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Everything posted by XReN

  1. Yes, this is what people need to learn The example features taking 340 points worth of heroes, as well as another 130 points hero with an artefact to improve death save. Also to make morghasts 2+ save you need them to be in cover. Purely assault unit in cover. In Cover. Such things rarely happen and the more models you take (as you should because you commit you heroes to it) the lesser the chances to get cover. With all that, Stalkers are more fighty than Morghasts whille Immortis are more resilient - both for 10 less points raw. The niche roll for morghasts is to be flying flanking assassins, you would need a very specialised list to make them into shock troops.
  2. It isn't consistent enough to justify the panic it causes, also using heals on it is an outrageous point investment Now lets compare to something else, like handgunners - a unit of 20 deals 7 damage before saves, but with rend, if they didn't move it's 9,33. Now lets take 2 crawlers with liege against 50 handgunners with general: it will be 22,22 against 36,11. So handgunners are better, yes they will get in range of whatever enemy units only in the 2nd shooting phase but they will stll outperform crawlers over the course of the game, they are battleline, they are capable of holding objectives and can defend themselves in melee, whille a crawler will be boned for the rest of the game when a cheeky flying unit inevitably gets into combat with them. Crawler might be a good artillery, but it's overall functionality is mediocre. Read my comments on using Knight Venator and consistency I don't get it, cauldron can't do ****** against stormcast or varanguard and it's skulls will be shruged by good saves half the time. So again, Crawler is primarily good because of it's range and by taking more than 1 or 2 you can harm your army's ability to respond to some threats. And that is even without going into the territory of how Stalkers point by point will potentially outdamage crawlers 4 times with the same buffs, and that means even suffering insane casualties they will still come out on top in raw damage, whille eating less RD points and having equal damage drop-off from getting wounded and loosing models
  3. I don't get why people are afraid of Crawlers, they aren't scary at all. Their anti-horde shot is nowhere near the damage potentian of some spells, or even Purple Sun. When you'll try to kill a hero with normal shots or slay model shot it's a gamble, you either kill it, or your 200 points investment wasted a turn doing nothing, I don't suppose anyone scared of this thing ever used Knight Venator - he only kills 1 hero every 10 games with his Star-Fated arrow and I used him a lot back in 1st edition trying to pull of a lucky shot. And to even earn back Crawler's point cost it needs to consistently bombard chaff with terrible saves for almost the entire game. Not to mention that crawlers are quite possibly one of the most cost inefficient shooting units in the game against anything with save of 4+ and better, so what anti-elite purpose can we even talk about? I think that 1 crawler is fine for it's utility, 2 is pushing it, 3+ is a gimmick that won't work in most circumstances. And without balistarii battalion they will lose damage rapidly even from taking occasional damage.
  4. It applies to casting and unbinding Endless Spells, but not disspelling No
  5. Fortunately there is no infantry (like in 1-2 wound hoard-y hobos) worth of magnetising in OBR and Stalkers/Immortis are so few in number that it won't take much work to magnetise
  6. Magnets are your friends You can try and do it on your own after some research, or wait untill someone magnetises those exact models like I'm going to do.
  7. Yeah, that's the new, stupid and annoying way GeeDubs make their starter sets. Totally going to whine about it if they make another survey for customers
  8. Cool army and nice conversions, but please, crop your photos if you already decided to go into taking them with a backdrop. Also creating a set up that would give you consistent conditions for taking pictures also helps. Finaly, I really liked Miniac's miniature photography guide
  9. Swords are better than spears by a mile, however I'm going to build my Guard as 40 spears and 20 swords because I intend to play using mainly Petrifex elite so they will be better than swords because it's the only way to run big unit whille making sure that most models will get to fight AND maintaining CA bubble from Hekatos, with swords you'll either have to miss out on attacks, or CAs or run a hero nearby just to trigger those CAs
  10. Gotta agree woth @flamingwalnut Flagellant's warscroll is clearly crazy men in rags with whatever they found first that is capable of dealing fatal wounds. Nothing about your suggested models translates into this (except maybe the crazy part) Too bad freeguild militia isn't a thing anymore so I guess flaggelants are the only reasonble representation of your idea, but I would rather go for different units using different warscrolls.
  11. ORDER Stormcast - CELESTANT PRIME! Daughters of Khaine - Maybe Morathi? Or snake/winged ladies Kharadron Overlords - Admiral or Ironklad Cities of Sigmar - A freeguild General Sylvaneth - Drycha or some sort of Treeman. Or Arch-Revenant Seraphon - Slaan or Astrolith bearer or some monster Idoneth Deepkin - King or Eidolon or turtle Fyreslayers - Grimwrath berserker CHAOS Hedonites of Slaanesh - Dunno Blades of Khorne - Korghos Khul Disciples of Tzeentch - Changeling Maggotkin of Nurgle - some Nurgle mortal hero Slaves to Darkness - New Lord of Chaos Skaven - Hell Pit Abomination or Arch Warlock or DOOM WHEEL or Verminlord Beasts of Chaos - Cygor DEATH Nighthaunt - any of the named characters or Lord Executioner from Soul Wars Ossiarch Bonereapers - Zandtos or Liege Kavalos Flesh Eater Courts - Arch Regent or Varghulf or King on Terrorgheist Legions of Nagash - Nagash or Mortarch (Including Krell and Vlad) DESTRUCTION Orruk Warclans - Warboss or Idol of Gork (or Mork) Gloomspite Gitz - some wonky character from Gobbapalooza, but it seems you already collect them Ogor Mawtribes - new Tyrant or Firebelly or Butcher with Cauldron
  12. Probably not. They are stupidly fast and will trample everything that dares to oppose them. You need shooting to deal with them, also some de-buffs could be neat.
  13. Finally, I can make a list in warscroll builder! Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers- Legion: Petrifex EliteLeadersLiege-Kavalos (200)- General- Trait: Mighty Archaeossian- Artefact: Helm of the Ordained or Godbone Armour Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360) Mortisan Soulmason (140)- Artefact: Godbone Armour or Gothizzar Cartouche or Soul Reservoir - Lore of Mortisans: Empower Nadirite Weapons Mortisan Boneshaper (130)- Artefact: Artisan’s Key or Lode of Saturation - Lore of Mortisans: Reinforce Battle-shield Battleline10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Spear and Shield- 1x Soulcleaver Greatblades10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and Shield10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and Shield5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldUnits6 x Immortis Guard (400) or 6 x Necropolis Stalkers (400)BattalionsMortek Shield-corps (120)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsNightmare Predator (40)Shards of Valagharr (40) or Bone-tithe Shrieker (30)Total: 2000 or 1990/ 2000 Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 97 That is a list I'm going to build first, actually a difficult choice of artefacts! Obviously I have to take Godbone Armor, but 2nd artefact is an open question and I'm looking forward to testing it all. C&C are welcome
  14. Even if you don't play competitively, you want to optimise the hell out of your lists with what units you want to include and play objectives. The last time I faced VLoZD in 1000ish points game I've lost, but I killed almost everything, have been able to block off every gravesite and if luck was on my side - I would have won (we played old Relocation Orb). When you get into game against murderous monsters like VLoZDs, Terrorgeists, Keepers, Bloodthirsters you need to identify what you are able to do, if you're able to kill them - do it (it's strongly recommended to build a list that can), if you can't than avoid it at all costs whille making sure you are scoring more than opponent. To kill those monster you either need good shooting (Longstrikes) or counter charge them with strong melee unit such as Evocators or Dracoths after they kill or get stuck in your screening/vanguard unit. I don't know good tactics sources, unfortunately.
  15. It's working as intended But makes unit building rather ugly
  16. There isn't much to do with all this bravery modifiers, if you actually want to try it than I'd recommend throwing Vokmortian and Pretorians off the cliff and getting a cheap and powerfull horrorghast endless spell. Than bringing 6 mercenary Crypt Flayers to give your opponent a headache
  17. That sounds alright, the thing is: you can reach his frontline with gemenids even if you're forced to go first, if he than wins the roll-of and choses to go again - his blightkings are being at -1 to hit for whole 2 battle rounds and that means they fight with pillows You can also pull the ultimate winning move if you give your VLoZD Gildenbane - an artefact from Chamon that will disable his Witherstave and throw him into the fray. If you go Legion of Blood and make him the general - even better. Give him command trait to make everyone -1 to hit him in combat phase, so even if geminids fail you can still survive going toe to toe with his heroes. You should also be able to unbind his spells from time to time and if you really feel like shutting down his magic - take a Corpse Cart with blazer You can also block his advance or make him waste casts by dumping endless spells on the table, like pallisade, shackles etc.
  18. Mortek Guard are 130 per 10, so it will be 260 per 20 So for the rest of the list you may double up on stalkers, or take 2nd crawler or take 3 Immortis to protect wizards
  19. I think I may try this list without Deathriders for the start as I'll have 40 of mortek guard to go 20/10/10 shield corps. I'm sceptical about the Crawler, so I'll let Arkhan and his magic do the long range killing for now.
  20. It's debatable whether you should go vanilla instead of Petrifex even at 1k format. Extra rend pretty much equals +1 to hit you can get from artefact, army-wide +1 to save rolls is better than 1 spell any day of the week and on top of that your Kavalos becomes a chunky boi that would be rather hard to kill. And that's all not considering the ability to bring battalion
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