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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Oh boy, is it just me or does GW seem a little desperate to get people to subsribe for WH+? The whole posting of today was 90% "You get this, and that and this for FREE*" there was almost no other info in there XD * if you subscribe for a year. Rofl, that'S not free btw
  2. It‘s called photo-copy. Almost the same quality and one can‘t prevent it. They‘re focusing at the wrong issue once again. Perhaps if they wouldn‘t charge two kidneys for a lackluster, mistake-ridden piece of near-future trash paper, people might buy it. As it stands now books actually have almost no value, yet you pay way too much for almost copy-paste, will be outdated in a month books which don’t even work without an FAQ. I‘d still buy Battletomes if they were costed like they were back in the first edition/start of second edition. Yet they‘d have to include quite some complete Warscroll rewrites and the bravery to include new flavorful ideas instead of „how many core rules are we going to break today“, or „let‘s completely ignore the background and do Sth blunt (Soulblight Vampires & Dynasties)“
  3. Oh boy, I forgot this model existed... and I was glad I did xD.... thanks for reminding me of this nightmare :P
  4. In the latest Gotrek Novel there’s a Slaanesh Prince they explain to be belonging to „both sexes or even none“. Just to throw my 2 cents in
  5. Somehow that doesn't make Star Drakes any more interesting. I was hoping for a complete revamp. The Stardrake stats simply don't feel like a Stardrake since it will still hit like a wet noodle in melee
  6. Easy: They do it so they can sell the WD to you.
  7. Sadly yes. It’s missing out on a lot of potential imo. Just imagine all the abominations chaos could spawn or the Xenos.
  8. Count me in. I‘d love SBGL to get either access to some mortal units or get their own Levy units
  9. Well. If those bolt throwers can get more than one shot each they‘re going to be a pain.
  10. Same. They really put me off with their empty articles with minimal (and repetitive) insights and their constant „soon“. - It‘s been over a month, THAT‘S NOT SOON.
  11. I am sick of all their „Soon, almost here, will arrive any moment“ etc. Just give us a timeline while explicitly claiming that it will change. I am sick of their marketing, it‘s time they arrive in 2021.
  12. He is finished. Time to use him in Battle!
  13. This Nagash was a commission I then touched-up to suit my painting style more painted by https://instagram.com/j.s.fluegelschlag?utm_medium=copy_link
  14. Oh Boy, my Annihalators won me 3 Path to Glory games already. Their damage on the charge is insane I charged 2 Gore Gruntas, Annihalators them, got a double turn, smashed into the Megaboss, which I killed with mortal wounds, piled in into the 5 brutes and hammered them into a bloody mess
  15. I am pretty sure we‘re not talking about the same topic.
  16. I‘ve been in this hobby for 20 years and that has never happened. It‘s usually a tiny spark that drowns within days, due to the reasons I‘ve stated above.
  17. Just nope. That’s not how people work. Most gamers take raw as the ultimate law, if you derive from that path they won‘t play with you. Ultimately it‘s GW‘s responsibility to keep armies in the game the whole „ask your opponent if you can use it“ no sense creates all kinds of awkward and bad experiences due to GW‘s laziness in this regard.
  18. Tbf their App Department seems to be either extremely understaffed (maybe no one wants to work for them at their current minimum wages) or chaotic. 🤷🏼‍♂️ outsourcing a app to a agency that’s specialized in it would speed this up significantly.
  19. I‘d simply like more info about all of the new units! -> Build options, Stats, special rules etc. They really try to keep the information back which leads to to believe that the release will be late this month.
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