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Everything posted by XReN

  1. But you lose the game in any of those scenarios, I think we can agree that feelings are not a valid arguement. I get my kick of action gameplay from Rainbow 6 Siege, it's also way easier to find time for. I would gladly welcome changes to priority roll, but not removing of it.
  2. I haven't played them for the last year, right now I play with my FEC
  3. Managing expectations is what makes my games good, when I go to a tournament, I do not care about how hard I will smash/get smashed, it's a competition, I enjoy every part of it, if I lose I always have something to think about. When I play outside of tournaments against people who are not that competetive or new I tone down my lists so I won't smash my opponent, I can also do stupid moves and deny myself of good opportunities, to provide better experience to my opponent and make a game more enjoyble to myself, I don't like it when friendly games end by turn 2 so I decide to not end them by turn 2.
  4. Well, when the situation is that bad, isn't getting double turn yourself is your only hope to win?
  5. Doppelganger Cloak, aka, better Gristlegore (imo), Ethereal Amulet - for monsters. For courtiers I used to bring -3 rend artefact on Haunter Courtier if I knew there will be SCE on the tournament. Betrayer's Crown can also be good to slam those screens. Aetherquarts Brooch can be nice if you're going with the court instead of Feast Day, but I usually potatoed my return CP rolls so I stoped taking it. I think you can use both, but I haven't tried it much. GK on foot is strange, I think if you can also take Balewind Vortex he can act as mini-regent and be a secondary support, but typicaly if I have 2 casters, I would rather take courtier instead of GK.
  6. I sort of agree with @willange on that one, if brevery debuffs cause opponent to spend CPs than they give you value, but at the same time it does nothing against abilities that don't require CPs, like Skaven auras, King's Ghouls battalion, ect. Whille a player still pays something for that, it's not CPs. I'd like to see some changes made into IP and every similar ability, based on number of casualties, like when unit is reduced to 50% of it's starting strenght than those abilities make you count bravery roll as 1 instead of ignoring the check, once unit is reduced to 25% of it's starting strenght it can no longer benefit from those abilities.
  7. My reply wasn't about randomness, it was about the fact that for some people getting double turned sucks I see only 2 complains about priority roll - it decides games and people get bored. And both are stupid. And there is solution to both: why don't people who dislike the priority roll spend those 30 minutes of boredom thinking about how they should have played differently so double turn won't be decisive factor of a game? I personaly don't get bored, how can I if I spent dozens of hours painting the very models I play with right now? Get some patience. And I rarely have games where double turn actually does decide the outcome of a game, because I and my opponents know what we are doing.
  8. Losing a game because of failed charge roll sucks just as much as losing a game because of any roll, prove me wrong.
  9. Let's go and discard every potential cause of "feels bad" from the game then, why stop on double turn? Let's remove all dice rolls, because they can cause just as much bad moments as double turn can. We can have fixed numbers for everything, wouldn't that be great?
  10. You really should build your next skeleton units in a way to be able to field wholle units with same weapons. And, of course, you should by A LOT of skeletons, unless you want to go for elite force of grave guard you probably want 80 of them on the field. Whille you build up your numbers you can buy some heroes (Wight King, Vampire Lord on foot, Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon) and Morghasts for Nagash's Battalion (It's not great, but its fluffy and gives you a reason to show off cool minies) And that will be pretty much all that is worth buying in this book, you can supplement your force with some Grimghast Reapers from NH because they are a great unit.
  11. That is what I usually run and won local tournament or 2 with, but I've been using Miasmatic Blade on my TG and right now I think of experimenting with Spectral Host on monsters and Doppelganger Cloak This list is very well rounded
  12. I will happily tell you what pushed FEC so high - ability to amplify power of GKoTG 4 times, their summoning, however, went down in effectiveness with the new Battletome and it is also factored in point costs of units that can do summoning and ressurecting models.
  13. Hey guys, haven't used the tool much, but it seems really usefull and I'll use it at local tournament this weekend. One question - do you need help filling out FEC and Forbidden Power Endless Spells? I can provide info on those
  14. XReN

    Is SCE OP?

    You're the second person who failed to notice it's Warcry thread
  15. Whille I don't like how thin this list is - I think you should give it a try as is, you also don't want to change GKoZD for TG, Spell and GK it's quite a downgrade.
  16. Also I've been distracted by mess that is Battle Scribe, @Gorkimus, I suggest you put Staff of Focus on Lord Arcanum, being able to cast 2 spells with extra mortal wounds is better than casting 1 spell.
  17. What might happen is that you can get overwhelmed by numbers and drowned under wave of undead, also concussors can't take mount trait, only heroes can.
  18. Core Rules, Designer's Commentary page 10: https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en-1.pdf
  19. Then try using Dracoths as @azmarus suggested, they are somewhat sturdier than most other units in our book, you then also can take Castellant and Relictor for defence, with Castellant's +1 to save rolls, Relictor's Divine Light and after hitting enemy unit with Lightning Storm you will turn pretty much anything IJ player throws at you into weaklings
  20. To start it off - you don't get any benefit from going Hammers with this list, it's not worth going with them if you're not planing to use their named characters. With better trait (like staunch defenders) and better artefact you would have a much bigger chance to fight the orks. Then you should be smart with how you play, because IJ will snowball you with activations by killing weak units like prosecutors and judicators, you want to charge with prosecutors to "pincer" enemy unit from 2 sides, preferably so opponent will strugle with piling in and will be able to reach each of your prosecutor units with only 1 model, so you'll be able to do some damage without getting insta-shredded. Same applies to everything that is not seqitors, with them you can fully commit to charge and fight with all models Also, what models do you have? Something might be better than what you have currently in the list.
  21. GWs are testing it with ME already
  22. I remember smtg like that, so yes, probably don't want to get in base to base with more than 1 enemy model
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