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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. If you take WHFB 3rd edition as the point where they properly started fleshing out a scenario then in the AoS equivalent we're only in about 1991 at the moment and I can assure you we have a lot more to go on now than we did then. I've got last year's core book and the Nighthaunt and Gloomspite battle tomes in front of me, there's 220 pages of world building in the corebook (which I think they handled pretty well even if at 220 pages it's still very much an overview), before you get to the rules and both battletomes are over 50% fluff for their respective forces. I totally can see people being overwhelmed by the scale of the new setting, especially when compared to the incredibly mapped out (and so limited) old world but honestly I think they're doing a good job to get it all up to scratch, could they do more? Sure probably, I think wargaming does tend to attract polar opposites, people that love being given a blank canvas a few paints and told to go wild and people THATUTTERLY LOATHE the idea of colouring outside the lines and want everything perfectly squared away and it will be hard to reconcile that. It's clear a lot of people want more structure so maybe they need to have something like the mini-sites with timelines they've put up around big launched that's constantly updated with what's happened (and links to where to read in more depth (actually this is something they should do and would probably sell a few more novels), but keep it loose. I like that we're not just dealing with a linear series of events and BL writers are fleshing out stories from various times, and we have a universe big enough that they can do this without someone pedantically whining about x couldn't have happened then because y was doing z to w. -------------------------------- Edit: so basically they should just keep this site updated... https://ageofsigmar.com/timeline/
  2. Considering that BL are pumping out dozens of books, short stories, novellas etc I'd say they're not doing too bad at fleshing out a universe that's only been around for a couple of years. I mean I'm not the most dedicated reader but just from some of the ones I've read recently (Soul Wars, Inferno 2, Plague Garden, Bone Desert, Warqueen) I feel like I have enough to go on to imagine what life might be like for normal people in some cities in Shyish, or in small desert trading outposts built around caravan routes or on an oasis, or very, very roughly what a Darkoath war band society might look like, or how Ogors get their kicks in their down time, or how some ordinary humans view Stormcast etc etc etc. I don't know maybe it's just me but it seems like they're fleshing out this world(s) fairly quickly, you just have to be actually reading what they're putting out but at the same time leaving plenty of scope to let your own imagination run riot and do your own thing. I really enjoy reading about established places but mainly as it makes me imagine what else might be out there.
  3. New AoS warscrolls up for the new nightvault warbands Godsworn Hunt https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-godsworn-hunt-en.pdf Mollog’s Mob https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/AoS_Gloomspite_Gitz_WSCards_Mollog.pdf
  4. funnily enough I did think they might go the elemental route with the Duardian KO = Air Fyerslayers = err Fire Dispossessed = Earth Leaving space from some kind of sea Dwarves (though IDK pretty much killed that).
  5. There seem to be a surprising amount of people here building up 6K armies, especially of ‘older’ ranges. That’s a lot of eggs in one basket.
  6. Warband focus up... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/15/15th-jan-warband-focus-godsworn-huntgw-homepage-post-1/ Opponent depending of course but you should have a good chance of getting in a kill in your first turn with Jagathra, to then get an early glory point and inspire someone straight away.
  7. and we have an article digging into Mollog's Mob now https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/14/14th-jan-warband-focus-mollogs-mobgw-homepage-post-1/ that floppy eared lad is gonna wreck ******.
  8. @robinlvalentine not sure how it will pan out for AoS but for Underworlds I reckon they’ll lean into the idea that Dankhold Troggoths are like magic sponges... So either he’ll shut down or brush off magic easily, kind of like the Briar Queen’s ‘Curse of Unbinding’ or he’s soaked up enough Shadespire Weirdness that he has some innate abilities. i don’t have the Gloomspite battletome yet (stupid Belgian post) so haven’t seen his AoS warscroll yet, (well I saw a blurry exerpt from it that looked like his Squig retinue don’t look like they have separate warscrolls to him).
  9. TGA’s taken a surprisingly Socratic turn this Sunday...
  10. Just posted this in the Underworlds forum but will have relevance here too... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/13/next-weeks-pre-orders-underworlds-titans-and-middle-earth/ Darkoath and Troggoth warbands up for pre-order next week
  11. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/13/next-weeks-pre-orders-underworlds-titans-and-middle-earth/ Darkoath and Troggoth warbands up for pre-order next week
  12. Ah indeed,was looking at the Nighthaunt battletome just after I posted and realised I’d got my terminology wrong. i didn’t realise that non leader heroes were a thing though so stand corrected there.
  13. Small thing I just noticed about the Gobbapalooza warscrolls, none of them have the HERO keyword (though they get called 'heroes' several times in the product description and some are Wizards (and unlike other non-Hero Wizards, such as Doomfire Warlocks, operate as single models not a unit). I guess that's so they don't take up all your Hero slots. Also the Wizards amongst them dont get Mystic Shield or Arcane Bolt just their Warscroll spell. Anyone have the Battletome yet and have the points for them / the Gobbapalloza battalion to hand?
  14. If you include the Servants of the Abyss from Blackstone Fortress then actually that's around another 27 new models you can drop straight into a Black Legion army. I certainly wouldn't be shocked if they (or versions of) got released outside of BSF at some point soon.
  15. @EMMachine If you're talking about the reissues of the original inferno anthologies they are super old yes. As for AoS in Inferno 2 we have the following... Guy Haley - At The Sign of the Brazen Claw: Part Two - The Merchant's Story Jaine Fenn - From The Deep Robert Charles - Faith In Thunder Jamie Crisalli - Ties Of Blood C L Werner - No Honour Among Vermin
  16. it's a mixed bag as most anthologies are but an easy read, think I barrelled through it in 2 nights. Only 1 (40k as it happens) story that I really got bored of and that's because it just felt like 50 pages of describing people being knifed or shot in increasingly dull ways. One that actually answered something about Sylvaneth (or at least related creatures) that I'd actually wondered about before and had thought could be a good extension to the model range so that was interesting and a couple of nice creepy 40K stories (which makes me look forward to the upcoming horror proper books). So yeah pit fighting escapades aside it's a quick, fun page turner. Just finished Plague Garden this morning, so annoyingly now I want to read Black Pyramid but I'll probably wait for the paperback and throw myself into some non sword & sorcery fiction to cleanse my palette for the rest of the month.
  17. Just finished Inferno 2 and Warqueen... I have to ask is it in Black Library writers' contracts that every single AoS story must involve the protagonists being dumped in one, if not more, kind of gladiatorial fighting pit?
  18. Not having a go but maybe they do understand that and the British company, staffed by British people just don't feel the need to jump to do the bidding of a hypothetical US audience? For over 3 decades the spiritual essence of the game has been that kind of loose, use this as a starting point to create your own game vibe. To me it feels like the long term direction of travel has always been towards the kind of game you'd like, something that's more nailed down, calcified and codified but every step you take down that path it's almost impossible to go back, so the slower the journey the better I say. And importantly as you yourself say this way the option is always there for you to...
  19. bloody hell, I think that's the first time I've seen a bonegrinder gargant lined up against other models (normal garments included) it's MASSIVE
  20. I totally understand why they just have a 'one-rule-to-bind-them-all' thing going on for flyers, after all the aim of the game these days is to try and streamline the rules (or at least core mechanics) as much as possible. Saying that the part of me that is an idiot and likes to overthink things does wish they'd have essentially two grades of Flyers, (1) units that can do everything flying units can do right now & (2) units that keep all the flying rules apart from they can't move up to the 'Aerial' level of a battlefield). Unless, and my god I'd love this, they really pushed Aerial battles a bit more (I guess the new format WD could potentially allow them to do this) it's such a niche scenario though that there's probably only about 4 people in the world, myself included, wasting any time thinking about this.
  21. Talking of flying gobbos, might not mean a thing but Grotbag Scuttlers (flying Goblin pirates) get at least a couple of explicit mentions in the fluff in the Gloomspite Gitz battletome. So you never know, one day...
  22. Holy ****** sppaceballs that is an astonishingly ****** amazing model
  23. Yeah @Skabnoze it’s a nice curveball. Assuming they might knock out a few more Wrath & Rapture, Carrion Empire style box sets this year who do we think could also get the same treatment (or you would like to see)? Couple of new models, along with a bundle of older sculpts, maybe with an updated Battletome. last year 40k got how many? Tooth & Claw, Forgebane, Wake the Dead and W&R, any others (not including Kill Team too of course)? So could def see a few more squeezed in. Guessing there’ll be a 2nd Realm of Chaos one for both games (Decay & Change?). Ironjawz would only need a model or two new so would be a good option, then versus some Duardin force peut-etre?
  24. Once again glad we cleared that up, anyone else?
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