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Everything posted by Deepkin

  1. 6th edition warhammer and 2nd ed WFRP were the height of the background and aesthetic. Throw Mordheim in there too. Bretonnia would work just fine in the new setting. People who don't like Bretonnia are just peasants, jealous of their betters
  2. Well that sucks. He was their best AoS author by far.
  3. Dark Harvest is good enough to be a legit folk horror novel on its own. Basically no knowledge of AoS is needed to understand it. I got some serious Laird Barron vibes from it. Easily the best AoS novel, and among the best novels BL has ever published.
  4. This all jives well with my experience. I like the WFRP low-fantasy approach best, I admit. But people who like the more high fantasy stuff better are cool too. Thats the great part of Warhammer. You can have both. I know its human nature and all, but the balkanization of the fanbase into ridiculous camps based on which version of the background they prefer is tiresome. Its a game predicated on "Your Guys" (TM). People who want to wield lore like a cudgel to get rid of people having the wrong type of fun is silly. Let people have their things.
  5. This would be awesome. Tchaikovsky would easily be the best author that has ever written for BL. His novels "Guns of the Dawn" and "Redemptions Blade" are both excellent. The first is if Jane Austen wrote "The Things They Carried." The second is a "how do we rebuild society after defeating the Dark Lord." Highly recommend.
  6. Scibor minis makes some nice resin highlander dwarfs IIRC. Could be a nice place to start!
  7. Could do like Highlander hill dwarfs that don't worship any god (cuz no dwarf would worship an orc god! Thats a grudgin!) but trust only in the riddle of steel, waging endless war on those around them because anyone who isn't a dwarf isn't worth keeping alive and any dwarf that isn't from the hills isn't a dwarf
  8. The actual truth. They will make excellent fodder for chaos dwarf conversions with the bull heads though.
  9. At least have the balls to follow through when you call someone out. Don't be resort to this catty "oh no offense" BS. Ignore my posts it they don't suit you, you'll be happier in the long run.
  10. You consistently have some of the worst takes on this site, but this one stands out as particularly egregious. Never have I said I hate AoS or the models. Don't project your insecurity regarding the setting and its popularity onto me. I don't like these particular models. I like the Deepkin range, however. I like the Scions of the Flame (in particular the flamberge model) and the Iron Golems from Warcry. I like the Kharadron range. I like the new Chaos Warriors and Knights. I like some of the Fyreslayers. And so on. I can like some parts of a model range and dislike others. Some people are nuanced like that. If that's hard for you to understand, maybe take a moment of self-reflection. Or, keep adminstering purity tests for AoS Stasi or whatever keeps you busy.
  11. No. I like what I like, and dislike what I dislike. You deal with it.
  12. I dunno, I find them to look not elven at all, just intensely stupid with the cow pillar helmets. With the headswaps they look adequate, though their hammers still look like wacky toy mallets from Warcraft, not like actual weapons.
  13. Or, and heres a thought, they could just have regular bardiches or something. Wacky anime weapons are lame. Functional weapons are sexy.
  14. I thought Scions of the Flame, personally.
  15. Buffalo helm anchorite guy is pretty sweet. Peak elf though, won't even get off his ass to fight a battle.
  16. In three years when the Old World releases, will there be a Live Scribe telling you to get your AoS "dead game" content off our forums I wonder? So long as people play a game and enjoy a universe, it ain't dead. Look at the massive success of games like Total Warhammer and Vermintide. Look at the new WFRP edition. Look at GW making a new mini game in the Old World. Let people enjoy their things. It doesnt hurt your game at all.
  17. Honestly, most non-tie-in fantasy is pretty awful too. Sturgeon's Law is in full effect when it comes to literature. I think most BL authors arent worth reading, but the good ones, like Reynolds and ADB, are a better read than 90% of other fantasy/scifi. Other tie-in universes, like Star Wars, are shockingly terrible, even compared to standard BL bolter ******.
  18. I agree with Kadeton and others saying this is spurious. In the context within which it is written, the rule is clear. Anyone trying to interpret it otherwise is being a bit of a prat.
  19. At this point, I am just absolutely dumbfounded at the tone some people are taking. The internet is truly a strange and unpleasant place.
  20. I'm not suggesting she paints that way because she's a woman at all. I just thought it was an interesting bit of trivia is all. I am colorblind myself, so I always find the ways in which color perception can differ between people (and populations, in this case) quite interesting. @JPjr Thats not really what happened at all, but you do you, I suppose.
  21. Well regardless of the reasoning behind it, it is an observable and measurable difference.
  22. I dont know what he meant exactly, but there is some truth to this, from a certain point of view. Men are far, far more likely to be colorblind than women, with about 8-10% of the male population being so. The amount of women that are colorblind is so low its almost statistically insignificant. Conversely, an unknown, but significant, number of women are the opposite of colorblind: they can see dramatically more variation in the color spectrum than others, possibly due to the presence of a fourth type of cone in their eyes (as opposed to "baseline" humans with three, and colorblind humans with two), and so can distinguish between hues the rest of us find indistinguishable. And in general, disregarding colorblindness and tetrachromats, women are more adept at distinguishing hues than men are. Sauce: https://www.bibalex.org/SCIplanet/en/Article/Details?id=10304 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brain-babble/201504/when-it-comes-color-men-women-arent-seeing-eye-eye%3famp There are other sources out there as well, if you google "women see more colours" or some such.
  23. Nay, Alarielle (as the Everqueen) was an avatar of an aspect of Isha, much like Ariel of Athel Loren. The Lady of the Lake was Lileath, Goddess of the Moon, Dreams and Fortune.
  24. I imagine it will be a Horus Heresy style game with different rules, possibly new kits from FW. Personally, I hope for a Mordheim revival (but then again, Mordheim is basically perfect as-is with the fan mods available, so its perhaps unnecessary) but since they did the "square bases are back!" thing, I imagine it will be a revival of the rank-n-flank alongside the Old World. Considering the insane popularity of Total Warhammer, large-scale Old World game sounds most likely to me. I doubt a Titanicus-scale game only because there are far fewer Titan-esque monsters in the Old World and the I doubt it would pull in the same numbers as a full-on WHFB revival parallel to AoS.
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