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Everything posted by smartazjb0y

  1. As far as I can tell there's nothing preventing the Warband from being in a Gavespawn army; the warband has a warscroll and points and the trait for a Greatfray says "All BEASTS OF CHAOS units in your army gain that keyword" and the warband has that keyword
  2. Yeah the painting handle seems crazy...you can get a single red handle for $67.50 or buy 5 black ones for $40? That makes no sense
  3. Eh I don't think it's an issue, it's a casual conversation and the poster even said they're not sure.
  4. So if the spreadsheet's right what are we thinking those $65 Warcry Warbands are gonna be? Or is that a separate leak? I still find doubling the sprues and removing the cards unlikely
  5. I don't quite agree; unless the cards in those warbands are significantly different from the cards they sell by themselves for $8, that'd be a significant discount. They cost $50 right now, removing the $8 cards and doubling the sprues for only $65 is very unlikely.
  6. Yeah I'd agree; with all the various rumors floating around it's getting muddied which ones might actually be legitimate
  7. All those prices are supposed to be USD? Dunno why the Warcry warbands would be $65, they're $50 right now...I guess theoretically if they're being more incorporated into StD then the AoS versions of those boxes might have...more units? That seems unlikely, though I dunno how their sprues are laid out
  8. I've never understood the rush to judge the balance of things before points are even out. That's like, a core part of the discussion. That's like saying "does anyone think this laptop is overpriced?" based on the features, before we even get the price announced.
  9. Also gonna happen when Bonereapers tome releases this weekend and the only Bonereaper units released will be the ones in the Ogor battle box
  10. If they're great and the results are good, what about them indicates they weren't a rush job? And if the results are good AND it was a rush job, what does it matter?
  11. Very Lich King-y, I dig it. The Stalkers are my favorite model so gotta check out some of these schemes on those as opposed to these guards
  12. You can maybe say the Orruk book got short shrift but they definitely put a lot of work into the Cities book, that was definitely not a rush job (or if it was, then they did a good job rushing a good book)
  13. Ahhhh so does the chariot itself not get glued to the base? Like does it get magnetized you the base instead?
  14. Anyone have any tips for magnetizing a Chaos chariot/gorebeast chariot? Never magnetized before, this generally looks like one of the easier ones to magnetize since the steed is the main difference and that's its own unit, but how would you switch them in and out of the base?
  15. Probably like 95-99% certain they're not getting them.
  16. I don't like it the most, but definitely disagree with others that it was wrong for them to choose that as the default color scheme.
  17. Oooh subfaction rules! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/10/24/ossiarch-bonereapers-the-sub-factionsgw-homepage-post-1/ Some great color schemes in there too
  18. Underworlds has a rumored Ogor warband and Underworlds conspicuously got very few announcements; it seems like it would've been a perfect time to announce the warband, especially IF the warband's warscroll was gonna be released in the Mawtribes tome
  19. I think that's the point: the hope is that they'll be added to the StD range with actual cohesive rules and stuff for an StD army.
  20. Oh wow you nailed it! Dunno how I missed the bunch of StD units inside the Khorne unit selection haha but you're exactly right, I'd set the Allegiance as Khorne and then grab the units themselves from the StD section. Thanks a bunch =)!
  21. Yep! Preorder this weekend, release next weekend
  22. I'm not saying it as an excuse. When you look at how expensive they are, and how few are produced, it's kind of clear that they're not really supposed to be these mass-market high-volume dice you get a ton of.
  23. I'm not sure if it's just a bug/glitch with Azyr/Warscroll Builder, but from what I understood of the rules, if you have an StD unit that has the Mark of Chaos ability, it gets that god's keyword. So, I'd assume that it'd be able to take that allegiance's command traits/artefacts. But, when I try to do that in Azyr/Warscroll, it doesn't let me choose ANY artefacts or command traits. Am I misinterpreting this rule?
  24. They're exclusively looking at CoS through the lens of a mono-Duardin/Dispossessed player and how it affected their own personal army, not how CoS armies as a whole perform when you use the full range of models
  25. The new Faction Focus was just posted! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/10/22/faction-focus-ossiarch-bonereapersgw-homepage-post-1/
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