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Everything posted by robinlvalentine

  1. Honestly I feel like the pace they're going they plan to stretch the teases out for months to come. I mean at the point where they're literally doing a whole article just on the lore of the zombies... They could easily do a whole series of articles about different aspects of the core mechanics, then individual articles showing some of the rules for all of the heroes, then all of the bad guys, etc... I think the fact that they haven't shown us any rules stuff yet at all is a bad sign - if the release was soon I feel like they'd have talked about that already. My prediction is Cursed City is still a ways off.
  2. Fun to get a closer look at the tiles! I like how characterful they are, could easily have just been a bunch of grey stone.
  3. I think the Soulblight Warhammer Underworlds warband implies that there will at least be vampires as elite foot infantry - we've so far never had an Underworlds warband composed only of heroes, and usually each warband member comes from one of the army's units. Which means we could see multiple vampire infantry units - winged vampires, big bruiser vampires, and agile dual-wielder vampires. We've also got vampire infantry in Cursed City - the weird wolf people with greatswords. To me that all adds up to there being infantry-level vampires.
  4. I feel like you can really see them stretching stuff out at the moment to fill time now that the release schedule is so delayed. Lots of filler, lots of zeroing in on one specific thing (i.e. one model from an Underworlds warband, the lore of one monster from Cursed City). I mean fair play to them, I'm not sure what else they can do, but it does feel like even more of a dripfeed than ever to me. I think it's pretty telling that they haven't even started talking about the mechanics of Cursed City yet, or even formally announced the Gravelords. I think expect long waits for everything at this point.
  5. If you're using an ad blocker, that might be preventing them from triggering. For those of us that are getting them, basically what happens is you click on a thread, and instead of taking you to that thread, it switches to a big advert that blurs out all the rest of the page. You then have to click to close that before it'll take you to the actual thread. It's not quite a popup, in that it doesn't open in a new window, but it's the same effect - and in some ways is worse, because it won't even load the page you're actually trying to get to until you close the ad.
  6. Have to agree that these ads are incredibly obnoxious. I get them every time I click on a thread, and the stuff being advertised is all annoying or sleazy, like those exploitative browser game ads and stuff like that. I understand the site has to be funded somehow but this seems a bit beyond the pale, I've not seen anything like this on any other forum.
  7. I feel like the implication is just that the new Soulblight stuff will have some narrative ties to Ulfenkarn, not that this guy is a Cursed City expansion. We'll see, I guess! Love the model - I'm really digging the new aesthetic for Warhammer vampires.
  8. My understanding is this is just a printed version of the points changes that are already available online. So it doesn't serve that much function.
  9. I'd really caution people not to get their hopes up for these guys. IMO they've always just been a fun bit of flavour for Underworlds. During Shadespire and Nightvault there were loads of cards talking about the Katophranes (and we even got to see them in action in the Shadespire novel), and it's not like we got an army of those. Stuff like this just gives a bit of easy texture to the Underworlds setting, and helps justify where all the ancient artifacts come from. I'd bet money that it's not any kind of hint at any future army or releases. And to be honest, I don't think they're even supposed to be an insectoid race - the impression I get is that they were humanoids who worshipped insect-like gods (e.g. the Ur-Grub) and wore insect-like masks. (But feel free to rub this post in my face if 2021 turns out to be the Year of the Beetle :P)
  10. Yeah it really came and went - it's weirdly hard to get hold of these days I think. Which is one thing I worry a bit about with Cursed City - there was a lot of FOMO with BSF because expansions seemed to only get very limited runs. I don't like feeling pressured to have to keep up or miss out forever.
  11. Slight correction - they did do one expansion with existing minis (the Nurgle one). But otherwise all brand new. I'm hoping the support for this game follows the same trajectory!
  12. That's definitely the one hero that stood out to me as well as not being up to snuff - but at the same time, I want to wait until I've seen it in person before judging it too much. I feel like so often lately the studio's paintjobs make a model look worse than it is, particularly when it comes to faces. This paintjob looks really flat compared to the other heroes - compare the level of detail on her armour to the Witch Hunter's leather coat... doesn't even compare. Why did this one get less love than the others? No idea - but I'm betting in person she'll be fine.
  13. Oh for sure, it's a classic trope - I just mean it's an interesting twist for a dungeon crawler, having the city be more than just a bunch of empty buildings full of monsters and treasures . Makes me hope that'll be reflected in the game - i.e. you'll have to get into the city stealthily, try to undermine the vampire's rule, maybe even whip up rebellion.
  14. It's interesting that the city is still 'alive' to an extent - i.e. it still has humans living in it, presumably upholding some basic amount of the day-to-day running of the city, rather than just being ruins full of monsters like these settings usually are (Mordheim, Shadespire, etc). I wonder if that will be reflected in the scenario design at all, as narratively speaking that's a pretty different dynamic to just heading into a dungeon and bashing some bad guys. You're almost more like freedom fighters trying to retake the city.
  15. Yeah my bet is you get six rats and six bats, and for whatever reason they just haven't shown that in the photos. Seems like the most logical place for the final six models to come from. I don't think it's likely at this point that they've held anything back.
  16. I don't think there was. There was an Araby army for sure but I don't remember them doing a Cathay one.
  17. It seems really weird that they're talking about this like it's a good entrypoint into Underworlds. Unless they've very generously bundled all the cards for those two warbands in this box - which I'd be very surprised by - this set is useless for getting into Underworlds because as you say you'd have to buy the warbands again to get their cards. Worst of all, Godsworn Hunt can't even be bought with their cards anymore. Seems like a recipe to confuse and frustrate newbies rather than welcome them into the fold.
  18. Yeah, this - they're just a bit of flavour for the Beastgrave setting, there's not really any indication that they're building to a faction or even a warband release.
  19. Such a great idea! Your Sepsimus reminds me of a Skeksis
  20. The site seems to be down! Must be loads of interest already
  21. In Malign Portents there was a story about Idoneth teaming up with Stormcast, and they've established in the lore that the Idoneth are formally part of the Order faction via various treaties and agreements - with the proviso that the other party doesn't necessarily always remember that there's an agreement in place, or even that the Idoneth exist, because of their funky mind magic. Different enclaves are also more or less isolationist than others - as previously mentioned, Ionrach actively seeks out alliance and cooperation with other races. They're definitely a bit of an odd fit as adventurers (especially as they crave total numbness and lack of sensation, whereas the life of an adventurer is full of stimulation and exciting new sights and sensations) but there's definitely ways to justify it.
  22. Black Ark Corsairs/Scourge Privateers are an established Age of Sigmar thing and have been for a while now, so I wouldn't say they're an old world archetype. They've appeared in the novels, and there's a city in Cities of Sigmar themed around them.
  23. There's no way to predict any GW release at this point - it all depends on what happens with the pandemic.
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