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Everything posted by Honk

  1. Please abhorash... snd with the fat dude, they copied Karakros, something I would love to see for a Lhamia vampire coven 😻
  2. And that scares me the most, because next to my FEC Clans stands a big LoN army. First of all I don’t know why they even touch FEC, production costs are super low with their multi-kits, the faction is well received and (the only REAL reason) attracts new players... as in buying new models. A widely played faction might sell the book and some new additional pieces, but to start a new FEC army, that’s GDubs goal... Second, although I like the idea of a „together we stand in undeath“ faction, it is a bad sign for the size of the Gravelords publishing. If they really roll it into one book, a bunch of it will be FEC and I‘m not sure the second half will deliver a well designed Soulblight society. Sure, keep the crazy strigoi out of things, make them allies again, but dragons, carsteins and necrach are kinda divers and judging from their latest releases and boxes, new and IP tight sculpts are ordered. If you‘ll leave too much old stuff in, revenue is not as expected, ditching the second release of blingbling, like slaneesh just got. not very thrilled about that
  3. As stated above, with all the new releases threatening to overthrow the old truths, wise words are: buy some SCs, and relax while painting and assembling, then get some small games in and see how things develop. No, with a little bit of yes. If you‘re summoning a courtier, there is little reason not to call in a varghulf. flayers or horrors , I think flayers are faster and better, but a lonely unit of three is not really a threat for anything. If your enemy has no good save, horrors in the general vicinity of an abhorrent can dish out quit some pain. And for objectives 10/20ghouls are nice. In binary it is best to bring all your options, but in reality you can plan ahead only bring those you think you’ll need. Sure, +2 movement is always nice and useful... whatever your list, rampaging horrors or 8“ ghouls... 16“ menagerie 😻 the answer is always one more SC 😅 Royal menagerie list: GkoTg, regent, 4Tg, battalion...1980, 3 drops Tgs heal 2d3/turn , if you can table your opponent turn 3, you might make enough points to barely win I have never had any success with ghoul hordes, their output is just not good enough, but maybe I’m doing it wrong... I love horrors vs low save armies, like nurgle, undead with the abhorrent reroll to hit... flayers are great imo, give them extra attacks, frenzy and their mortal wounds alone will hurt, also their screams are nice for low bravery screening units and when stuck in combat even better... Magnetizing flayers/horrors is only for the gifted, those arms are model specific, so a pain to organize, just as a heads up, I failed horribly just play with what you built and see how you like it.
  4. with the announcement of Chaosdwarves for TW:WH3 and such, a miracle might come our way... but even if GW listens to our cries and prayers, they will redo them like the elves or dwarves and you’ll have to start from scratch... 🤔 not sure if I‘m in for 500 gold
  5. Honk

    New to LON

    Somewhat is the max LoN is able to do, imo... I love fielding 60zombies and a corpse cart (2+hit/3+wound) but you’ll need a vamp and an necro to get a great output (+1attack and van hels) and enough bodies into the fight, that you outdamage your opponent. 40 skellis is also nice, but with all the rend and damage output in the powercreep, they are not as unkillable as they were, when LoN dropped. graveguard do perform well, but are slow direwolves are still great, but same as with the skellis, the damage output nowadays gets you pretty fast. Blackknights are kinda nice on the charge, the „deathmarch“ battalion might still be relevant, even when you’re not allowed to buy multiple CPs anymore (strong list back then was 1900+2CP for vamp ca and wightking ca). bloodknights finally are in a point region that is realistic, sadly the price region is high fantasy... Morghast can be good, even when they are pricey and kinda belong to OBR, but in a grand host or backstabbing LoNight arkhan still great, also better in obr, but a strong mage for good points Mannfred boi, only for the fluff in friendly games, in beer and pretzel kinda cool, had fun in a soulblight game, but for real? Too expensive too fragile... naferata girl, same as Mannfred, will still give her a ride out next time. CPs are too expensive, back then a 2. turn 2CP twighlight allure could shut down the enemy centre for your Bloodknights charge in LoBlood necromancer are almost essential, vamplord well 2.place for support ...wightking 3. 😢 too expensive, no magic too fragile/important for melee lord on Dragon I don‘t have much luck with him, after they threw out the ethereal amulet... but still a solid suicide charger palanquin, never played it coven throne, I love it, very nice buffs, nice spell, fast support piece... good point value spirit hosts, no experiences now to my weak spot, I hate nighthaunt, just because I didn’t like the way they superbly were tossed into LoN and were better there than in their own book, but that is pure personal feelings... but the chainrasps are more mobile and more Independent than skellis and the reapers are also very fast, better save and good damage output, both kinda outperforming skellis and guards imo... with everybody having rend, the unmodified armor is solid, flying... Nagash... still...too...early... can’t talk about... roughly 100-150 points too expensive considering the points of teclis or kroak and the lack of goodies he lost and only has in OBR. it is just sad, at 800 pts you could field him for fun, now you’re getting crushed. 16hp on a 3+ is nothing in the shooting meta, not even for fun (will still field him)... zombiedragon...might as well field a terrorgheist, they can be fun in Legion of blood with the extra -1 bvy or in a legion of night for the ambush fun. mortis Engine, kinda fun, general bravery is too high to make the thing rock the house, within the LoBlood it can support a helterskelter charge next to Blackknights and a dragonlord banshee, almost forgot... there you have it 😥 when your positioning game is imba op, a Legion of blood bravery list might crush a poor gobbo list, Morghast, death banner, LoBlood, overwhelming dead gives -4/-5 bravery, suddenly that scream does 2d6 mortals, but the needed positioning is a nightmare there you have it, my two cents, the only valid opinion from the most exalted Death Player that sits on my couch with all the downward stroll we are taking in the meta, LoN still is versatile and fun to play
  6. Ride forth and crush those infidels. CHARGE AND DESTROY!!! i said charge!!! KILL MAIM BURN!!! ... i hate you, I will never field you again, filthy betrayers, when soulblight arrives, I’ll sell you off for a dollar a piece. I‘ll put you in the oven and watch you melt, backstabbing craven mockery of my grand court, disgrace! (maybe I forgot to yell FOR THE LADY... oh no, It is all my fault... I‘m abgetrunkene unworthy king)
  7. 6 flayers with +3 attacks stood before his army and denied me a 6“ charge, with reroll... something workers union 👻 The saltiness knows no boundaries, but the list felt good.
  8. With the charnel throne, the regent summons for free and after getting a great support hero (-160 varghulf) or board control (-200 ghouls) you’ll have a 40/80 points 7hp wizard, who can cast 2 spells, one of them a crazy good booster the other of your choice... If he‘s only 200pts, he‘ll be for free 🤔
  9. Chew on this constipated daffodil munchers, a gift, right from your homeplane... cursed lumineth sentinels
  10. That sounds like a special kind of fun 🤣 How do you deal with teclis/kroak or others cancelling your buffs? Suck it up and hit the mage first? and the -1 is a realm artifact?
  11. I said „proactively“ not „halfhearted can’t be bothered“... I could live with crooked unit sizes, like they did for the soul wars boxes, but please nothing like the sepulcher guard.
  12. That’s a good basis... i would not throw all hopes for a „hedonists of Nagash“ out of the window. As was said many times, the sprues are ancient, but who knows how proactively they tie in the warhammer quest minis... still excited 😈
  13. I always have trouble to place 9 models and 3 just don’t live up to the points. Same here. I have seen 10 ghouls doing an heroic defensive fight, but never dishing out significant damage... horrors did great back in the old book, in a 750pts fight against nurgle with plaquebearers. But I want to try them again... with a zombiedragon Prince
  14. That is his/ her main function... will try out the smashbat at 2k aar, GkoTg, VC, 2x6flayers, 3horror, 2x10 ghouls +CP... let‘s see how that works, 6 flayers are enough to do something and the GkoTg is also a nice threat. maybe I‘ll slingshot the flayers first and then the bat in Round two 🤔 and with +2 CP some feeding frenzy can be done
  15. Debatable, but especially against top magic ( Nagash, teclis, kroak, LoChange) getting your spells through is tough. And the GkoTg just delivers...
  16. The added mobility and extra attacks are tricky to compensate. Especially since the magic that you’ll need to pull off a smash bat can be quite easily countered. And suddenly you’re a day late and a dollar short on smashing 😅 and although I like the list in general, some details will cause problems. Like 3 flayers/horrors don’t really pack a punch in my games, the GkoTg give a second big threat, which is cool, but 2x10 ghouls are not going to survive a fight without courtier. So try it out, see for yourself, but in a „true“ smash bat list every buff on the varghulf gets doubled, be it mobility or attacks, to push that thing into beastmode...
  17. Those 4 dudes on the tapestry look pretty cool...Second from left looks a bit like old Konrad vC and the old geezer looks like some deathpriest from the Necrach. From Deadwalkers over Priests to vamp-blender and heavy infantry everything is there , but what and how will find its way cross platforms into AoS is tricky. I mean Chaosdwarves are pretty certain for Total War WH3, but just got canceled in AoS...😥
  18. AoS is not the apple of their eye, that’s for sure...
  19. As long as GHB20 is still valid we have official pitched battle points... and looking at the way they bravely handled the winter faq, where Nighthaunt got taken back to 2019, they might just copy paste the points into the next book... But i wouldn’t start collecting now ☹️
  20. They did mention that in the last preview with the Underworld and Quest announcement. I hope for something spicy and also for not too crazy fluff... also the mentioning of Tyrion might do them pointy ear daffodil muncher good. let’s see how Ushorans blessing blooms in the light of logic and contemplation 👻🎉🥳
  21. Honk


    Right now they are (one of) the best LoN support hero, much needed... they like to have a big block of summonables around. The deathmarch battalion is still the strongest, tournament wise I think. sacrament just too expensive, for friendly games it can be alright, but the lore is debuffing and the battalion with all the models it‘s just too much... try it all out, find your style
  22. They are included in my prayers to Nagash... on the other hand, what and how exactly „Gravelords“ will look like nobody knows. the leaked picture of bat-hair guy in plate supports knightly fashion models and makes bloodknights possible. but if they go castlevania mode and have werewolves as big cavalry... or something so maybe just hold off on buying 10-20 or try to look for proxy fantasy vampire knights (🙊)
  23. Well... moving 140 models took way more time than anticipated, but things started go downhill He played lizzards: kroak, skinkpriest, stegadon, t-rex 20 warriors, 30 skinks and 10 riders since I placed my graveyards aggressively and then learned about their speed (skinks 11“) I had to go first, else my summoning scheme was done before round two. (I hated it) vampire ambushed, called forth 60 zombies (aka ghouls), Necromancer ambushed called 40 skellis from the grave and after much thinking, called in the morghast to suicide charges his left flank, to delay the stegadon and the knights and kill some skinks . well, skinks shoot down one morghast and flee before melee ☹️ But they kill some knights and delay the stegadon. i take three objectives, happy times I thought. then kroak casts something 10+, dealing d3 MWs to all by heroes (d6units), then the skink priest cast something MW on 5+ killing 20!!!20!!! Skellis, skink blowdaets cripple unit, bastillodon almost kills my coven throne and the stegadon stomps over morghasts... 🥺 My bait unit was too defensive to resecure my left flank (trying to protect my rear from teleports) my zombies helterskelter into his right side, dealing good damage to the carnosaur and his warriors. Resummoning the destroyed skellis in my midfield. his turn, zombies get magic bombed, corpse cart get blowgunned, summons kroxigors which reroll charge to cripple my new skellis, stegadon teleports into backfield to chargestomp my coven throne... that‘s where I called upon the power of 1am and flee the battlefield. with some better positioning I could have reclaimed my left flank, but that magic barrage comets vs d3/6 units dealing d3 mw and the mob killer (d6/model 5+MW) was just a hard Counter. Kroaks unbinding too... stupid lich still, I liked the list even if moving and piling is a pain.
  24. You’ll have a hard time scoring objectives and the vampire on the vortex is not really great, buuuut... just go for it. the coven is great, double dragon is cool, together a bit much. Too many CAs you’ll want to use. a nice flock of vargheist can dish out damage, but die pretty quickly. Especially half decent shooting will wreck them...
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