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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. It wasn't wasted if you had fun. I assume the Fusiliers are on 32mm bases? (will convert my already converted handgunners) Edit: Apart from the book looking genereally good (with 4+ nonsense all over the "Xeno" races) my biggest gripe is that I CANNOT ally in my IRONCLAD which I specifically bought for CoS. It makes me furious.
  2. I don’t see a place for Darkshards, Bleak Swords and Dreadspears - unless I‘ve missed a synergie they won’t do anything with their 4 (3+), 4+, no rend dmg 1 combined with medium to bad armour.
  3. Srsly, they did not listen at all when people wanted mixed armies. At this point I‘d be happier if they‘d removed 3/4 of the aelf and duardin units simply to not have as many Battletome-Corpses and produce less waste (printed paper for the tome and the cards). Usueful units: - Hydra - Dark Elf Chariots - Sorceress on foot + Black Guard - Maybe Corsairs as the CoS Zombies (wtf?) Outstanding WTF this is beyond bad Warscrolls: - Dark Shards, Bleak Swords, Dreadspears - Everything hitting and wounding on 4+ with no rend and synergy (What the actual hell, WHY do you waste paper printing this?)* - Assassin: Nice try, but he won’t do anything (yet costs 100 pts) - Duardin: Way too slow and expensive - Sorceress on Black Dragon - Battlemage on Griffon: He was bad, he remains bad and they changed nothing to address that. 250 points for a instant-death 1-cast wizard, what? I hate when they want to force-feed us their new product by making all surrounding units boring and bad - I‘ll convert my old empire now, I‘m sick of this ignorance. Rules should be primarily fun and encapsulated by the Lore and what units represent with some sort of coherency, they should not be abused as marketing tool. *Rolling tons of dice for NOTHING to happen is just the worst.
  4. Never heard of it so I had to google it. Yet it's still rather far fetched. All visual representations I could find were about carrying people in a barrel (it's also about the Philippines, not about the African Continent). So no red flags seen on my part. Especially since this is a religious piece on a palanquin.
  5. I am looking forward to these models. (Wasn't there a City in the realm of death? They'd fit right in!)
  6. They seem very good. I simply seldom have enough points left to fit them.
  7. Puh I could make that test with my gf later (she knows most units by their look but doesn’t know how powerful each is). no promises though You could make a google survey, would male it easier to answer.
  8. Sounds great! is it intentional that attacks might cause 0 to -x damage? I want this as pdf
  9. GW somehow has to get the money to increase the share dividend from ~0.8p to ~1.45p - They’re not milking us, they desperately need the money I tell you! 🤣🤣🤣
  10. However: If they play insects (silent ones) and they explain lorewise that they pretty much play the same as Kruleboys, then I would not mind
  11. I am torn on this one. If hype means anticipation then that’s sad. In any other case is hype a marketing tool to make you buy things you‘d not buy otherwise. If the hype gets destroyed: I am all in for it. If your anticipation gets destroyed then that’s sad and I don’t really know why? Maybe it indicates that you‘d be better off not buying anything you‘d only buy due to hype. - That’s just a theory though @Hollow As a 3D Generalist myself I don’t agree. one gets confirmation and appreciation on several levels: 1. Your contractor/Boss/Team is pleased with your work 2. Comments of people liking your work 3. Seeing people use your work to have fun. If a reveal of one’s labour is presented at a convention (and you‘re present as well - which usually isn’t the case for GW Designers) you‘d get appreciation by the cheering community. However, any kind of online reveal has no crowd. So 1 to 3 applies. tldr: It doesn’t matter since the channels by which the Designers receive appreciation don’t change regardless of a leak or not. The only entity hurt is GW since they‘ll usually sell less due to less consumption by less hype-affected consumers (which imo is ultimately good)
  12. Mine was either a High elf Spearman or Prince Imrick of the High Elves
  13. As I‘ve said: They’re nice. If they‘d command dog-like creatures and not 1:1 copies of a real-life-dog-breed they‘d be amazing imo!
  14. They’re nice, yet too low fantasy to peek my interest. These would’ve fit into a Bretonnia army just fine.
  15. I‘d prefer both to have new sculpts, it would keep TOW fresh.
  16. A lance or Helbard option would be neat - She can't reach any foe with her one handed armaments XD (typical Warhammer issue)
  17. Would be cool if the old ones returned due to the Tyranids - So Seraphon in space
  18. Two Categories: A - From a Listbuilding Standpoint B - On the Table A: Diverse Units roster - At least one unit for every role: Damage, Tank, Missle, Speed. Even better: Additional Elite Units for some roles. Example: There are Namarti Thralls and there should be Akhelian Infantry with heavy armour. B: On the Tabletop - Quite some models/Units. One of the few armies that currently feels like one is SBGL. It has a variety of units, and a lot of units on the table. Armies that feel like warbands and not like armies: Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Kruleboys, Stormcast. Why Stromcast? They have very little on the table, while the few units that are used don't feel elite enough and they usually rely on fat cheese to win (absurd shooting or weird combos). So I see them as a rather weird warband of pseudo-elites.
  19. Same, but I'll do it due to FOMO, not because I need it right now (otherwise, I'd buy it the earliest in 1-2 years if at all)
  20. Tell you what: The releases are very nice and all, as of late however I am sick of spending money for GW products all the time, I am complacent with what I have. Also hype doesn't grab me anymore. I know this might just be me and I don't know if it's due to the current state of the world or the release quality of GW products. Due to this the releases have become somewhat of a >Nice, but I don't really need it< fest although I play CoS. Does anyone else feel this way?
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