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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Biggest issue imo is the ballista for 100. it should at least go up 40 to 60 points.
  2. I‘ve got tabled at the start of turn 3. of 5 charges he made 4 waves of terror and got a double turn. it‘s unlikely but it still happens and easily wins games since you can destroy entire units without them ever swinging back. if it really is that rare it should be limited to one a turn without being game breaking. (I am a NH player myself.)
  3. Alright. We had a Tournament just now and the consensus is the following: The 10+ charge of NH is too strong - this rises to a rediculous Level once the NH player makes more than one 10+ charge per turn. We thought about: how about a 1“ range and you get one attack per weapon.
  4. Same Question about Morathi. On paper mine seemed good, but in reality she always underperformed for her costs.
  5. The old dragons are just ugly -> obese lizards with too long necks and too short wings and a big hand syndrome. the new ones are just the same in plastic: head too big, wings way too small, still looking obese, hands are okay... I guess GW never released a dragon model that was actually good or cool if you look up alternative producers.
  6. What? Why? Where is the paragraph that states that?
  7. Pretty sure they won‘t it‘s kind of sad that everyone only picks eels (well I got 3 of each for the style!). I can understand though that no one wants Reavers. They still never did anything for me.
  8. How would you rate the „Hailstorm Battery“ battalion? IMO it‘s okay
  9. I believe every faction should have a easily accessible battalion so you get the deployment, cp and artifact bonus. Daughters of Khaine have an amazing Battalion: Bloodwrack Sisterhood for 140pts =] Slaughter Troop is okay as well. The Battalions of LoN are okay. I mind though that all but one enforce a named character. Nighthaunt Battalions are very thematic, strong and mostly easy to put together - I agree
  10. 1. my Reavers never did more than 2 wounds a game. And those wounds weren‘t at Range. They‘ve to prove themselfs to me yet 2. So you argue it‘s perfectly fine to have utterly bad battalions because others have it (perhaps you realize yourself that Your reasoning is nonsense) 3. AGAIN because others have the same issue doesn‘t make it okay: „ well about some million people have AIDS so it‘s ok if I get it too“ - same reasoning other topic. 4. They‘re not shooting focused but they‘ve a lot of shooting. 5. AGAIN: meme others have it so it has to be fine. if you wonder why my response is a bit passive aggressive: it‘s because yours appeared Plainly aggressive and unnecessariliy rude.
  11. Imo the IDK are a cool looking and fun army to play. the issues I see as a casual are the following: • Reavers are utterly useless. Their Missle Weapons do nothing, their melee also does nothing. They cost too much since all they can do is look real cool. • The Battalions are ******. Most need an Allopex (which costs too much and does too little). We‘d need simple battalions: Bat 1: Akhelian King, 2 Eels, 1 thrall (20 or more) ++1 Save for the Thralls if they‘re wholly within 12“ of the eels. Bat 2: 1-2 Allopex, Tidecaster, 1-2 Reavers. +1 to hit with missle weapons if the enemy is within 9“. Etc. • the EAotS costs too much • How about a range-focused conclave? • we lack command abilities
  12. Seemslile the last two images mightfit together
  13. Especially since they're the same models as in the starter box (as it seems). You're better off with ebay concerning them
  14. What do you guys think about the leaked pricing of the Black Coach and Aventis Firestrike? (115$ each) I hope it's a mistake and they meant AUD... otherwise I'll give those two a hard pass since I cannot afford them at all. I'd love to see Darkoath and Beastmen mixed!
  15. Hallo, wie der Titel bereits verrät suche ich nach Spielern in der Nähe von Villingen-Schwenningen/Donaueschingen (auch Freiburg, jedoch ist der Weg dort hin sehr mühsam) LG
  16. I‘d rather Have GW sell a conversions kit with helmless heads and smaller shoulder pads ^^
  17. How are BH faring in the new Edition? I‘d like to know if they‘re competetive / what armies hurt them the most?
  18. Respect for painting that many Melusai. From a players perspective this army is quite unfun to play against and incredibly onesided ? still gl for the tournament
  19. I completely agree, that‘s why I stopped getting more DoK unties Start collecting is released.
  20. I‘v Never lost with Idoneth so far ^^. I wish you good luck =]
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