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  1. A lot of the criticism seems to be coming regarding the face, which I completely get. However it's the wings that I don't understand. Is he waving? Why is one folded up, but the other extended? It looks so awkward. A little symmetry would have gone a long way, IMO.
  2. OK, this complaint makes WAY more sense now, I had no idea they were discontinuing the digital formats. Most things in the world seem to be going towards the digital anymore, I just assumed they would continue the ebooks, as the costs involved are pennies compared to a whole hardcover print run.
  3. Yes, and when that time comes, I'll get some glasses. Regarding the accusation of "ableism," who is being discriminated against? Again, I'm confused by all this. I'm not saying that people with vision issues shouldn't be able to play AOS. Rather I'm asking for valid suggestions on what GW should do to correct this? Print in larger text? Is that the only suggestion? Because as I mentioned before, that is a multi-million dollar burden on the printer, or a less than $10 burden on the end user. And I can only speak for myself, but I prefer a smaller text. It allows for more information in less pages. Should I be sending a complaint to GW for them printing the text too large? A couple people mentioned bringing back digital format. Perfect, I agree, they should do this. I assume they will eventually be doing this for all new publications, they just haven't had time yet.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/yueton-Magnifying-Magnifier-Fresnel-Reading/dp/B01KA26RCW/ref=asc_df_B01KA26RCW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198068753909&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13113829632120900181&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9024601&hvtargid=pla-391964536523&psc=1 Amazing....a $7 solution for you And this is no way comparable to a town adding wheelchair ramps for people who can't walk. Access to civic buildings and fictional books about toy soldiers, are not equivalent.
  5. Perhaps you would do better to read my response? I'm not confused about the initial complaint. Rather what GW should do about that. Since you didn't really address the point I made about the burden involved, I'll assume you have no suggestion.
  6. I'm confused what people actually want GW to do here. Which of these has a greater burden; a company producing multiple different versions of a single book, in multiple languages, with different sized texts for each language; or the reader getting a better pair of glasses, or a magnifying lens? I have never before heard anyone complain about the size of the text in GW books before. And it seems rather strange that somehow the burden is on GW here. By that logic, shouldn't all copies of the books also be printed in braille, and all rules text also come with an audio version? My grandmother has been reading the newspaper for decades. That has some of the smallest print in the world, and she makes due by keeping a magnifying lens near her reading table. I've never heard her call and complain at the newspaper company for not making the text bigger. I'm not trying to disparage or degrade anyone for a deficiency or disability, I just don't see how it's GW's job to take every possible disability into account here, especially when the end user likely has this same issue with any printed publication, and their solution is so much cheaper and easier than any solution GW would have to come up with.
  7. That helmet in the silhouette reminds me of the old school Wight King.
  8. Found this image posted on a FB group. The symbols seem to match pretty well...
  9. Thanks, lots of good stuff to look through. The Fatemaster seems like my next pick-up. Not sure if I want to do the standard Arhiman conversion, or go for something else. Just too bad he can't cast any spells, I'm curious why they removed that, since in all the history of Tzeentch lords, they were wizards and warriors.
  10. Hello, just starting in with Tzeentch and I'm looking for some opinions and insight on where I should expand my current collection. I love the bird theme of Tzeencth, so I want to lean heavy into it. Right now I have, and want to include the following: Lord of Change-(weapon option TBD) Tzaangor Shaman 20x Tzaangors 6xSkyfires 6xEnlightened on discs These together sit at 1650, which leaves 350 points to play with. So my main question; where do I expand the collection from here? I know I need at least another hero to start with. Only thing, is I can't decide between a Fatemaster, Curseling or another Shaman. Do I grab some Acolytes for objective camping and more ranged? Go whole hog on the Tzaangors and get more? Do I care about Endless Spells? *Note, not a huge fan of the deamons in general, other than the Lord of Change.
  11. I would love it if the original Chaos Warcry bands got similar expansion treatment.
  12. The dagger looks a lot like the one on the Chaos Champion from 6th edition.
  13. Technicality, but The Eyes of the Nine has a blue horror and 2 brimstones.
  14. This is exactly what I thought about, and "hope" they implement at some point. Or perhaps a named special character for each cult, that personifies the unique playstyles. While it's true you can get spellcasters from proper AOS factions, I just think more unique casters or spells would be nice, and present more options for AOS gameplay as well.
  15. Out of curiosity, what are people's thoughts on the likelihood of future expansions or releases featuring the original WarCry warbands? For example some additional specialist profiles, or even just some additional basic cultists to flesh out all the weapon options with alternate sculpts. If we look at Necromunda, each of the gangs has received some additional releases or upgrade packs, beyond the initial release. Any chance we could see something similar for WarCry?
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