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Everything posted by Gotz

  1. If you're not going to use cards to play and are the sole warcry "provider" in the gaming group I think is not a bad idea to have different books. Probably most people, as with AoS will stick to a faction/warband, so probably would be ok to just have the pieces they want. But if you are a warband hoarder (as I am XD) and use the cards (or a tablet) for ease of use, it would had been nice (and cheaper) to have everything in one book
  2. I believe none of the Underworlds starter set warbands have been sold separately with cards (maybe the Shadespire ones when were updated for Nightvault. If they manage to keep the price of the Underworlds starters at bay, I think its fine one "mandatory" box each year. As for Warcry... I would prefer an updated core book, but as you say its fine that they keep the same rulebook. Looks that the catcombs gameplay is going to be substantially tweaked and being something different makes sense to be in a separate book. Do you think we're going to be stuck to current warbands or they'll implement the possibility to mix and match characters from the same GA? If I recall correctly while they were going through the book at the preview they omited some unreleased warbands.
  3. I have the same doubt. It looks that its going to be exaclty the same book (I wonder if the spanish version, if there's one, is still going to have the spine errata ). If it wasn't it probably would have new artwork. It would be nice if it was an updated version...
  4. at first glance looks interesting, but let's wait until we know the contents and pricing. They probably will go for the usual open/narrative/competitive split. So more or less what we see in Generals Handbook. Ideas for tournament play, gather white dwarf (and maybe develop further) material and maybe quests, narrative tables and encounters for narrative mode. I've read in several places that this books will let you mix and match units from the same GA to make your warband and not be limited to existed lists... did they say/hint at something on the stream? or is people just imagining stuff after reading the word GA?
  5. that point gets solved getting spellcasters from AoS. The game sits inbetween Necromunda and Killteam, since it allows both custom warbands and borrowed ones. I believe this is done deliberately, so anything designed for Warcry can work somewhat in AoS and anything needed for warcry can be borrowed from AoS without needing to create specific models. Regardless of that, I think thematic "leader" characters for the warcry bands would be nice. More elaborated "challenge boxes" could be nice too. There are a lot of expansion posibilities for the game! I can't wait to hear more news this saturday!
  6. Let's see how exactly works the Catcombs expansion. Depending on what exactly it is we could see something like Blackstone Fortress expansions or even something like the Kill Team expansions. Between the warcry campaing system and the Anvil of the Aphoteosis I believe they have some cool stuff that could be fleshed out.
  7. For this weekend I'm not expecting more than the full reveal of the boxed set contents (Underworlds, BB & Warcry) and a teaser of what's coming next for them. I'm not really expecting anything for AoS and 40k, so whatever they show will be well received If I recall correctly usually there aren't reviews on warhammer day... just commemorative minis, but not much else.
  8. I'm only advocating for wysiwyg in tournament scenarios. You need to have clear rules about this kind of things. You can't have someone coming wysiwyg, another with printed tokens on a base and one guy with the weapon option attached to the standard bearer or on the champion feet. In any other case, whatever you agree with your oponent should be fine. You want to train with paperhamer before deciding on a build? if everybody agrees I think should be fine. On 3rd party it should be whatever the organizers feel is better for their tournament. I think alt models in a tournament or in pick ups should fine, but proxying is kind of tricky (Proxying Cities of Sigmar comes to my mind now) On the money side... I've been running some numbers and an escalation league following the Path to glory rules should get you around 1k points and 200-350€ (depending on Start Collecting boxes) in 6 months
  9. at this point I think I have zero hype for the game XD. I'm more interested in building myself a board and putting together some rules than waiting for this one.
  10. yeah, but that marker could "disappear" any moment... and if you're organising a tournament you want to avoid any conflict, and the easy way is to not allow non-standard stuff. In an ideal world it wouldn't matter at all, but when there's people thats going to exploit any crack possible, you want to have the least
  11. On the wysiwyg topic, I think its important on a tournament space, since you want to minimise ambiguity and proxying is quite a big cup of that. On friendly matches, store pick and play is all about agreeing between both sides what is allowed, but tournaments should be more strict. Using GW figures only is an easy way for tournament organizers to avoid ambiguity by limiting the range. I don't mind 3rd parties on tournaments, but i think wysiwyg should be mandatory
  12. you can always check how they encourage newcomers to tackle the "hobby" in local GW stores... they're not going to push any newbie to get a 2000p army at the begining. What they usually do (as someone suggested in this thread or the rumors one, can't remember) is encourage, and run, escalation leagues that last something like 6 months. You can start with a start collecting and then each month add a unit or a hero... at the end of the 6 months you're probably going to be close to 2k points, have painted quite a lot of the minis and played a bunch of games (i'll check the numbers later today with some sample armies to fact check the points and spending over 6mo)
  13. well, 1 aleguzzler is currently 55€, so I don't see that bad 2 for 100€
  14. was kind of interested, but they're not shipping outside US&canada. Also I'm not that fond that companies as big as Hasbro crowdfund their products. I'm thinking if the inclusion of fishmen replacing the fimir is kind of a joke about the always rumored warhammer fantasy fishmen besides all of that looks neat.
  15. Hasbro is the one that has the heroquest license (that's why GW goes with the WarhammerQuest line), but although heroquest has a fairly generic fantasy setting (orcs, elves, barbarians, skeleton warriors...) certain pieces are clearly GW IP (fimir, bloodthirsters, etc. So this one is another possibility, make an almos identical game with miniatures that removes all GW IP. Doing this the game is not going to be that different from the original (I didn't know heroquest was related to warhammer for a long time XD) Well, thats the cool part of the hobby, the possibility to adapt it to our tastes. It's not that hard to look for an old HQ board print it on a foam board, and have some dungeon crawling fun with whatever rules you want (I've been tempted to do it for a long time XD)
  16. Since its avalon hill almost certain its a boardgame. My main doubts are... - is going to have any minis? - is GW going to be somewhat involved? If GW is not involved its not going to be set in the old world. If there is some kind of license agreement could use the setting, but probably no minis.
  17. if I recall correctly the underworlds miniatures started as alternative easy to build minis for existing ranges (shadespire season looks like that) and they ended building the game on top of that.
  18. so, after yesterday reveals this is my bet for season 4 warbands... 3 of 8 are already revealed (Lumineth, Slaanesh, Seraphon) so that leaves us with 5 to guess and out of the AoS factions CoS, Idoneth and Ossiarch are the only ones still missing a band. There are some rumor engines that point to Ossiarch, so I'm quite sure they're in and Idoneth could be there also. I'm not sure about cities... some rumour engines point at something like exalted of sigmar... but could also be Stormcast related... 1- Lumineth 2-Slaanesh 3-Seraphon 4-Ossiarch Bonereapers 5-Idoneth Deepkin 6-Something Cities of Sigmar related (could be something like the Wild Hunt or Sanrlfang that are somewhat related to a faction) 7-Stormcast Eternals (there's always going to be a Stormcast band XD) 8-I would love something Death related, but seeing the list above is more likely that its going to be destruction releated (¿Bonesplitters?) what do you think?
  19. the conquest campaign mode looks like its an expanded versión on the campaign system from Warcry, so if its well received i could totally see that coming to AoS. And maybe the reworked Command Points could influence in some way the AoS CP system, but maybe is better to keep it simple in AoS and not overcomplicate everything
  20. hi! I'm building a Sacrosanct warband witha a witchhunters / inquisition theme... wich stormhost do you think would fit well? I'm a Astral Templars player in AoS and I was thinking on Knights Excelsior... but maybe something like Hallowed Knights, Celestial Vindicators or Maelstrom of Light would fit too... ¿what do you think?
  21. it's a shame there wasn't any love for some AoS events figures U_U
  22. It would be great if they use warcry to expand some ranges over the time without having to wait fora big splash release or to explore some units that don't fit or want to tease or try before a standard release
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