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Morglum StormBasha

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Everything posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. So on Saturday I think maybe we see llama riding cav hero this kangaroo archer unit fox spirit cloud mage that’s a decent sized wave 2 taking lumineth from 9 kits to 13 of the roughly 20 I think we’ll have by the time we have wave 4.
  2. All hardback books and plastic scenery and endless spells are from China so probably don’t meet the rules of origin criteria. However this is guesswork based on what you’ve said above and some reports about other goods on radio 4 this morning.
  3. I think expectations of how much support The Old World will get need to be tempered. my minimum expectation is it will get the same level of support that Middle Earth gets (I think likely it will be more in reality) but that should mean 3 or more army books a year and redone special characters at least (mostly new given the new time period). I think they’ll launch big with 2 new armies but after that I do think it won’t get the same level of models support as aos or 40K do.
  4. To make The Old World Playable on release they probably need at least 4 factions at launch maybe more. Existing model lines which I think would be ready for 2200 straight away dark elves (just need special characters) high elves (just need special characters) lizardmen wood elves Vampire counts (just need a new Vlad model) nightgoblins and savage orruks. ogor kingdoms so that’s at least 7 factions but they’d have to redo Empire and Bretonnia completely and i expect the “new armies” needed to sell the game will be kislev norsca new brets new empire new Orcs and Goblins
  5. So this is roughly 2200-2300... mill be curious to see what the empire looks like given real world fashion changes a lot in 300 years and we know they’ll be no colleges of magic as it’s pre war of chaos
  6. That looks like they’ve posted next weeks video a week early by mistake
  7. I honestly think that we get both Hedonites in January still AND Soulblight in February. they have 2 releases per month. So it’s easy to do that and also release the one 40k codex per month theyve promised. the reason for the delays is principally books and scenery being delayed from China. I think this isn’t likely to effect things like Hedonites and soulblight which are already late. But I guess we find out tomorrow !
  8. Whatever else drops gw will release aos3 in June-August 2021. Their whole financial year rests on having a tent pole release in q1 of their financial year. aos is running 4 months behind but they’ll get all the planned battletomes out by June, they’ll just push back some 40K or specialist games and we’ll then probably see less aos post summer 2021
  9. I’m quite disappointed that we haven’t seen the faq drop pre Xmas like it normally would. Are we expecting it in January now?
  10. I don’t really want stormcast in the next starter but if they are in it I’d rather they revisit the warrior chamber and just give us some female liberators and female prosecutors models. That way it diversifies the line without rules bloat. my preference would be either lumineth or cities for “good” vs slaves/darkoath or Ironjawz for “bad”. alternartively Kurnothi vs new Beasts of Chaos would be great
  11. I guess the slaanesh release could either be massive (if this is the whole release) or quite small if this is the starter before summers main course. either in jan or summer we are likely to get 1. the new born 2. slaangor 3. harem Pants archers 4. harem pants swords/spears some new heroes ? maybe slaaneshi chaos ogors
  12. IM hoping that the second book is Broken Realms Alarielle with sylvaneth, nurgle, cities, hallowed knights and maybe Skaven
  13. Bugmans descendant is one of the best ko models. He is waaaay better than the normal Xmas models and could easily just become a permanent aos ko character model.
  14. This preview is timed to synchronise with uk games expo online (boardgames based) so shadow - Khainite warband and warcry 2 iron - necromunda house of iron supplemtns for Orlocks broken realms - underworlds season 4 are my guesses
  15. Qrow I don’t agree with the ironsworn change as 30 for 210 is too cheap. I do agree that Drazhoath should be 260 and Shartor 200 and 20 off renders, dreadquake and battalions. this would do a lot to keep us at least as competitive as say stormcast and sylvaneth...
  16. So you have to assume all the Lvo releases come out before the adepticon ones and Nuremberg you should before adepticon too. in which case best guess is - lumineth starter box and teclis - Escher house of blades and defence of ryza for adeptus titanicus - then lumineth - then rest of what was teased at adepticon
  17. I’m inclined to believe the original schedule listed above and would think 9th is a mid to late July release. Shops aren’t open in the uk yet, at the earliest 15 June and they aren’t going to want to release something as big as 9th online only. They’ll want to know footfall to their physical shops has increased again and that all those dark imperium sitting on those now dusty shelves can sell for a few weeks.
  18. That Bone flute is super confusing. its held by hands with only 3 digits ghould have 5 and skinks 4 so what on earth is this ?
  19. As far as I’m aware there is no official capital of the empire in the time of the three (Four) emperors. There is a stirland normal claim followed by a talabecland secession, then a middenheim secession then a Marienburg secession. The actual normal claim I think would probably still move around between reikland and wissenland in this case they’ve gone for Wilhelm X of Reikland. its going to be interesting to see how they’ll deal with human magic at this stage as it’s a pre teclis world. very much hope the empire armies go back to having halflings, ogors and imperial dwarfs in them.
  20. I get what you mean that in a sense the dates feel modern but it does appear to be pretty much the most interesting part of the timeline for most factions
  21. 1999-2000 is also the year of Morghurs rebirth its also the end of 300 years of Ariel being sequestered and allowing Orion sole rule of Athel Loren. it must be around the time finubar travels to the old world for the first time as well braking their isolation of the high elves..
  22. I mean the sensible thing is to do mordheim first right as a way to get some empire miniatures updated and then launch into the wider settings. But then give me Bretonnia vs Chaos as the starter please gw.
  23. I’m so incredibly exited about this now. if it’s circa 1990-2010 then we have - 4 emperors - Middenheim, talabacland, Marienburg and the official one. So no actual real empire but city states and lots of opportunities for creating new special characters and allegiances for those 4 human empire ish armies - Repanse de lyonesse fighitng off the khorne and nurgle invasion of bretonnia. Amazing! Who doesn’t want to play a Joan of Arc against the hordes of chaos! - the skaven civil war - skyre and moulded and eshin all at war with one another - the rise of Vlad Von Carstein - Gorbad Ironclaw is still active for orcs and goblins - Mordheim its an incredible 3 decades to put the setting in.
  24. I’m so excited about sons of Behemat I hope it’s at least 2 new kits
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