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Everything posted by Ravinsild

  1. Coming this Summer, at least for 40k, but I think AOS too the actual Games Workshop rules writers are going to be re-writing all the data sheets and warscrolls for ForgeWorld stuff. ForgeWorld is relegated to small games like Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Warcry and stuff like that. They're the specialist games Division now and the big Citadel main office is doing 40k and AoS now.
  2. Well I think my glue is Half-Way through and I still have 2 Start Collecting Boxes, a box of Brutes and a whole Megaboss on Maw-Krusha to sub assemble, paint, then build...so that's a whole army. I got a second glue just in case. Same for the paints, the main paints I used, if they were about 3/4ths used or so.
  3. I've seem guides in the book say you can do Rakarth Flesh > Seraphim Sepia or Reikland Fleshshade > Pallid Wych Flesh I personally love Zandri Dust > Agrax Earthshade > Ushabti Bone layer over and edge highlight with Screaming Skull..
  4. Really glad I stocked up on some paints and glue (just in case) that were running a bit lower than I'm comfortable with. Forgot to get more Mournfang Brown though, but it's ok, for my troops I use contrast to skip basing and washing so I just use Skrag and Deathclaw Brown for belts
  5. I was in the army as a tanker (19K) no less and trained in pistols, rifles as well as tanks themselves. I am familiar with firearm weapons. I literally do not care how Grundstok Thunderers use their weapons because I did not train with Dwarves in the army because Dwarves in fantasy are not the same thing as people formerly known as midgets who we now call Dwarves or people with Dwarfism. Point being: I have no say in Dwarven technology because it's not real and can do whatever it wants.
  6. It sounds like Warhammer FANTASY Battle might not be for you... It's not called Warhammer Historical Battle.
  7. Chaos Armies be like: A bunch of Ogre Centaur creature things, Shaggoths or w/e with Trolls, Giants and literal Dragons... Orcs on Dragons too, and casting lots of magic. All the Aelves are extremely magical, it's kind of their thing. Wizards are very important at least in Total War: Warhammer II. I assume it's an accurate depiction to some level of actual WHFB? Blood Bowl 2 on PC is literally exactly like the board game except you don't get to roll the dice yourself with your own hand. Otherwise the rules are 1 to 1 exact copy.
  8. Any impression of "historical and low fantasy" goes out the window the second you play Total War: Warhammer II. Rats with massive warp lightning guns and stuff blasting spells off against massive lizard men summoning vortex spells that rampage across the battlefield with giant dinosaurs roaring and vampire on zombie dragons blasting spells over and over. You are delusional if you think its low fantasy.
  9. Yes, exactly. I remember back before the new Battletome that was one of our best lists... is that still true now? Aren’t Gore-Gruntas even better... well... everything even better than it was?
  10. Does the Gorefist list work anymore? You know like around 12 Gore-Gruntas, Gordrakk and a Megaboss on Maw-krusha with the Gorefist battalion and any warchanters you might be able to fit?
  11. Well I don't think that it would, since I've never heard any 30k player say 40k sucks or the other way round.
  12. I don't know. For only 1 less model and 10 less points than a squad of 5 Ardboyz... you get almost better ArdBoyz.
  13. OTOH even if CURRENT, to use your example, Seraphon players don't buy the new sculpts a lot, it's practically a "new army" and a lot of people who wouldn't play them before might buy into them. I literally refused to buy Havoks or Obliterators for Chaos when they were resin, or Khorne Hounds. As soon as all of the above came out in plastic I bought them all. There are some models I straight up won't buy due to their sculpts. Remember: Obliterators were DOMINATING the meta and one of Chaos Space Marine's best units. Still refused to get them until their new plastic models came out.
  14. I literally do not, and will not ever play Eldar (World Eaters only player), but it would make my year to see a full on rerelease of a full eldar army with 100% plastic all across the board. I would be so happy for Eldar players and then maybe it won't constantly be literally almost exclusively space marine players everywhere
  15. Honestly this. I'm trying to think how to phrase this without sounding ungrateful or entitled... however it does feel a bit insulting, perhaps, to have literal brand new armies come out (sometimes out of nowhere like Ossiarch Bonereapers) brand new massive plastic lines, when say the vampire leaders for death are almost all resin, a lot of Skaven are Resin, Chosen and some other important units to chaos are Resin, some of Khorne's leaders I know are resin and so forth. It would be refreshing to see all EXISTING armies updated to fresh clean new plastic with new sculpts over "here's another brand new army" whilst, in 40k, literally like all the Aeldari leadership is resin as well as Necrons... Can we just. Update what's old first? Seraphon could use some resculpts and I know some of their stuff is resin too... like come on you couldn't redo the Seraphon? Instead we needed...2 brand new armies?
  16. Well I've been running a list that is: 1 Megaboss on MK with Mean 'Un and Metalrippa's Klaw and Get Da Realm Gate 1 Megaboss on Foot with Quickduff Amulet 1 Warchanter with Killa Betaz 1 Warchanter with Fixin' Beatz 6 Gore-Gruntas with a Big Boss and Jagged Gore-Hackas 5 Brutes 5 Brutes 20 Ardboyz Ironfist Battaltion +1 CP extra This list has been alright, and I really, really like the Metalripper's Klaw, as it makes my MBMK absolutely deadly and my pigs can pretty much guarantee deleting a unit a game. However it was recommended to me to drop the footboss, grab a fungoid cave shaman, put quickduff on my MBMK and put aetherquartz on a Warchanter and get a CP on a +4 in the hero phase from the fungoid cave shaman and get 1 CP back per spent on a 5+ with the brooch. In addition going to 2 sets of 15 Ardboyz and dropping a unit of brutes for a total of 30 Ardboyz. I'll test this out, but I really think I am going to miss Metalrippa's Klaw. OTOH I might get addicted to the CP generation... I'll need to test this new list as much as I tested the old list (about 7 games) to get a feel for it.
  17. I just wish I knew how to make meaningful moves with my maw-krusha. It feels like I either shoot it forward turn 1 and blow up like a screen and then it gets counter charged and dies, or I put it where I think it's safe but surprise the enemy is super speed and can run and charge or something and behold it's dead before it even got to do the combat phase.
  18. I think I more meant that part about how to use it, like how you hold it back and keep it out as a support piece maybe for a mighty waaaagh! or a Go On Ladz, Get In there! until the right moment presents itself and then you strike. I've been experimenting using mine with Metalrippa's Klaw and Mean 'Un to make him to most killy he can be, putting a Warchanter buff and sometimes buffing his own self with his command ability for 8 attack at 2/3/-3/2 then 8 2/3/-2/4 damage respectively at full health. However I've tried the launch him like a missile thing and he usually does some damage then explodes, and is out of the buffs and support range, and sometimes I move him in the wrong spot and he just gets charged and dies...i've been trying to figure out how to use it to most effect without it just...being a big pile of cool looking points that accomplishes very little. Specifically this bit here: Does this also apply to pure Ironjawz as far as his "role in the army" and how to utilize him to the best of his ability? I feel like mine does a lot of nothing and dies... sometimes. It'****** or miss. I did kill 9 Tzeentch flamers, but my opponent rolled 47 dice for each wound he inflicted and on 5+ got a mortal bounced back but I don't think that's how that ability works since flamers only have 2 wounds each so I think at most it should have been 18 dice rolled...but still...
  19. Would your assessment of the Megaboss on Maw-Krusha apply to pure Ironjawz too?
  20. How does Gore-Grunta charge ability work? I charge 3 Gore Gruntas into 1 unit of 3 Kurnoth Hunters. The Sylvaneth has player protests after I roll 3 dice. 1 for each model that has completed the charge and is within 1” of the Kurnoth Hunters unit. He argues you roll 1 dice per unit within 1”, so had I tagged his Dryads and his Kurnoth I would roll 2 dice, 1 for the dryads and 1 for the Kurnoth. I showed him the “if the unit has more than 1 model, roll to determine after each model completes its charge move, but do not allocate the mortal wounds until after all of the models in the unit have moved. “ He still says it’s once per unit. So I would roll only 1 time against his Kurnoth Hunters despite having 3 models in my Gore-Gruntas unit and all 3 being within 1 inch.
  21. Today I played a game against the disciples of Tzeentch. Turn 1 my opponent teleported 9 flamers of Tzeentch 9” outside from my ArdBoyz screen and shot them down to 2 remaining post battleshock. On my turn my Megaboss on Maw-Krusha charged them. He has Metalrippa’s Klaw for -3 rend to his Boss Gore-Hacka and Choppa. He also has Mean ‘Un for his mount trait which adds 1 damage to the damage profile for mighty fists and tail. I had used Warchanter’s Violent Frenzy for +1 to all melee weapons damage, I used Ironjawz Waaaagh! For +2 attacks to all melee weapons And I used Go On Ladz!, Get Stuck In! to give my Megaboss on Maw-Krusha +1 to hit rolls. He is now 10 attacks at 2/3/-3/3 and 10 attacks at 2/3/-2/4 I was able to put out 19 damage with the first weapon profile and 28 with the second which is 47 wounds total. My opponent told me Flamers of Tzeentch had 3 wounds each (I checked the warscroll after the game and they only have 2 each, but it was his first game with the new book ever so it’s ok) and then he rolled 47 dice for each wound I would have done after failing all saved. However even at 9 x 3 for 27 wounds shouldn’t he have only rolled 27 dice for the 5+ mortal wound vs melee weapons? In reality shouldn’t it be only 18 rolled dice? My Maw-Krusha essentially killed itself from all the dice rolled (47) but upon reviewing the core rules and the Warscroll it seems like after you’ve allocated enough wounds to slay the model, and then the unit itself the mortal wounds rolls ought to stop right? how does this ability work?
  22. Yeah I started with AOS, and while I'm 100% certain I will never play the actual WHFB tabletop game, I absolutely LOVE the video game that's essentially the same so far as I can tell (Total War: Warhammer II). So I play AoS tabletop and WHFB in the video games and I like both. For a variety of reasons. It's neat to play Dark Elves as they were, even though I don't know I'd ever play one. Also I can play death and run it how I like, whereas in AoS the way I tried always failed and I lost 13 games in a row before I sold my death army lol. However WHFB doesn't have Ironjawz and I love them too much to not play them
  23. Hmmm interesting. I personally am not sure because I play Bloodtoofz because to me they are the fantasy version of the Evil Sunz which is my favorite Warclan. So I can really only comment on them. All the yellow 'uns look the same to me.
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