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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. Actually, since there is only 1 option for a warboss on foot that has no squig, I would say you could play any warboss on foot that has no squig, and there is no ambiguity. There actually aren't any weapon options for any of the grot heroes now, so your opponent shouldn't care what weapons are modeled. Here is the flow chart for determining visually if a model is a loonboss: is it a single grot model? yes is it a wizard? no is there a Squig? no It is a "Loonboss"
  2. Not sure but really disappointed the loonboss don't have an option that doesn't have that goofy helmet. im sure many like it but would have been nice to have an option, and that sprue seems sparse enough. I Guess anyone that doesn't like it better snap up a grot warboss=P I will probably play skarsnik since they have the same CA. may eventually get goofhead for when i need the 30 points.
  3. .... Basically your argument is "they don't have a battletome so they are getting a battletome". The Gitmob Grots probably want a word with you. Jokes aside, yes obviously we expect everyone to get a battletome at some point, but I don't believe there is any reason to expect something for them anytime soon. Personally I would expect Skaven, Ogors, and Disposessed are just as likely. And all the factions that need a second battletome, throw in a couple of new factions. Yes "Humans" are probably one of the next 15 battletomes, sure.
  4. What human faction? (besides Darkoath)? Not sure what you are referring to
  5. that's just like, your opinion, man. Actually I think aesthetically they blend in with Zarbag's gitz quite well. The pose is stiff I agree I don't think it's a matter of effort, it's really the cost. If the current kit works, why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars revamping them (which is truly what I think it would cost, after factoring in design, machining new molds, recalling/destroying old product, all the other steps we don't know about). Also consider that pretty recently they have been production bottlenecked. Why tie up your machines making a bunch of basic ass infantry. Also, consider the cost. It would be a $50 kit for 20 grots, for sure. Twice the price. Would be a lot harder to put an army together. I got 100+ grots for about $1 each. that includes a couple of new boxes. I am thankful they left well enough alone.
  6. Pretty sure i heard 80mm, i believe from the GW twitch stream. if it was 100mm you could bet it costs more... I believe the Troggoth is a 70mm, but maybe it's 80 also. These are both new base sizes for AoS, but 80mm is used in 40k i guess. you can buy it from the site.
  7. The warboss on Cave Squig is on a 50mm base... I do not think a new magler would fit on that. The old ones were on 60s, so that's a better bet (even though a "60" is a lot bigger than a "50" due to them not being the advertised size). I think the new one is just too big to convert. The Forgeworld model is pretty good... "With a cave squig", skarsnik is such a good model! but any regular ol cave squig would work great (squig herd box) I can see some people may split mangler squig kit up to get 2 units out of it, so any conversion you use those for will probably be confused with that.
  8. seriously doubt they will make a plastic GW model that uses the same warscroll as a forgeworld model. (unless GW model had a warscroll first... e.g. greater daemon of nurgle) They don't want to ****** off people that own the forgeworld model, and they want to keep selling the forgeworld model If there is ever a role that only a forgeworld model is really filling, im sure they will make a comparable model. Mangler Squig is pretty similar to Colossal squig, for example.
  9. besides the point to but wanted to make sure your minis are on the right bases. Packmaster goes on 25, but Deathrunner, Assasin, Priest, Warlock, Engineer, Warlord and Grey Seer all go on 32mm.
  10. This happened a month or more ago. Was discussed at the time and you can probably find that searching here. GW claims it was just a store reorganization to simplify things. But I think many people expect GW to continue lumping factions until most of the remaining battletome-less factions have a home. Actually not that many tomes left to hit it, but some may be waiting on new releases (new aelves for instance).
  11. Few things: 1. The points in the GHB are balanced to assume summoning. If you aren't using the summoning rules (correctly), then you are at a disadvantage playing FEC. Most lists will summon over 300 points turn 1. The "house rules" are hurting you for sure. You shouldn't need house rules with AoS 2.0 2. You really need to look at / use the FAQ/Errata for all of the relevant publicaitons for your army. This would be the GHB and FEC battletome. If you use Endless spells, the Malign Sorcery errata also. If you are playing with the warscrolls as they are in the battletome, you're playing a whole different game than the rest of us. https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/age_of_sigmar_flesh-eater_courts_errata_en.pdf edit. USUALLY the warscrolls in the AoS phone app have the correct/updated rules on the warscrolls, but not always. Warscrolls from the internet are often outdated. But the publication+errata is the ultimate authority)
  12. So for a Spiderfang focused army, I noticed the Traits and Artefacts are only allowed to be taken by SCUTTLEBOSS, which is a keyword only the resin scuttleboss has. You can not use a Shaman on Arachnarok as a general if you want a command trait. Seems like a weird decision, many people don't have / want that model but i guess it's kind of required, unless you want to use a moonclan general.
  13. Didn't see this menitoned before, but Greenskinz have been put back in their own section on the store. May not mean anything. On the US site, the 2 warboss pack and the Chariot are no longer available. I wonder if they are just trying to clear their Wyvern inventory at this point=P edit (also explains why they took the old gitmob shaman and made him a "madcap shaman" despite not matching the army at all. don't want to remove the model until they sell their inventory...)
  14. Unbuffed, yes, equal Reroll hits of 1, yes, equal Reroll failed hits, spears win +1 to hit, spears win I am not sure what kind of buffs to hit are available. If you have less than 3 ranks though, then stabbas are better obviously, so worth keeping in mind. especially considering you can bring them back at half strength
  15. That's great lore for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and the World that was, but it is not 100% applicable to the Mortal Realms. Someone reading that now would not know what was true for AoS and what was not. I'm sure it's a great book but i would not read it with the intent of learning anything about the Gloomspite Gitz. The only way to know that something in there is still relevant is if is also in an AoS publication, in which case, why didn't you just read that?
  16. I would suspect the Rockgut to match the Fellwater around $50 USD. The Dankhold is probably gonna be a little bit more than that, but hopefully not too much considering it seems to smaller than I originally thought. We'll know mid next week when retailers get the prices.
  17. small nitpick ( sorry) is it possible to edit the name of the topic? it's a bit unfortunate, as you are intending to cover all Troggherd units, but Fellwater, Hag, Rockgut, and Gargants aren't Dankhold.
  18. My local store in the US has 20%. I assume GW allows stores to sell locally at slightly higher discount to be able to compete with online retailers. With sales tax this makes it only slightly worse than 15% online/free ship. But ebay constantly has 15% off (stacking on the standard 15% off for ~28% off, so if i can wait at all I do). Troggoth is a keyword, but i would not necessarily expect it to remain a faction in terms of alliances in the GHB. In 2017 GHB Nurgle Rotbringers and Daemons of Nurgle are 2 seperate factions. So they are listed separately in allegiances. In 2018, after the battletome, Rotbringers is no longer a faction, although it is still a keyword. We won't know until we see the book, but I suspect "Gloomspite Gitz" is now the faction that is home to all of these models, and is the faction that will be referred to in all "allies" restrictions. It only makes sense, as if you are using this tome you are using "Gloomspite Gitz" allegiance. and they have 1 list of allies, that other factions do not ally with only some Gloomspite Gitz.
  19. It will come. That's how they will sell new models as AoS ages, by lowering point cost. That said, you can play any size game you want as long as you find someone to play with. But for me, 2k worth of models is a long enough game. If they made models cheaper, I'd play 1500.
  20. Here's some calendar math: Wrath and rapture revealed (done, boxed, mostly existing plastic minis) in August, released in December. I don't think a "soon" release for the new box is a given... Anything is better than 1, metal, for $10, contents may very.
  21. What do you guys think the tome will have for gargant? Just a keyword or actually some synergy??
  22. I think you may just be in a bit of denial? it clearly says "Dankhold Troggoth". which to me means, the kit described 1 paragraph up does not also make Dankhold troggoth. Why would the organize/describe the article otherwise? Why would they call the next kit what the previous kit can also make? Also, the fluff snippet you posted mentions how they are covered in fungus. And you can clearly see that on the model they call "Dankhold Troggoth". arms, legs, torso, everywhere. It could not share a kit with the Rotguts, which do not have fungus and are made, partially, of stone. Finally, Mollog is a small Dankhold troggoth. Had the Rotgut kit also made Dankkhold troggoths, they would have called it a normal/medium sized Troggoth...
  23. if you are referring to the scuttlings, I assume the idea for them came after the idea came to merge moonclan and spiderfang, as they are clearly a mix of the two. may still get them later, but not this year.
  24. There is a gloomspite gitz thread now for discussion on this stuff... This is artwork not miniatures, so let's not make too much speculation from it. But my assumption was that dankhold troggoths are large (they grow to whatever size their cave is) and that a unit of dankhold troggoths is 1 model. The dankhold kit can optionally make a trogg boss. If the rockgut kit also made dankhold, i think that would be disappointing, not enough differentiation there. They just renamed the big boss on spider and shaman on arachnarok. They confirmed yesterday that Scuttlings are not in the battletome, because they are out of production.
  25. We already know the warscroll is being split. The archers get their own scroll. Assume other things about the grots will change. Assume any other warscroll may change. Don't make any decisions until you have the book...the warscroll you are looking at is obsolete
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