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El Syf

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Everything posted by El Syf

  1. First base I assembled I wasn't quite ready for it! Actually found it easier to ignore the instructions and just figure it out without glue then crack on.
  2. Most of my stuff is still on square bases so this is great news!
  3. Does anyone else think the Nagash and Morghasts warscroll changes make them more appealing now?
  4. Couldn't agree more. There is a way to have Morghasts be -3 rend (already -2, a further -1 from Bludgeon), +1 to hit (helm of the ordained?), reroll 1's to hit (soulguide) can't remember) and +1 attack(Endless Duty). But it involves keeping 2 characters relatively near them. I just love the models too much I suppose
  5. I agree 100% rend is always better than reach in my book, unless you're playing nighthaunt.
  6. Can someone clarify if nagash is 860 or 880? Anyone else think a mainly gloss black scheme would work? Sort of like Hexus from Fern Gully type vibe in my head at least
  7. Erm, I prefer the look of Morghasts does that count?
  8. I’ll read the tome in depth once it arrives, just seems quite silly morghasts went down in points in ghb 2019 only to go up in this. In all honesty unbufded moegjasts feel 150 at most. And GW instead of making a horrendous model of Nagash now just make him to expensive to take. 860 why not just whack him back up to 900 and be done with it.
  9. Nagash and morghasts going up in points is an absolute joke. 800 for Nagash was right, morghasts have always felt overpriced with one concession being the +1 attack in grand host making them feel almost worthwhile. Getting the battle tome and scenery but just feels like death (nagash and morghasts) have got shafted again.
  10. Arkhan and Nagash have got buff? As others have said super disappointed morghasts got nothing other than the hekatos keyword, but if Mr. Hat has been souped up I can live with it. They might have got another points reduction with any luck.
  11. And an anti Gotrek weapon, in theory at least.
  12. For all the people scratching their heads about the rules not in the faction focus that have been discussed. Unless someone else has already posted the link
  13. It’s good I’m not denying that, just think excellent was too strong. As I said as soon as any rend gets involved it goes from good to at least I get to re-roll a 5 or 6+. Not meaning to put a downer on it, I just don’t like the word excellent bein used for something that is reasonable. Hopefully Nagash and Arkhan get something with the spell lore and possible warscroll changes.
  14. It's a lot more of a tease than some faction focuses have been in the past. The juicier units not getting a look in... Also am I the only person that thinks a 4+ save is far from "excellent"?! If it was akin to Gotrek's op shoulder pad, then excellent would be the correct adjective. I'd go for mediocre once you apply anything with rend.
  15. Really concerned about Morghasts to be honest. Currently they are better in a grand host army than anything else (extra attacks, battleline if Nagash general), hoping there is some incentive to play them in Ossiarchs.
  16. Want: 1. Mortek Crawler 2. Gothizzar Harvester 3. katakros Dont want: 1. Mortek Guard 2. Coffin guy 3. Kavalos death riders. Rules will probably change this as I’m fully aware that if I stick to this I won’t have any battleline units!
  17. Early 1999, saw some Night Lords Chaos space marines at an independent shop and was hooked from there. Then not really having a great understanding of the lore I spent my pocket money on this chap and painted him as an ultramarine! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHAOS-SPACE-MARINE-LORD-CHAMPION-METAL-Warhammer-40k-Games-Workshop/223705431681?epid=1508010509&hash=item3415e1fe81:g:6SUAAOSwQApdpGEy That is still one of my favourite models ever! Sorry for the 40K vibes.
  18. We have also had no rules reveals yet and they're meant to be up for pre-order at the end of the month. Would have thought at least one unit would have been previewed to spike peoples interest.
  19. I just want to see some rules before deciding what to buy (other than the not screaming skull catapult.).
  20. I second what @Sception said. Unless Nagash gets an updated warscroll (which doesn't Nerf him) I'm not sure he's of much use in competitive play. It really irked me when GW asked what people would like to see in GHB 2019 and so many people said Nagash to go up in points. Yes umbral spell portal and hand of dust can wipe out your prized model, but that tactic was very situational. Did it really justify both going up in points?! Anyway before I go full blown sour grapes he is a list I use casually, that almost certainly will not win any tournaments but can be good fun... Allegiance: Grand Host of NagashLeadersNagash Supreme Lord of the Undead (850)- General- Lores of the Dead Spell 1: Vile Transference (Vampires)- Lores of the Dead Spell 2: Overwhelming Dread (Deathmages)- Lores of the Dead Spell 3: Fading Vigour (Deathmages)Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet - Lore of the Vampires: Amaranthine OrbBattleline5 x Dire Wolves (70)20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)2 x Morghast Archai (200)- Spirit Halberds20 x Skeleton Warriors (160)- Ancient BladesEndless Spells / TerrainUmbral Spellportal (70)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 92
  21. Nagash to finally sort out his rodent problem would be good. Every time he's been on the precipice of achieving something monumental, some bloody rats show up and spoil it! On a more serious note I think Death will stay largely as it is; LoN is grand alliance death and some units from new battletomes will get thrown into it to keep it as the overall Grand Alliance army. With warscrolls and points all being downloadable, this shouldn't be that much of a chore for players either (IE not spending £30 on a book when you only want to use 1-2 units from it). This would also help in keeping the army somewhat relevant, until a new LoN book is done should the old one get to that point. Soulblight is an intriguing one as Bonereapers will arguably fill the elite army role for Death; so what would be the point in a full blown soulblight army? You could also fiddle around with the hunger mechanic so that Necrachs heal when casting rather than killing stuff in combat. It's also funny to note last year(?) was the supposed year of death yet we've got the same amount of tomes this year.
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