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The World Tree

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Everything posted by The World Tree

  1. It did have new models! It had the Kelemorph, the Ad Mech character, the Starstriders and the Gellerpox. (I do agree with your principle not to expect any new models for preexisting factions)
  2. Rules definitely kill. Not necessarily the strength, but the feel (although both certainly help). Having a distinct rules identity that actively manifests in the gameplay makes the game and the army better. Skaven play EXACTLY as they are described in the lore. Daughters too. Problems arise with one-dimensional army lists that force you to play in an odd way. Stormcast in AOS1 are a great example of this - Vanguard Wing was the only way to play competitively but was a dumb exploit.
  3. The gold is a lure for Slaanesh's enemies. They are fishing.
  4. He didn't come 2nd on battle points - only 3 wins. He came 2nd because he was a really nice opponent and had a pretty army. His list was basically all Morrsarr, Volturnos, Soulscryer, Tidecaster, Fuethan. I don't remember the exact unit numbers but something like 6, 6, 9? I believe a Deepkin army with a turtle won four games but I don't know the list.
  5. KO require a significant rewrite, I'd imagine that factors into the priorities. But that could go both ways - it might mean it is prioritised as it is a meaty (and therefore motivating) piece of work, Or it might be de-prioritised in favour of quicker wins. The fact that they have a fresh model range and are receiving a Nightvault warband does indicate that in terms of production priority they are important. I think a book comes this year, but I'd be surprised if there's more models.
  6. The idea that you are suggesting that youtubers on this scale should be judged as professional really demonstrates your obliviousness. Like or dislike at your leisure but your attitude is arrogant and misguided.
  7. Hey quick question, do Unique units get the Stormhost command ability. For example, does the Celestant Prime get it?
  8. Were they flying monsters? Because IIRC they can stop on the woods (though gain no benefit for doing so).
  9. The funny thing is once you finish one it is so easy to do more. The psychological burden is lifted.
  10. I used a Vexillor at the GT Heat 1 to great effect. It is much better than the Relictor for the simple reason that the teleport is not range-limited and is reliable as you say. You rarely NEED to teleport twice a game if you deploy well, so that limitation is minimised.
  11. The problem with deep striking a Lord Castellant is his ability is used in the Hero phase. I would never use him, but Gavriel is the clear winner for reliable charging. To the point where his rules need changing.
  12. Quick question that I'm sure has been answered many times, but when throwing boulders with the Rockguts, you have to roll under the number of models in the unit of Troggoths, not the opposing unit, correct?
  13. Just as an example, the updated battletomes for Skaven and FEC WERE big changes 😂. But yes, I think more direction in the nature of the changes would be useful.
  14. Why wouldn't you say the stuff you've spent time on and are trying to sell is awesome?
  15. I like this - i have a little ongoing narrative about what my Lord-Arcanum manages to kill, and the continued escapades of one of my primes that not only prolongs the drama in a game but creates a deeper connection with the army.
  16. Based on the current points values in the General's Handbook, no. Relictors and Vexillors (which I rate particularly highly) have a real value in certain list. The rest you mentioned just aren't great. Evocators, Ballistae and Sequitors are the bread and butter of a competitive list. I'd be wary of a points rise in teh near future for them, but right now they are the go-to list. Unfortunately the army wasn't well designed in terms of internal balance. That is on the proviso that you are talking about competitive play!
  17. Ignoring individual choices, but the latter list feels very concentrated. Personally I feel it is quite fragile if you can split them up or get the jump on the Evocators. Personally I'm anti 10-man Evocators because they die so damn easily. I think we are better as an army when we are less specialised and are better able to react to problems. That said, your list will completely dominate some. It will lead to some one-sided games I suspect.
  18. Either that or you have to choose who to target before rolling for the normal attacks would make sense. It is too much 'having your cake and eat it'. If they were part of the same attack step, it would at least force decisions to be made.
  19. This is where Im heading too. The quality is lower but the flexibility and durability is higher. A different Stormhost is probably better for them than Anvils, mind.
  20. Is it so far fetched for Tomb Kings - a force of ever-living soldiers with distant martial memories who've lost their humanity, who are animated by an arrogant and powerful six-lettered leader - to be reimagined as Stormcast? Either way, it is just a clunky reference in a book.
  21. With Wyldwoods as they are there are never any actual trees on the board! Just bases.
  22. Please tell me they are getting rid of the wyldwood overabundance! Those damn woods are a playability nightmare.
  23. I did a head swap on the gorgeous Astreia Solbright model.
  24. It is great that they are releasing these tomes but man the FEC terrain and both of the sets of endless spells are awful. After Gloomspite they are a real step down.
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