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Everything posted by schwabbele

  1. Someone should just post it on Facebook then all will cry and say stormcast op and imba -> we should have the faq/nerf in no time
  2. Check this warscroll - "Soletary Marksman": https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-waywatcher-en.pdf They know how to word it in a more precise way though still not perfect but better
  3. The only 100% is that we all have no clue and are guessing a lot
  4. GBP to eur conversion is kinda strange when GW does it , so I only order in UK , however I buy all supplies and the occasional „I might use that“ mini box in my flgs. Local GW only for GW exclusives.
  5. Evocator warscroll fixed with latest aos app update
  6. Whoa calm down 😂 bone daddy’s surely won’t mind if we call em that right bone cast‘s?
  7. Currently RAW it’s 30“ , waywatcher hero has an ability which shows how it could be worded to be 24“. Anyhow ask a TO for ruling prior to the event or in a friendly game just use 24“ .
  8. Lol , no that actually shows that the game is evolving. And we don't even have all 2.0 tomes out. Bad for the game would be , if all were like sce , or if GW isn't trying out new stuff. If you don't like it, switch army for your competitive needs or learn to deal with it. It is an endless discussion, nothing big will change until all factions have their tome, and even I wouldn't be so sure that we instantly see new SCE tome.
  9. Sce is 16 months old... and there are tomes after sce which are even worse .
  10. Hehe, me too - my first serious games with this list totally went south due to so many errors I made 😬 good thing Prague gt is feb 2020 , so enough time for me to get better
  11. So in the AOS 2.5 - GHB 2019 - Meta% Image with the table in it, SCE is on top with 67,7% Winrate... this is an error right? Or what that table tell me besides SCE most played army?
  12. This is the key message here, many ( me included ) are way to focused on turn 1/2 carnage game endings.
  13. Wow, your sculpts are awesome 👍 and here I am not even able to make a snake out of greenstuff 😂
  14. Oh @PJetski check the waywatcher hero warscroll, solitary marksman ability - see how it is worded? Based on this I would play longstrikes 30“ in hero phase now.
  15. Did you realize how they fuc*** up the evocator warscroll in aos App? I guess we can use any number of dice now
  16. Cool. So I made a good deal for 18€ i guess.
  17. are sisters of thorn playable? bought a box blind today ...
  18. TIL waywatcher != waywatchers , that hero is actually pretty nice.
  19. Kinda got used to that 😆 didn’t surprise me at all that IJ can build a 6 man cav unit with buff for 420 points which lets our draco cators for 820 (870 when we take cp into consideration) points look like a hot steamy pile of sh*t 😂 but at least models are cool 😎
  20. No, ability triggers at end of sce players movement phase.
  21. ah ok that make sense too, so kinda mini „nerf“ clarification
  22. I think. But for me it sounds more like any time they fight for first time in ANY phase. I guess some people had issues when e.g anvils activated them in hero phase .
  23. Isn’t that still the old faq? Even the doc says December 2018
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