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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Oh boy. I will definitely get some Dragons. Yet I‘ll spread out the purchases - my hype is at negative levels I‘ll only get the BT and the Scrolls, before I buy any models
  2. They were. Tripple Cabbage was un-counterable for a chunk of armies. Edit: I really don‘t get Destruction players. Didn’t you know that the only Job of Orcs was to die in droves? Srsly, imo destruction already has quite a lot of tools. No reason to lose your mind over a needed change to mawcrushers (which even become crushier)
  3. Bring out the bones! (Just a Concept) SkeletonHordes.pdf
  4. Yup. I figure that’s actually a big reason behind the decision making process. example Grave Guard: Arguably the best hammer in the book, yet old models -> followed up by a start collecting to shift old stock.
  5. I‘d like the Chaos Marks to have a passive effect that’s not linked to any kind of hero. apart from that (yet they won‘t do this) I‘d love S2D to be able to get 1 in 4 units from any chaos BT.
  6. No worries all WDs are on WH+, or was it Warhammer TV? Who knows at this point anymore 🙄
  7. Imo you are taking the whole white knighting a bit too much to heart. It describes a behavior on an online Plattform, not your character. Venting doesn’t mean you call anybody names, that’s just bad behavior. It‘s the „negative attitude“ that‘s being struck down (rather harshly and rudely) by white knights of the holy GW. Also if you call somebody a white Knight it‘s not name calling but calling out a certain behavior. To simplify my examples concerning who is to blame: If one causes a big issue and makes people go angry the person causing the issue should change (GW), not necessarily the people getting angry. Although the angry people can decide how to vent, the venting will happen at some point if the entity causing the anger to rise won‘t change. Telling people to „just don‘t be mad“ is the wrong perspective imo. In my experience especially players that have been in the hobby for a long time are really sore towards GW. So why is that? I‘ve been following the development of Star Citizen since 2012, yet I am not sore, I am still enjoying it.
  8. I used the white Knight intentionally The argument is partially true. I can actively make a decision to neither mention the WK not to vent. However it all goes back to GW, as the source of both, so they‘re also to blame. It‘s like the pharmacy handing out highly addictive painkillers. Well it‘s not their fault people take it or that people don’t decide to stop taking the drug. (A very hyperbolic example) Imagine you sell a lackluster product in your neighborhood, people could buy somewhere else, yet it‘s not profitable at all (for some reason). So you are basically a monopoly. Now people point out the mistake, you ignore it and claim it’s The best product ever. This boils up until they demonstrate in front of your house since there is no other way to express their anger. Sure they could have decided to not demonstrate. That‘s on them, but what is the alternative? It will boil up at some point and the only true place to vent is a hobby club (most people don’t have one) or on the web. And you put your hands up: It‘s not my fault that you are angry folks, go home you bad people. A lot of the issues we‘re facing in the hobby is due to GW acting like it was 1980, deceiving (editing of posts) and acting like everything is awesome, smiling away issues.
  9. I disagree. He is giving the reason why people are angry, not excusing it. He explains the issue on the highest level while you and the others are talking about the issue way further down the latter. (His argument is at 1. the rest seems to be at 4.). He explains the reason while you try to argue about the consequences, and how unjustifiable they are. 1. Why are people angry at GW? (Y/n) . . . 4. Should people truly vent their anger on the forums? about 4. No, yet where else could they? A lot of people don’t habe any chance to vent their anger anywhere really. Simply keeping the anger in yourself is the best way to get sick. At some point one will look for others feeling the same. Then here come the white knights which are actually the trigger for more anger. Imo it’s be best if we had a threat in the dark corners of the forum where people could vent 😅
  10. I am pretty sure he is talking about App Development
  11. You are hitting the nail on the head. If GW actually used social Media to listen to their fans (wishes, criticism, praise, dissatisfaction) and interacted with people with honesty and a bit of transparency, then I am sure, there would be a lot of less negativity. However, they‘re doing the contrary. “GW could you please fix this? It makes the game hard to play“ 12 Articles, claiming that the game is the bestestestest and greatest ever, tested since the day the Roman Empire fell, flawless and perfect in design, and 40 social media comments claiming „they can’t grant any I formation“ later people tend to tilt. It‘s mind boggling to me since nowadays products are meant to be produced in a agile manner... customers first and all that.
  12. Indeed. My father is working in the printing Industrie and he told me that ordering cardboard used to take 2-3 weeks. Now it‘s 8+ weeks.
  13. I don’t know. Yet there’s still the slaves to darkness Mammoth Warscroll on the Age of Sigmar App.
  14. I am not. They‘ve slaughtered the War Mammoth (yet they did only edit the Monstrous Arcanum one?) Also: At least one mage is missing the whole wizard paragraph... idk, updating the keywords only would‘ve been enough. Changing the warscrolls and removing rules however... they should either support legends or not support it at all (as they’ve claimed before). This half-hearted change did no good imo. (And yes, I am mostly Mad about the Insanely expensive mammoth losing rules and keywords for no reason).
  15. I am a bit annoyed about the updates to Warhammer legends. They claimed these wouldn‘t get changed ever again. they updated those with new keywords - fine. They forgot some rules (some mages lack the whole wizard paragraph). And they plainly forgot the S2D War Mammoth. Now there is a nerfed version in monstrous arcanum that I refuse to use. - Why the hell? I don‘t mind updated keywords, i like it, but fundamentally fiddling with the rules of a unit that was supposed to stay how it is forever is such a bad move. either continue to support it or don‘t. No half-way rewrite while breaking perfectly fine warscrolls. I‘ll continue to use the S2D Warscroll for the Mammoth since it hadn’t been replaced.
  16. WHAT? This is truly the edition for the Sons of Behemat, isn't it?
  17. GW is promoting their product with the battle reports. The others are offering quality content. That‘s my opinion and the obvious difference I see.
  18. I disagree. We should compare it to a subscription like Netflix, since, to be honest, everything apart from the Animations should be free anyways. They basically make us pay for their advertisements 🥲
  19. They used to utterly misplay rules in the white dwarves and sometimes almost made up their own rules. So I personally am not expecting the WH+ batreps to be clean representations of actual rules.
  20. They misinterpreted* the rule. I did it as well after my first read ^^ *propably
  21. A lot to unpack here There‘s a difference between promotion and a desperate attempt to get people to describe. I can‘t really put my finger on why I feel it‘s desperate. I assume it‘s because they throw that much pseudo-free stuff at you without actually talking that much about the content 🤷🏼‍♂️ I personally didn‘t like the quality of the first hammer and bolter episode at all. And I don‘t have any need for painting tutorials or mid-quality 3D content. None of the Models I retests me at all. The 10GBP voucher isn‘t much at the prices they charge imo, so it does not interest me. I really don‘t care for its success. Imo it‘s a redundant app, with content no one asked for. The „hobby we chose“ is about miniatures, painting, lore and playing. The minis themselves aren‘t cheap. I don’t see how a subscription-app improves my hobby at all, on the contrary actually. As a matter of fact: You mostly support the GW management and the shareholders. The artists are paid abyssmal wages. To summarize: I don’t care about the app. I never felt like there was a need for it especially since nowadays there‘re way too many subscriptions based streaming services already, the market has been saturated even before Disney joined in. I personally can‘t find any content of WH+ that would improve my live or hobby at all. Yet I am happy for you if you like it ^^
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