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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. I think I saw someone say they were going to convert it and run it as a Greywater Fastness ‘Freeguild General on Griffon’. I hope I saw someone say that anyway as it would be ****** amazing and I certainly don’t have the skill to do it justice myself, as much as I’d love to.
  2. ZOMG! take it all back Light Aelf Giants up next week!!!!!1111!!!one https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/12/08/coming-soon-hysh-aelf-giants-teclis-tyrion-diorama-and-more/
  3. @Raviv I wouldn't expect much to be honest, anything that went up today, would be on pre-order next week and then on sale just a few days before Christmas, last year we did get the Wrath & Rapture set in that slot, but that had already been teased for a while (and I think still confused a lot of people being released so close to Christmas). I think previous years have had some 'Easy-To-Build' variations of existing models (2017) and make to order stuff (2016) in their respective windows. Still you never know, they might have something sneaky hidden up their big Santa sleeve but I I imagine if anything it will probably be something like the ETB or MTO releases, or some gifty type non model business (though even there things like the Underworlds 'gift pack' are already out).
  4. @dmorley21 yes, in fact it should be up later today (since the release date switch earlier in the year the preview is now always on the 1st Friday of the month, unless that first Friday is also the first day of the month in which case the preview is then on the 2nd Friday). I genuinely think that's the nerdiest thing I've posted here in the last 12 months, which is saying something.
  5. lads, lads, lads. whilst I fully appreciate that today's beefing has taken on an hitherto rarely seen theological bent can I just say that you're all wrong and can I interest you in this obsidian stele on our one true lord and saviour, Sotek. none of your primitive monkey god business and all rodent offerings happily accepted.
  6. is this a definite thing? I've been looking at the current BB starter box for ages now trying to decide whether to press the button & get involved, was one of my favourite games back in the day. But then, for that very reason, like the awful old sod desperately trying to rekindle that spark of joy that I had as a 11 yr old before life crushed it all out of me I also keep looking at copies of the classic Astrogranite 2nd Edition on eBay. If there's a new edition coming next year then I can happily go in on that nostalgia fest now and leave the new version till then (though there's still a couple of the new teams I want to just pick up as fun painting projects).
  7. you know the Mos Eisley cantina, yeah? picture that but with less deodorant and social skills in evidence* * caveat, I've never actually been to a tournament & I imagine bar one or two total rotters most people who attend them are actually lovely
  8. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of that is just Archaon getting a big boost, powers & points, putting him around the same level as Nagash, kinda makes sense.
  9. cards, coins, cups... any more suggestions people as somewhere out there GW's director of merchandise is scrolling through this and barking orders at befuddled graphic designers demanding all of these on his desk ASAP and ready to ship by Xmas.
  10. Well as it’s just a 1/2 option here’s a super quick & easy fix for that...
  11. don't see a problem with this ability really, just roll and stick a cup over it. job done. if you really don't trust them or they don't trust you they can always watch you roll but from a distance so they don't see the result and again you stick a plastic cup over it. worst case scenario if here's some kind of total catastrophic breakdown in trust and you still for some reason want to spend several hours in the other person's company just grab someone, a TO or just a spectator or player on next table to watch them roll and stick a cup over it. Only takes a second. all in all I think it's a nice thematic ability. my hope is that they do something similar but even more out there for the Tzeentch tome, I can imagine an ability where you could roll your priority dice for every turn right at the start of the game, so you know what your results will be and can plan accordingly
  12. I don’t know who needs to hear this but Element Games appears to have 33 Feast of Bones boxsets in as of 8:05am CET priced at £92 https://elementgames.co.uk/clearance-sale/black-friday-sale/age-of-sigmar-feast-of-bones-english- Just in case you missed out before and want to grab it... ooooooh they also The Rise & Fall of Anvalor in their sale, anyone get round to playing this? I totally forgot it had been released... https://elementgames.co.uk/clearance-sale/black-friday-sale/the-rise-and-fall-of-anvalor
  13. Considering he was commenting in a thread entitled "Ossiarch Bonereapers, hideously overpowered?" that was started before any of the models or battle tome had even been released I think it's fair to say that expecting peer reviewed analysis based upon double blind tests with control groups here is, perhaps, a bit of an ask.
  14. Personally, engaging relevant #GoodContent is what might pique my interest but what will have me stay and I guess more importantly return is more the, unseen, scaffolding propping everything up, so... 1) Good presentation skills and super importantly scripting. Some people are great improvisers (on camera) but most really are not, so actually having a tight script to at least then riff on is key. I think a good host/presenter can make nearly anything fun to listen to, or at the very leats tolerable to have on in the background. There's lots of podcasts for instance that are just brutally obnoxious and even when they're delivering potentially #GoodContent I just can't even with them. Some of my favourite RPG podcasters can rattle on for ages about, for instance, the correct colour that salt'n'vinegar & cheese & onion crisp pockets should come in (blue & green respectively of course) and I'll listen enraptured for hours, whereas I don't think I've ever lasted more than 2 minutes into one of those 40K Theories videos on YouTube without wishing Exterminatus upon the host and everyone in the comment section. 2) Probbaly equally important, good editing skills, Warhammer in pretty much all it's forms is frankly an awful spectator sport but at least you can brutally edit film down to make it more watchable. Much like I really have zero interest in watching 2 interminable hours of a close up of someone's thumb to figure out how to paint a certain colour scheme I really don't need to watch an unedited 3 hour game as people bumble around a table measuring things like the world's worst DIY channel. 3) Decent graphics, camera shots etc. So much easier to do all this stuff now that even something as potentially dull as a battle report can at least be livened up and made more interesting with good digital on-screen graphics, interesting angles etc. Bring that ****** to life and make it look fresh, not like something from a geocities site.
  15. Blackstone Fortress & the Wrath & Rapture boxset
  16. I don’t think I could imagine a better modern update of the classic Monkey’s Paw tale than GW, after a prolonged campaign by fans of the original game, bringing out a new updated version of Mordheim.
  17. My new totally unfounded dream/hope is not that this is 6/8/10/28/32/whatever stupid scale it is that you all want to argue over and they just dodge all that nonsense and drop a new legacy style version of Mighty Empires instead. I’ll be happy, everyone else can, frankly, go swivel. job done.
  18. Bit of a random one but just visited the Christmas grotto at a nearby garden centre (because I’m an adult and can do whatever I want including getting excited for Christmas in November 😝) and they had these, pretty large ( the big one was about a metre wide), plastic bases for festive/Nordic decorative tableaux and ****** me if they’re not absolutely the perfect size for our little toys. quick spray, dry brush add some rocks and ****** and some stuff coming out the holes (TENTACLES) then I reckon these will look pretty damn good for a Warcry board or mountainous addition to any table. if you’re looking to play on some more interesting tables then could be a fun winter project. Not too expensive either the big one was only €55. Light plastic though so whilst easy to pick up and move around could get damaged but still... oh yeah bought a glittery chameleon for our tree too because why not...
  19. Yeah, total weirdos. What's best is all the angry fist shaking at phantoms they've conjured up themselves. You see someone wonder if it will be like X, and then a page later loads of people are viscerally reacting to that random baseless assumption as if it was fact and proceed to build up a big head of steam about how X shows just how bad GW is or how this apparent now concrete information will destroy the ****** hobby universe. The building army lists for a game maybe 3 years out that we don't know what format it will take, what period it will be set in or what factions will be supported is a close second. I mean I do get it, it's exciting and but damn it's a great way to get incredibly disappointed when the revealed game ends up having no relation to the fantasy you've created in your heads and Tomb Kings, Brets, Ironweld Cannons etc don't feature at all. I'm sure if or when it turns out that GW aren't pumping 3+ years of resources into creating a game solely for the purpose allowing people to play with their 10-20 yr old models it will then be greeted in an incredibly emotionally mature manner.
  20. @mojojojo101 there's a nice bit in the Soul Wars novel about how Lord Arcanum Balthus Arum & Lord Veritant Achillus are off to burn down the local Nagash temple (in the Sigmarite city of Glymmsforge) after a Necromancer has caused some 'trouble'. Balthus is asking if this won't rile up the (mortal) devotees of Nagash, whilst also worrying about the loss of precious texts and books to which... Achillus snorted. "If you think they allowed us to destroy anything of any real value, then you are not half the sage people claim" He turned and began to ascend once more. "I've burned that temple eight times in the past eighty years, brother. They keep rebuilding it. And they invite me to the first service they hold, each time." Balthus paused. "Do you go?" "Every time." Achillus laughed. A moment later, Balthas joined him. Hat tip to @JReynolds for that little peak into the day to day life of Shyish there.
  21. No worries, it’s super incredibly tough to crack into these fields, much like comics it’s one of those areas where a huge % of the people who consume the product also want to design and create it too. and especially for a company like GW. but the good thing is it’s also one of those places where if you really, really want to create stuff you can, it just might (well it almost certainly) won’t be, at first anyway, for the company you want. theres loads of resources (free & otherwise) from podcasts to courses out there to tap into on game design, world building, rules development etc etc and it’s never been easier (still not easy just easier, mind) to get a ‘product’ out to market. whether it’s a one page RPG on somewhere like Itch, or self published modules on DriveThru or even semi official products in places like DMs guild (& @Emmetation please consider a C7 WFRP/AoS version of this, please!) or kickstarting a whole boardgame or book with fancy art, sculpts the lot, we have so many more options now than ever before. I recently did part one of Needy Cat Games’ course on bringing a game to the tabletop, I can certainly recommend that you at least look into that (https://www.needycatgames.com/) likewise I’m currently doing the RPG writer’s workshop (https://www.rpgwriterworkshop.com/) which is helping me better format and develop my own games. Also the narrative section of this forum is worth keeping an eye on, it’s not as busy as the main channel but you’ll see lots of more home made stuff there to get an idea what others are up to. Finally look out for game jams on places like Itch, always loads going on. So yeah again I wouldn’t put all my hopes & dreams on just delivering a BT to GW that they haven’t asked for but don’t be put off by that. just create stuff, get it out there and take it from there. Also profile pic... hah, a constant reminder, should one be needed, to never turn your back on a man with a sword.
  22. Erm... if this is you planning to convert some models, create your own battletome, rules & background for your home games then just go for it and have fun. if this is for actually pitching to Games Workshop to be turned into an actual product range then just forget about it. there’s no form of open submissions process for rules etc and legally they probably wouldn’t (or shouldn’t anyway) be allowed to even look at it (this is a fuzzy area and depends on industry and company practice but in general something along these lines will apply) so yeah unless it’s for your own pleasure, in which case full steam ahead, I’d quietly forget about this and if you really want to design a faction for GW, work on your CV, keep an eye on job vacancies and be ready to move to Nottingham. edit: of course alongside actual experience working in a relevant part of the industry then actually creating an entire home made battletome, that was actually good, is the kind of thing you’d probably want on that CV. It almost certainly wouldn’t be just picked up but if it was so good that people in the community spoke of it in hushed tones then it’s at least a calling card.
  23. and that's totally fine, you don't owe anyone anything or have to think or feel in a certain way. whatever got/gets you into the game and works for you then great. just as I can imagine it must be ****** enraging for some people who feel like they're excluded in some way because of their race, gender, sexuality or whatever I can equally imagine it must be ****** to be expected to follow some party line, everyone's life experiences are different and we should respect that. but on a macro rather micro level we see again and again and again that representation matters, it brings joy, it can make people feel welcome in spaces that up till now they might not have. being able to give my niece a comic featuring someone that looks like her (Ms Marvel) makes her feel more confident to explore that world. getting my wife to pay any attention to AoS was made a hell of a lot easier when the core book had a female stormcast on it, when she sees videos with people like Becca Scott on and when she can collect models that she might see herself in (which actually happens to be DoK). I mean sure but seeing as after 40 years they haven't managed one I wouldn't get too worried about that. but also on a general level why not? (not having a 100% range of that type but just them existing) trying to think what it was but I'm pretty sure I read a story this week in the latest Inferno anthology that featured a black Aelf, it wasn't a big deal just a mention, so I need to check it, but why shouldn't there be races within races. and again on a selfish POV I'd love to see an incredible army based on something like the Songhai Empire or the Japanese Shogunate but I'd want to see them done properly and with respect. the problem is, as we've seen, no matter how well done or how minimal it is for some people it will always be 'OMG SJWs FORCING THIS DOWN MY THROAT'
  24. it's about options. expanding what's available, mainstreaming it. the problem with DoK isn't, necessarily, that they're overtly sexualised. it's just when they're the representative 'all female' army and that's what you're stuck with. thing is, and this is very pertinent in regards to DoK, it's a stick I often see used to beat people that want more diversity and representation in these things, a straw(Wo)man as you were to rail against and complain that we're all just prudes, killjoys and anti-sex league members who want to end all fun and hate good times sexy fun. The truth is that most people just want more options. and the problem is when the only female faction, or the majority of female sculpts, are greatly sexualised and there's not that choice. If there was a wide range of female models (and they're doing better and better) across most, doesn't have to be all, the factions then DoK are there for those that like that aesthetic and for those that maybe want something more armoured they'll have that too, and for women that love the idea of Duardin or the like and want to see themselves there they have that option too. It's not about taking things away from people, it's giving people better choices. Most of the women creatives I follow who are at the coal face of demanding representation and getting grief for it also happen to draw, paint or often write incredibly sexualised depictions of women, just on their terms or as part of a wide spectrum of body shapes, ages, etc etc etc. Most of the women I know are as thirsty as men and I know several who love the idea of DoK but others who deal with this ****** all day every day and just want to roll some dice and put themselves in the puffy pantaloons and feathered hat of a medieval Ripley and not feel like they ONLY exist to be judged on their sex appeal. And again on a purely selfish level it means we get better stuff to play with. GW's modellers are doing some incredible things at the moment and coming up with some brilliant new ideas, making them stop and think ok we've been making variations of these Dwarves for 40 years now, what actually would a female Duardin chieftain look like will inspire brand new things that we didn't know we wanted. Same with fiction, lore etc. I want more PoC, women, minorities of all sorts involved not just because it's the right thing but because I've been reading and immersed in fantasy universes created by people that look like me all my life. I want fresh new perspectives, I want to be challenged by new ideas and made to look again at ideas that have been around for ages. I realised that despite my beliefs my reading has always been pretty narrow so this year I've read Chinese Science Fiction, Iraqi science fiction, fantasy stories written by women of colour, horror stories by people with disabilities. And I've found new perspectives in all of them, found myself looking anew at things I'd take for granted. Take possibly the best book I've read this year, 'Circe' by Madeleine Miller. A retelling of the myths of Circe and Odysseus, with the focus on Circe rather than her as a bit part player in a man's tale. Astonishing story, one of those books I read in a day and then went and bought 5 copies to give to people to make them read it and still think about again and again. There's a huge world of different perspectives out there, myths and legends from other cultures that I want to see explored not just because it's good or right (though it is) but because it enriches my life as well.
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