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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I'm awaiting confirmation of the beastmen are gone from AoS rumor so I can find out whether to rebate on squares or converters but other than that my beastmen are ready to go minus painting up some Ghorgon and finishing some Ungor raiders I think I'm fully painted. I've also got an old wood elf army to run too so all in all I'm stoked for the old world!
  2. I do like gavespaw probably the most as a general beastmen theme. I think Khorne aligned beasts are interesting because unlike the rest of khornes guys being frothing berserker the beasts are MORE disciplined under Khorne. One of the last nods to the fact that the Chaos gods used to have some good qualities among the pure evilry that I find so boring. All the God aligned frays open up interesting avenues for the generally one note beastmen (even if it is an awesome note)
  3. If you're in the US or don't mind shipping I think I've got most of an isle of blood box somewhere I'd be happy to part with so someone can bring them back to life!
  4. I don't. If GW fails to satisfy its customers I don't hope their customers like something else instead. I hope GW collects it's excrement into a centralized location.
  5. I'm going to be pretty done with GW if this is true. From wanderers to cities to beasts of chaos. If they don't want my money then I'll keep it.
  6. @Sception the waystalker can snipe lone characters AND characters in units.
  7. The second part makes the first part more bearable to me.
  8. I really like these. Olynder and Ushoran at least have basically "mini" versions of their faction rules so you can run a fluffy alliance without losing every bonus. I could be really happy if something like this made it into Chaos letting you slap some God aligned units in with say... beasts of chaos? Dare I say.
  9. That's the thing. I GET order versus Chaos. When one side wants to melt everybody down to spiritual primordial goo you take any allies you can get. But why GW felt tomb kings MUST be evil to the point of noticeably pushing that narrative multiple times is beyond me. The writer in me (hobby not professional mind you) can't fathom anyone saying "I really just think it will be better if this mature setting is dumbed down to the level of an early Saturday morning cartoon."
  10. All of this discussion that's not about the game that I'm actually super excited to play is a great example of why they really would have been better off NOT doubling down on good versus evil. Maybe only a few people care (in the grand scheme of things I think very few people care about any given issue) but what exactly was the benefit that was worth even this level of disunity?
  11. Benefit of the doubt here that you actually don't get that it isn't the undead part of EGYPTIAN unded people take issue with calling evil right? It's the fact that most factions of "good" are either European humans or European versions of things like elves and dwarves and the evil things are either European versions of evil things (like beastmen) or conversely any faction that isn't European. Mongolian goblins and Norse, (loosely) native American spider riders and African "savage" orcs. Take it to AoS and you have "Persian inspired Slaanesh" "Babylonia inspired chorfs (hopefully)" and you start to notice a pattern of "others" = evil
  12. Completely random question but does anybody on this earth happen to run a more than min size unit of claws of karanak leaving them with an extra pack leader they might part with? I've wanted to convert a khornate beastlord out of it forever but can't justify the whole kit for one model. Slim chance I know.
  13. They did not. They were labeled as rat men or something and they were modified files taken from Total war so its even more garbage of GW.
  14. How tall in inches is the GW giant? I have a random Rakdos figure from wizkids that I think is a bit too big for a demon prince but might make a great chaos giant alongside my skullfray.
  15. I meant the "bow of loren" and "asyendi's bane" or whatever. The two magic weapon bows they have. They specifically say "counts as asrai longbow" (I presume so they work with their special arrows rule) so I assume if they wanted other magic items to count as hand weapons they would say so? I strongly dislike the whole "your unit only has a primal hatred of men (Foe render) if it's using a single basic hand weapon." I guess their emotional support great weapons calm them down? And everybody knows a man with two knives is supposed to be happy. (And the same applies to enscorcelled weapons, murderous, etc.)
  16. Wood elf magical bows are specifically called out as Asrai longbow to interact with their arcane arrows rule or what have you so I'd assume no?
  17. God I hope frenzy isn't as bad as people say considering my list is all bullgor/doombull/ghorgon and I'm a khorne player who will absolutely mark my beastmen up as soon as I'm allowed since they're all already painted red and brass.
  18. 1% is not a fact. That's a pretty disingenuous way of saying 33% chance of success against a one hit kill versus 50% chance of success. Yeah that's a 16% difference but it isn't 96% versus 80% it's literally the difference between "statistical anomaly" and "coin flip". Yes you're worse against small arms fire that will likely struggle to wound your tough 6 dragon to begin with but you're better (with pendant) against anything strength 6 or higher. Meaning if they have even a 50% of wounding you then you have a 50% chance of ignoring it without even factoring armor. Fine if you park your dragon within short range of a unit with mass poison shooting then yes you're worse off than a star dragon and I'm sorry the game doesn't prevent you from making bad decisions but in the real world where your tough 6 monster is mostly being threatened by cannons, great weapons, monsters and spells you'll be happy you're not a star dragon. Legitimate question with no malice or snark behind it. what do you THINK is going to happen to your black dragon? Mass poison? Small arms fire rolling statistical anomalies to wound? Bearing in mind that by the time you're in short range or melee you ought to have (ought to have is not a mathematical fact) caused 3 wounds considering the damage output and initiative of a dreadlord on dragon. Give us a real scenario to compare instead of the white box of math hammer. Most importantly (and again no snark). Do you have fun playing this game? I mean the variables of dice and positioning and people making mistakes etc. Etc. Do you enjoy this or would you rather compare spreadsheets and then shake hands and collect your win?
  19. Okay fine but how long is it going to take your dreadlord on black dragon to inflict 3 wounds? And just going to keep ignoring the 4+ ward save from the amulet? Regen is nice and all but you can't take 2+ armor saves or 5+ regens against monster slayer insta kill attacks which are imo the biggest threat to a dragon. You know what you can take? Wards. And in most cases a 4+ ward which is mathematically much better than a 5+ regen on top of being negated by almost nothing (as opposed to regen which many many rules and spells ignore)
  20. Meh. However it works armor of blood gives a 3+ save (after you kill 2 models) and a shield gives +1 so using just the dreadlords save you get a 2+ and have the dragons 3+ until you kill some (2? Models) plus the 5++/4++ seems fine to me.
  21. I've heard a rumor that wood elf archer spam is broken? 😏
  22. Armor of blood or a shield on the dreadlord + the full plate armor of a dragons scales? So not even a magic item. Even better than I thought. Plus the pendant gives a 5+ ward against everything AND a 4+ ward against anything strength 6 or higher. Which is huge because you'll need strength 6 or poison to reliable wound it.
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