000 point games? What lists do you run?
  23. Hey guys quick rules queston: does the realm artifact Ghyrstrike (+1 hit +1 wound) modify the warlord trait devastating blow to proc on a wound roll of 5 rather than 6? If so then that seems like a pretty good combo?
  24. I was considering a WoK bloodthirster with bloodstoker and 5 blood warriors Edit: would matched play require 2 units of battle line for 500pts?
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