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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Indeed. To me these look like armoured Daughters of Khaine -> Either an Elite Witch Aelve Variant, or proof that Malerions battelines are made of better armoured former Dark Aelves. Anyways BIg: ❤️ I love what I see. The new Avatar of Khaine for 40K they're showing is going to be sick as well! Apart from that it looks like a new Hive-Tyrant kit, a new Chaos Knight (40K), A big Nighthaunt Model and some Nekromunda(?) Model.
  2. I started another Play-Through of The Witcher: Wild Hunt, Blood and Wine which made me think: Why shouldn't Cities of Sigmar receive a subfaction or models that are more knightly? We have the Demi Gryphs (which really need better poses) and that's it. However if one would combine the old bretonnia style with the Free Guild style and added a sprinkle of fantasy beasts we could have really awesome Toussaint-Like (Witcher Faction) Knights organized in knightly orders or Guard-Battalions, bolstering the forefront of Dawnbringer Crusades, while looking awesome while dong so. In concrete I am talkin about: Pistoliers on Demi gryphs. Tauralon Lancers (or sth. similar), mounted Greatswords on some weird beast, Dual-Saber riders etc. Would be really cool imo and not as limited in scope as Bretonnians were, while not requiring its own faction.
  3. If you use common sense it is clear that’s an oversight. That’s my last word on this.
  4. Unsure. The Eldar box is supposed to be released in late February. However, since the announcement there hasn’t been more informations about it.
  5. Yes. That the historical composition of armies is irrelevant to this topic. Open a new threat if you want to talk about it. I am interested in what the thread title implies.
  6. I don’t get why people want to abuse a rule that is cleary not intended to work this way and will be FAQed. It‘s like abusing a glitch before it can be fixed while feeling good about it?
  7. Why are we discussing about Battleline in this thread? Back to topic please!
  8. !? immortal giants would be back. Morathi was designed that way because you can actually, rather easily kill her.
  9. Fyreslayers live in volcanoes, they don’t consist of flames though I agree that a female unit would‘ve been nice or a chariot with female riders. Edit: Overall there‘s still a lot of design space to be explored. Here’s a list of some I‘ve read about: - A remake of the Slayer Axe-Thrower - Demidroth Cavalry - female Slayers (Sisters of Valaya?) - A return to the slayer tier system (troll slayer->giant slayer etc.) - Flame cannons - Valkyries - Pyromancers - Some kind of mini-flame monster pack, driven to battle by a beastmaster - Destroyers: Elite Heartfuards, clad in ur-gold rune armour (so much Power it‘d kill them if they had all runes inside their flesh) - Avatar of Grimnir - Forge sons/sisters - numerous, hammer-wielding battle smiths - a doom anvil of sorts - Also miners, someone has to build all those volcano keeps - Spear throwing infantry - Fire bola hurlers - Pike warriors - Pyro Moles - Chariots (fits their Greek theme) - Hoplites As for Idoneth: The potential is endless. I hope for a Kraken since I am not a fan of crabs (and they don’t suit the Idoneth imo)
  10. What inside are we talking about? The new battlebox contains no Battletomes.
  11. @Skreech Verminking currently one also runs out of reinforcement points, before you can even put hordes into your list.
  12. Puh, since 3.0 and now the update my will to play S2D has been plunged into Darkness. (The new Chaos Coalition Rules …) Anyways, what do you guys like to play as of late?
  13. Tricky, however I know what this is: Tech Vam pirates Tech Vampirates! *hoothoot* hypetrain starting!🤣
  14. Same. Which was unnecessary. why exactly is this giant of a death god wounding on 4s? Why doesn‘t he count as 30 models on objectives? mysteries upon mysteries.
  15. *hyperbole start* Nice, we have 4 useful units. It’s a really good quota in a book with 100ish Warscrolls and basically zero defense against MWs. 👏🏼 *hyperbole end* Comparing something bad to something even worst doesn’t make your argument, or any argument for that matter, any more viable. Are SCE better than the worst armies? Yes. Does that mean they are fine? No. So what were you saying?
  16. Instead they could simply fix the issues the whole community is crying about instead of changing points to +-15. This whole update looks like they tried to make it look like they actually had to put work into it, when the reality is that this was mashed together on two lonely evenings, without knowing what to do.
  17. Indeed. Right before 3.0 launched I was creating a Hedonites Army with my Slaves to Darkness. Luckily I had only bought 25% of the models I wanted before they made it unplayable. If you really want people not to buy your Christmas Slaanesh box, then such an „update“ is the perfect way to so. @PrimeElectrid also: Most of our melee units start off at only 2 attacks which is too little for their points. The best thing about SCE however: You simply lose against MW spam unless you play Hollowed Knights with Gardus. It’s just wtf.
  18. A lore comparison Nagash consumed the souls of hundreds of Death gods, yet he remains a joke wounding on 4s. Being the first Necromancer and God of Death, while having the experience to control the winds of magic for eons does not save you from miscasting as it seems. For some reason his title costs an additional 200 points. Kragnos defeated and ate bones of mighty beasts So eating some bones VS consuming legions of gods clearly results in eating some bones as the superior way to achieve superior godhood 😂🤣 while keeping the points low, wounding on 2s and for some reason achieving a 2+ save despite being a naked horse with a shield. Well…
  19. **on the other hand: They really had more than enough time to at least fix the obvious issues of some Battletomes. This updates is very low effort, for no reason. Though I am sure the designers know what they do, the latest update to Nagash feels incompetent.
  20. Looks like stormvermin fur /skavenblight dindge
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