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Everything posted by AaronWilson

  1. Yeah it's a fair shout, unsure again where I'd find 50 points to drop though. I guess I could lose the Magister though I really like his potential free spawn per turn. Lists feel super tight these days I don't want to drop any of those heroes, I can't make any units smaller and I really think the Balewind is worth it. I think if I do find that a problem I'd have to look at dropping the magister.
  2. Yeah agreed, it was just a bit of fun writing it down. I think the list is what I want to try and work from Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - 160 Magister - 140 The Blue Scribes - 140 Tzaangors - 480 Kairic Acolytes - 80 Kairic Acolytes - 80 6 Tzaangor Skyfires - 440 Umbral Spell Portal - 60 Balewind Vortex - 40 Souldbind Shackles - 20 I would really really like to fit in the Geminids, as they're massive value for 40 points. I just don't have 20 points anywhere I can drop. The list is light on the ground though. Really struggling with list direction, without a worthwhile batallion to try and maximise as well as trying to enough heroes to make use of fate points I always feel I've not got enough models on the table. I'll work with the above and see how I go, going to need some testing for the Throne of Skulls in October though.
  3. I appreciate where people are coming from with the whole Blue / Brimstome horror points. I know we can mix and match them and use them with Fate points but my self reading it as RaW it's fairly clear they wanted us to get to 10 Fate points before we summon. Otherwise they could of simply stated "If at the end movement phase you have 10 or more Fate, Brimstone or Blue horrors points" etc. That said I can understand why people see that GW may have intended it for that to be the case, I think it's all worth us dropping a email to the FAQ team to see if they can clarify it Again for my self FSWB is very clear, It is a Everchosen allegiance Batallion, if you army is using the Tzeentch allegiance (Command traits, lores, artefacts etc) then any units from the Everchosen Batallion are considered allies in said army. Again, I can appreciate people are frustrated by that if they've worked on a FSWB army for a while or just bought units for it. Again, woth dropping a email to the FAQ team to see if they can yes / no. All that said I'll leave that topic alone now, people have there opinions I've been thinking about a Tzaangor Spam list, it doesn't really interact with Fate points but it does have a loooot of damage output. Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Chaos Lord on Deamonic Mount - 160 Tzaangor - 480 Tzaangor - 480 Kairic Acolytes - 80 Tzaangor Skyfires - 440 It's light on MW, though the Skyfires, Bolt of Tzeentch, Unchecked Mutation can help out with that a little.
  4. They would be more attractive if they could split in your next hero phase regardless of Fate Points but I think even at 200 there upfront cost is very high. They have a poor save, a average shooting attack granted they are a wizard. The splitting is nice, but blues & brimstones aren't doing anything exciting even considering they're "free". Free is good but not if it doesn't warrant the initial cost It's a shame, I think we will see Tzeentch lists move into a lot more Tzaangors simply using the fate point system as a bonus, either spawning Screamers for fast chaff or Heralds for more spell casts / a different spawn point for deamons.
  5. Tommy, sadly it doesn't as we can't physically summon anything until we're at 10 Fate Points, despite how many Blue / Brimstone horrors pints we have. To be fair matey I'm not panicking, just making it clear for players how the new summoning rule works I'll drop a email to GW as well though, as if they did intend for it work differently they haven't worded it well at all
  6. It is really useful, I'm a bit dissapointed we have to wait until 10 fate points to start using them though. Between unbinds that could be turn 3, which is quite late in the game
  7. No... as if you're playing a Everchosen allegiance army, the Everchosen batallion and the units inside aren't counted as allies, because your allegiance matches that of the batallion you're using. Nonetheless, like others have cleary stated that is how it works RaW. I won't continue to debate, because that's just how it is.
  8. Because you can play the Batallion in a everchosen allegiance.
  9. I mean they are splitting for free, it's just we can only summon them once we've hit 10 fate points. At that point if you had 40 Blue Horror points you could use all 40 and summon 4 units of 10 blue horrors.
  10. Sure, I understand that but I am explaining why RaW things like Fatesworn/Plaguesworn/Bloodtouched warband can't be used in there respective gods allegiance. If they not FAQ there FAQ to clear it up, I'll agree.
  11. Q: The rules say that a warscroll battalion can include allies and that they don’t count against the number of allies in the army. Does this rule only apply to battalions that share the same allegiance as the army, but that have units from two different factions (a battalion in a Daughters of Khaine army that has Daughters of Khaine and Stormcast Eternals units, for example)? <-- This is the Question, its about untits that have an other allegiance!!! An army can include a warscroll battalion of a different allegiance to the rest of the army, but if it does so the units in it do count against the limits on the number of allies the army can have (and the points for the battalion and the units in it count against the points limit that can be spent on allies in a Pitched Battle). Very simply put, the warscrollbatallion allegiance is Everchosen. Your armies allegiance is Nurgle, the Warscroll batallion is of a different allegiance to the rest of the army. So the units inside the batallion count towards your ally limit.
  12. The problem is that it's a Everchosen batallion, meaning that if it's taken in a Nurgle allegiance army, every unit inside that batallion is considered a ally as the batallion is from the Everchosen book.
  13. Hey mate, just to clear it up for your self. You can use Blue / Brimstone horror points instead of fate points but our summoning rules currently state "At the end of your movement phase, if you have 10 or more fate points you can use them to summon of the summonable units list". So while you can combine BH points with fate points they don't substitute them, so until we are at 10 fate points we can't summon them at all as they are summoned via our normal mechanic, all be using it the BH points instead of / with Fate points.
  14. I mean, I won't high jack the thread (Despite the fact that the eternal schemer would implore it) but Tzeentch certainly got slammed. Points increases across the board, though splitting is free it's functionally worse, Changehost doesn't work due to points increase, loss of Fatesworn warband, in my opinion a weak summoning system. Trying to create a scary list with Tzeentch seems hard right now. Anyhow, I don't want to drag the thread off topic. The architect of fate wishes you luck!
  15. Despite being bitter enemies, us Tzeentch feel your pain. Losing PTWB is ****** for you guys though, most of luck with your new lists guys.
  16. Yeah main take away points from errata are - Ogroid now only brings free Brimstones, instead of Blues or Pinks. We now need 10 fate points at the end of any movement phase, instead of 5 making it harder to use those Blue/Brimstone horror points Mastery of Magic now being +12" to unbind range is actually very good, I can't see my self not using this on a Curseling. Due to the way warscroll batallions work FSWB will no longer be able to be taken in a Tzeentch army. With all that said, the list I'm most excited for trying out now is Gaunt Summoner - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch - 160 Magister - 140 Blue Scribes - 140 Kairic Acolytes - 80 Kairic Acolyte - 80 Tzaangors - 480 Tzaangor Skyfires - 440 Umbrall Spell Portal - 60 Balewind Bortex - 40 Souldbind Shackles - 20
  17. Yeah I think something like Gaunt - 180 Ogroid - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Magister - 140 Blue Scribes - 140 Acolytes - 80 Acolytes - 80 Tzaangors - 480 Skyfires - 440 Spell portal - 60 Balewind - 40 Could work. It's very thing on the ground but I'm finding that's just the way it is with Tzeentch, especially with the new higher costed heroes, the above lsit has 6 re-rolling spells a turn and all our avenues to create free units bar Kairos.
  18. Am I being dense or is the Gaunt Summoners only free thing is there is a realmgate on the table? I don't want to be missing tricks!
  19. If you pop up further them 9" away from the enemy, you need a 9" to charge no? Your 9.01 away and need be within 1" to make it successful?
  20. I don't think he's impossible, MS change, his points increase and the Changehost points increase and not being able to make use of Look Out Sir! makes his less desirable I think. That's on top of the whole army going up in points generally, so he's even harder to squeeze in.
  21. Yeah, I feel the above list is probably more reliable then trying to make the most of fate points and actually has some wounds on the table to try negate massive alphas.
  22. I think another list I want to try is Gaunt Summoner - 180 Ogroid - 180 Tzaangor Shaman - 180 Magister - 140 Tzaangors (30) - 480 Pink Horrors (10) - 200 Kairic Acolytes (10) - 80 Tzaangor Skyfires (6) - 440 Umbral Spell Portal - 60 Balewind Vortex - 40 Soulbind Shackles - 20 It's lower on fate points, with a potential 6 per turn but does give you a very good core of damage output, as well as potential for free Horrors, Spawn & Tzaangors.
  23. Oh that's pretty neat, a free spawn every time you kill a model is nothing to sniff at and only at 140 points for the Magister, seems like a staple!
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