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Everything posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Afaik Rat Ogors, Giant Rats, and Packmasters are part of the same set of sprues. So if Rat Ogors get updated to their own sprues, Giant Rats and Packmasters would either have to be updated or to go.
  2. Conquest has a setup where you have a Priest and Wizard ability, but they work magic in the same way for rule resolution. There are some other rules that key of priests/wizards. (i.e. Devout makes it easier for Priests to buff you, but does nothing for wizards) Which could be a nice simplified system.
  3. Wasn't that attempted with the half a year seasons for AOS and 40k? And then they went to full year seasons.
  4. I prefer cool visuals, and thus I quite like endless spells providing effects on the table.
  5. Hopefully not like warcry, as I find those icons hard to differentiate. One day I'll see at a glance the difference between leader and elite.
  6. True at that. It didn't work the way they wanted to, as the recent update to 2" melee ranges and the pervious ghb rules for fighting in multiple ranks can attest to.
  7. The main interesting thing will be if the objectives will act like impassible terrain or not. Making some physical objects for objectives was fun in other games.
  8. Melee weapon ranges (I assume you mean the reach here) aren't really a holdover from whfb, but more an implementation from skirmish games without rules or additions to make the ranges impactful. (like, for example, the ability to hit enemies without being able to be hit back. The addition of pile in and ending a charge within 0.5" makes this moot)
  9. Depending on how you look at it, the same happened to 40k 10th edition. Core rules first, and the faction indexes spaced out over the week. It depends when the article writer interprets the edition drop, release of digital core rules or release of the big box.
  10. The only things that I could see going that are convoluted is the reinforcements system, and the core battalions.
  11. Neither Stormcast nor these new Orruks are my cup of tea, so the set gets a resounding "meh" from me. There also weren't enough rules shown off to really base my opinion of. So I will wait and see, though I'm close to having to take a break from the AoS rules.
  12. It takes a special quality of rules writer, to take an underperforming monster in an underperforming army, and actually make it worse by having it able to buff your opponent. I am actually in awe of that skill.
  13. Lumineth are all new kits. But your skaveny presence reminded me that indeed, sometimes plastic kits return. Island of Blood, the once 8th WHFB starter set, had a glorious moment of returning in AoS before it was discontinued.
  14. Any plastic Dwarves will be new sculpts. GW doesn't return plastic kits.
  15. I think its rather sad as GW did manage to make the various mini-factions feel very distinct and unique on their part. Factions like the Flesh-Eaters or the Nighthaunt managed to carve out their own distinct identity. Having factions like those being merged together later is a bit sad. Kharadrons & Fyreslayers for example, only have being Dwarves and holding Grudges in common, mixing them together will result into a uncohesive mess. Its not because lore. Its not because gameplay, its purely a buisiness driven decision.
  16. Legions of Nagash had various Nighthaunt units, Arkhan the Black, Morghasts and Bat Swarms that are lost in the transition to Gravelords. Gravelords has less soup options than Legions of Nagash. There were several people in the Gravelords thread decrying that they lost models in the transition, and thus unable to play the exact same list as they were used to in Legions of Nagash.
  17. 3 is rather optimistic. If there is a combined tome then there will only be Grungi as god-tier model and nothing else.
  18. It would require a rules rewrite in order for it to work, as currently there are multiple ways to mix KO and Fyreslayers, but nobody does so as there is a nonexistant synergy between them. So the visuals don't work together, the lore doesn't work together, and the rules don't work together. I fail to see the advantages of soup.
  19. As somebody who played WHFB. It does not. Mandatory Core/Troops/Battlelines have not, in any edition of a GW game ever, managed to stop obscene armies or balance them. Either your Core is good and you happily take them, or they're bad and you'll only take the bare minimum. What would work however is a special/elite/rare category that limits particular strong units.
  20. I can't say I'm optimistc to be honest. The high lethality and profileration of Mortal Wounds as a mechanic is more warscroll centered than rules centered, As such, I doubt a core rules update will adress anything about that. The thing that could be interesting is the Path to Glory/Crusde rules, but if 40k is any indication, it will take a while before those are interesting.
  21. I did miss that. Fair enough confirmation that its gone. I expect the full confirmation to be in the Generals Handbook/AoS3 Core Book, where Legions of Nagash will likely no longer exists in the points tables/backgrounds.
  22. Several of the newer books, Daughters of Khaine for example, also lack Horde Discounts.
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