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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Behold, my stuff (a part of it) - currently getting rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy (reduced my SCE by 40%) IMG_8573.MOV
  2. I intend to use my FeC as Strigos Empire units in ToW. luckily the system should be variable enough to add units like the crypt guard with ease (incl. points since weapons are usually universally pointed)
  3. Guys, you've lost the way again. happy holidays everyone! 😃
  4. Easy answer: AoS offers a wider range of options. 40K is kind of either Necromunda territory or another Black Stone Fortress (in theory it could be anything including exploring several Xeno-Ruins, Planets etc. but we all know 40K is't that creative.)
  5. - On the recently visited threads section: A time stamp of the last reply - Automatically jump to the last page of a thread when opening it. - A spoiler tag for the mobile version - I am just Super confused by the gallery, it’s impossible to find my pwn uploads - maybe a chat box at the top of the page?
  6. Just to point the discussion back into the right direction
  7. Mhm, Idoneth don’t have rivets (this at least looks like a rivet
  8. We are back Babeeeeeeee-ey https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/18/the-fang-of-nulahmia-meet-neferatas-chief-lieutenant/
  9. Opens up an entire universe of Khemri Models + Vampires for Nulahmia imo. That Bone Dragon must be converted I'm afraid. But that has time.
  10. I just c**** tHeY kNoW I aM A sUCKeR fOr VampS TAKE MY MO EY AND but also
  11. tbh, they could've sold the old VC skellies with additional Khemri Shield bits and be done with it. If they'd wanted they coul've added 10-20 resin khrmi heads to make those looks more like Khemri. This ist frustrating to say the least. Very low effort - They're really taking is for fools. This is not the way.
  12. I had an AI write a story based on the report, here's the (rather okay) result: In the mystical realm of Azyr, where magic mingled with the echoes of ancient conflicts, a clash unfolded between the Cities of Sigmar, led by Marshal Thenray von Galdstrik, and the formidable Seraphon warriors commanded by the wily Saurus Oldblood, Astrazur. The chosen battleground favored swift encounters, with forces positioned from one short edge to another. Destiny took a subtle hand, guiding the unfolding skirmish between the seasoned adversaries. The Seraphon, under the banner of the Coatl's Claw, advanced with Saurus Oldblood, Starpriest Suqtoik'atla, Saurus Warriors, Aggradon Lancers, and Kroxigors. On the opposing side, the Cities of Sigmar fielded a diverse assembly—Marshal Thenray, Sorceress Ynradi Duskshimmer, Black Ark Corsairs, Fusiliers, Drakespawn Knights, and the Drakespawn Chariot Misthavn. Marshal Thenray initiated the conflict with a bold move, attempting to test the mettle of the Drakespawn Chariot and Knights. However, the Seraphon's Oldblood executed a strategic redeployment, leaving the Drakespawn forces isolated. The battleground echoed with the clashing of arms as Saurus warriors confronted the resilient Corsairs on a sacred Temple, and Kroxigors engaged in a primal dance with Drakespawn Knights. The skirmish unfolded with both sides seeking tactical advantages. The Corsairs, led by Lotulan Keelfish, valiantly held their ground against the relentless Saurus onslaught, while Drakespawn Knights faced a fierce challenge from the Kroxigors. The Drakespawn Chariot, employing strategic finesse, deftly evaded Aggradons, surviving their failed charges. In a decisive turn, the Cities of Sigmar strategically withdrew their Sorceress, orchestrating a delicate retreat for the Fusiliers. Marshal Thenray showcased his marksmanship, eliminating the last Kroxigor with precise aim. However, the Seraphon, unyielding in pursuit, eradicated the Sorceress, leaving the battlefield forever changed. As the echoes of battle subsided, the battlefield stood witness to the ebb and flow of destiny. The clash between the Cities of Sigmar and the Seraphon, while not world-altering, held significance in the ongoing conflicts within the realm. Recognizing the shifting tides, the Cities of Sigmar chose to retreat, acknowledging the Seraphon's hard-fought victory on this particular skirmish ground.
  13. Carard!? One of my favorite Grail Knights? Edit: Mistook him for Calard stop hurting me, Bretonnian knights don’t look like that ;(
  14. Edit: I re-read the rule: It’s intentional, that’s the only reason the range is that short Varghulf works though (don‘t place him perpendicular to the unit)
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