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Everything posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. Still think that the Christmas box is going on my list for family. Not that I need more plastic but this is literally packed with the units I don't own and actually want so it's a big win I think.
  2. The studio love Slaanesh so much, they can't even be bothered to properly edit the photos of the units into the box art! Look at that mysterious mirror hovering above the Twinsouls!
  3. I always find it interesting that from a lore perspective Orruks are a race bred for war and love nothing better than having a big fight and krumping stuff, yet, from a rules point of view, the moment they get into a good fight they'll turn their tails and flee because someone has to have low Bravery to account for Death and Chaos Daemons, so lets just make Destruction the low Bravery faction. I know that fluff does not equal rules and I can understand gitz being likely to scarper if things don't go their way but I can't imagine a Brute running away with his tail between his legs because he got a bloody nose.
  4. The extra Shaman is handy as one can babysit the Boltboyz and the other can do escort duty on the Gutrippas, or, depending on deployment, turn 1 do the boltboyz with their extra range and then you can escort both units of Gutrippas for a pretty dirty Waaagh turn so I can see why he's in there. I think if Gutrippas dropped 20 or 30 points it would open up the list building quite dramatically.
  5. The only glaring thing to me is that those 2 big block of Gutrippas and the Boltboyz are horrifically exposed to Bravery losses without a Killaboss around. With such poor bravery you'll be spending a CP on either the Boltboyz or the Gutrippas and it doesn't take a ton of wounds to either unit to drop enough of them for Bravery to make it a risk of losing large parts of either.
  6. I saw a game of Hail Caesar (I think it was that version, Warlord have a lot of similar games) and watched my friends Scots army spend most of the game sat there doing nothing because to act on an order they needed a 7 or more and he just couldn't roll it. I know that you said for you it would be fun (and I'm not a competitive gamer) but having a unit or several have a 50% chance of sitting there doing nothing every turn is not "fun" at all. I play the game to have units work more of less the way I want them to (I don't like it when my Gutrippas die, or I lose half of them to bravery) and while I don't mind various degreesof randomness I can't imagine anyone finding it really great to watch a core unit not move for the entire game because of bad dice.
  7. I'll be splitting Harrowdeep with my SCE playing friend. I think Mannok does have a place, but like has already been mentioned finding a spot for him will be tough with how much other stuff we want to include. Having Gutrippas as the only Battleline really does hamstring us unless you're going Big Yellerz.
  8. Only issue with 9 Boltboyz is that it leaves them vulnerable to Bravery with a base stat of 5. Doesn't take many wounds to rip through your unit, but then, Bravery is something the whole army has to worry about.
  9. It's the last box I need to complete my 2k list so I'll be grabbing this one.
  10. Thinking back on the unit champion for LRL Sentinels and trying to blow him up with Mandrakk root, that may not work but the Snatchaboss ability seems to be more than viable as we choose the model! Not really going to come into play as I think the better way of doing it is to try to break a unit coherency to get free casualties.
  11. I remember many years ago an entire fake edition of 40k came out, whole rulebook formatted with everything minus the pictures and it was lapped up as being an amazing ruleset, couldn't believe that it was leaked and happy how 40k was moving to a bright future. Used the GW fonts, page backgrounds the lot. Turned out it was fake. If someone, somewhere was willing to go through the trouble of creating an entire rulebook, popping out a fake NDA seems like child's play in comparison.
  12. Presumably Big Yellers for the BB battleline? I'll admit that I've looked at a lit very similar to this and don't think it's too bad.
  13. I like the app, seems decent enough and as I'm already on board the W+ train it's a great feature to have access to. I was subbed to the 40k app too when they dropped the price as I felt it was worth the money at the time. There's still Combat Roster on the WarCom site although that builds to power level and not points so I have little doubt that Warscroll Builder will remain on the site too. So, if you like building lists that way, it'll still be an option.
  14. Yes I have, first turn charges are completely possible so things start very fast. I don't think it works brilliantly in such a small space if I'm honest, I definitely think that for a proper game you're going to want to play on a larger board. We still had a good game and it was enjoyable, but even stuff that wasn't that fast got stuck in very early and there was little room for actual manoeuvre.
  15. Hopefully from what we've seen of HoS, SBGL, the new SCE, and OWC that have a more streamlined set of warscrolls means that those outliers like Lumineth might get toned down when they eventually get their 3.0 book. We can but hope but it does seem like every so often a Battletome/Codex really excites the developers and they just go nuts with it.
  16. Really looking forward to receiving my book and very optimistic about what it can do. I don't play tourney games so I think it'll be a solid game to play with friends and having to lean into your sneakiness and be creative sounds like a great play experience that I am going to love. Plus, the options for Big Waaagh and adding in some IJ, think this is going to be a book that I'll have a lot of fun building a force up for.
  17. Yes, book previews show that there's no way to get Hobgrots as Battleline so you only have Gutrippas if going pure KB unless Big Yellers.
  18. Killbow is Bravery 5, doubt there will be units of them so unlikely to matter in the grand scheme of things but lends credence to the IJ rumours of Ardboyz getting their Bravery reduced. I do like the Breaker Boss though.
  19. They did limited sharing with the second Hedonites of Slaanesh battletome too and look what happened with that one!
  20. We're Destruction, everyone will automatically just assume all we get is trash!
  21. In the IJ thread it's bee confirmed that it was fresh box out of the latest store deliveries with the new red box AoS livery on it, so definitely not an old box. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks once the book lands, or when the previews come out from streamers.
  22. I have over 3000pts of Daemons that I have collected since the first book came out in 2019. I've followed AoS since 2.0 came out but never have been able to convince anyone in my group to play. That might have been a good thing with how OP the old Battletome was. I instantly bought the new book when it came out, love the mortal models. Worked out that due to the new book I'd realistically need to spend a minimum of around £100 to get enough mortal units to make a list that wasn't handicapped from the start and that my Daemon units were pretty much relegated to summons only and even then, odds are that you will likely have a hard time actually winning, it really did just sap my enthusiasm. Now 3.0 is here I actually have people interested in the game and wanting to play. I played my first game last weekend, as DoK, an army I had looked at before Hedonites had a tome at all. I'm currently painting the Kruleboyz from Dominion because their models are amazing. At some point I may get around to Slaanesh, they've always been my favourite among the Chaos gods. I'll be going against at least SCE, Seraphon and SBGL, armies that are in much better places than my poor old Hedonites, they deserve better than this, sure I may be able to play them, I may even enjoy it and have a good time, but there's so much doom and gloom around them and that's ignoring a "requirement" to sink a load more resources into them to even attempt to make a playable army. Feels like I should just go and play something else.
  23. They can't get a "1+" though can they, as, without adding in any rend, you can only have a net +1 to your armour save. So AoD and Mystic shield is a waste unless suffering from at least -1 rend. Although I will say that the sudden increase in stuff that gets to 2+ I don't think is a benefit to the game.
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