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Morglum StormBasha

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Everything posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. That Bone flute is super confusing. its held by hands with only 3 digits ghould have 5 and skinks 4 so what on earth is this ?
  2. As far as I’m aware there is no official capital of the empire in the time of the three (Four) emperors. There is a stirland normal claim followed by a talabecland secession, then a middenheim secession then a Marienburg secession. The actual normal claim I think would probably still move around between reikland and wissenland in this case they’ve gone for Wilhelm X of Reikland. its going to be interesting to see how they’ll deal with human magic at this stage as it’s a pre teclis world. very much hope the empire armies go back to having halflings, ogors and imperial dwarfs in them.
  3. I get what you mean that in a sense the dates feel modern but it does appear to be pretty much the most interesting part of the timeline for most factions
  4. 1999-2000 is also the year of Morghurs rebirth its also the end of 300 years of Ariel being sequestered and allowing Orion sole rule of Athel Loren. it must be around the time finubar travels to the old world for the first time as well braking their isolation of the high elves..
  5. I mean the sensible thing is to do mordheim first right as a way to get some empire miniatures updated and then launch into the wider settings. But then give me Bretonnia vs Chaos as the starter please gw.
  6. I’m so incredibly exited about this now. if it’s circa 1990-2010 then we have - 4 emperors - Middenheim, talabacland, Marienburg and the official one. So no actual real empire but city states and lots of opportunities for creating new special characters and allegiances for those 4 human empire ish armies - Repanse de lyonesse fighitng off the khorne and nurgle invasion of bretonnia. Amazing! Who doesn’t want to play a Joan of Arc against the hordes of chaos! - the skaven civil war - skyre and moulded and eshin all at war with one another - the rise of Vlad Von Carstein - Gorbad Ironclaw is still active for orcs and goblins - Mordheim its an incredible 3 decades to put the setting in.
  7. I’m so excited about sons of Behemat I hope it’s at least 2 new kits
  8. The bill king novels do go on at length about teclis being the moon to tyrions sun so imagine they’ll keep that imagery.
  9. Legion of azgorh warscrolls are solid. Changes I would make allegaince abilities: however I would expand the spell lore by copying and pasting a few more of the realm of aqshy spells into it. make blackshard amour allow you to ignore first wound or mortal wound - same wording as mannfreds armour of templehof. points drazhoath down to 240 - he’s not as good as a verminlord and debatable between him and a contorted epitome even at this suggested reduced points. shartor down to 180 - you would never take him over a taur ruk with an artefact at the moment. dreadquake down to 140 - it’s big but it’s not as good as a magma cannon. all the battalions down 20 points. bull centaur renders down 20 to 160.
  10. The Christmas engine is a remake of the 1998 games day miniature for gorkamorka - look up the image and its identical
  11. Not yet. But would be hard pressed to advise anyone to buy any azgorh models without some sort of statement of intent from forgeworld
  12. I like the heads used them for my stormcast and 40k etc as well
  13. Wow that’s a large culling of the forgeworld range leaves greater daemons legion of azhorh gloomspite gitz monsters stormcast heads and that’s about it
  14. Lord of the rings preview was a seminar at the middle earth throne of skulls event. New dunland (Viking) models for middle earth were also on pre release sale there. I wouldn’t expect any more aos news till Xmas day / New Year’s Day
  15. Yeah I could easily see them previewing scions of the flame there and then having the stuff they had from 40k open day in the cabinets
  16. I definitely think that is a Grecian style stone column adorned with destruction bits and suspended in mid air. New gargant must be a big boy then
  17. Yeah I think it’s adapters but several years too late
  18. Saw a few pages ago that someone mentioned - endless spells for Ossiarch Bonereapers “if they are happening”. i can 100 percent confirm that ossiarchs are getting endless spells, ogors are getting a mawpot and we will see a “astrolithic skyshrine” scnery set before Xmas.
  19. The plastic medusa will be useful but a plastic hag queen so much more so...
  20. I think that staff from today’s rumour engine is from the medusa wizard that probably comes in the daughters of khaine underworld set.
  21. Cool happy to see warhammer conquest - wonder what it includes
  22. This was more brutal than I expected draconis eldritch council devoted lion rangers swifthawk all dead
  23. It has the decapitated heads. It’s the new tyrant.
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