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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. My concern is that GW didn't make any mistakes with IK in their minds since it probably made loads of money.
  2. Don't worry it builds quite easy. Good luck and keep us all posted!
  3. Gluing the glaive last was the problem lol. Just put him and the glaive on the base dry fit and mark the location to glue him later. I glued his body on first and the glaive can only go in one place so that's why the overhang.
  4. This game has my mind positively reeling with the possibilities!
  5. I posted him over in the... march painting contract thread? If you want an idea. There you go. The right arm actually fits in pretty snugly as that's not glued in and you might be able to get away with blue tac but I'd say magnets to be safe. You dont NEED putty to magnetize it, you'd just be stuck kind of guessing on where to drill in the magnets without them. One mistake I made in putting him on the base but with the glaive was I had him too far to one side and the base of the glaive overhung his base so be careful for that. If I'm not mistaken you can build everything but the corruptor by magnetizing the right arm and left hand. I'm pretty sure the deceivers left hand is in the same position as the glaive option.
  6. A lot of people are excited for sons and I'm happy for them but all I can think of is the atrocious imbalance that knights brought to 40k and I view a similar army for AoS with trepidation. That much plastic costs a lot of money and I don't even begrudge them that the sons will probably come out overpowered. Every new army has to be tuned after its release into the wild. I just worry that selling an army of $100+ kits will have the suits too excited to let the actual game designers do their job. On that note I do think they can get it right and I hope they do. I actually expect more kits because nobody has mentioned the idea of things like half giant infantry (kurnoth hunter or armiger sized) or maybe mammoth mounted ballista? There is more available to giants than just giants.
  7. Mine has a customer built head that combines the eshin mask with the warpseer horns and hair and the blade off the war bringers helmet so it fits anyway. Oh about magentizing the arms you're gonna want some hard drying putty like green stuff or procreate to make little "shelves" inside the models chest because it is hollow where the arms connect and you need something to attach it too.
  8. It seems to me really that acolytes and to a lesser extent rattling guns have been under explored due to their ancient models and prohibitive prices. Battle bits and punga miniatures as well as simple converting has really opened up their use though if anyone is interested. To the verminlord question it's really easy to build him as skreech/warbringer/seer just by giving him the glaive and magnetising only his right arm if you dont mind the head not matching which I personally dont as the weapons are all WYSIWYG. The corrupted and deceiver are more difficult since you'd have to magnetize both arms but it shouldn't be too hard and I probably should have done it myself. Well I will on the second one and then I'll have access to all of them.
  9. I can't talk on the tactics but absolutely on the sub assembly. The head for sure should stay off. Both arms but you can probably put the left one on. The legs are fine but be sure to leave off the crotch tabard to get to them easily. Definitely keep the tail off and if you're going to build him with the glaive probably worth leaving that off. Problem with sub assembly on the back is that the very first fur but it wants you to attach covers a kind of hard to paint armored belt on his waist.
  10. This is the best idea of a hurricanum I've seen! Is there any chance you could give us a guide on how you built it? I see mostly the altar of khaine on the back there with the balcony and forward being all chariot?
  11. I wasn't super opposed to using a 30 block of acolytes as a screen because what they charge with will at least be in range for a lot of shooting afterwards. Of course it will never fail that I'll get double turned but you can't really plan a list that beats the hypothetical worst case scenario every time right?
  12. Oh no I won't be taking it to tournaments for sure. The nice thing about skaven though is how variable the lists can be. I can swap things around pretty easily if I did want to be more competitive. Example a bell and an HPA are the same points so I can easily swap them when I get the model (because I do love that model) and it feels like I have that experience a lot with skaven were dropping X unit and support is exactly enough points for Y unit and support. I just don't want it to be wildly unoptimized is all. The list in question isn't for killing Archaon either. I'd just try to warpgale him and screen I suppose. But if I did want to build a list for killing him what do you recommend that would actually be enough firepower? Heres a shooting list for general consideration. Warlock bombadier w/ overseer & MMMWP Warlock engineer w/ vigordust injector and MMMWP Acolytes ×30 Acolytes ×30 Stormfiends ×6 Warp cannon Warp cannon Rattling gun ×3 Soulscream bridge Alternatively I could drop 10 acolytes and turn the cannons into 9 jezzails and turn the engineer into a bombadier but I feel like I'd have very little potential for MW in the list if I did that. Though maybe the snipers make up for it with their 6's. The list feels like technically it's nothing but threats and as stuff dies I just start buffing other stuff (assuming I can keep the heroes alive of course). So at first I'm buffing stormfiends and rattlings and overcharging cannons for alpha strike and then if they die the 60 acolytes arent shabby with warp sparks and MMMWP so you really have to kill everything before you can feel safe. Not that anything there is hard to kill. Thoughts?
  13. Oh I'm well aware this isn't the final list I want to run as I've read all 147 pages of this thread almost so feel free to educate me on that front lol. As for killing him though, 3 buffed rattling guns (if I mathed right) only end up dealing like 4 wounds when he has -1 to hit and +1 armor save from nurgle buffs. I mean theres always WLC but the 4+ shrug makes me hesitate to target him with those. I guess if I just point every mortal wound in my army at him at once maybe? Bummer on the spell thing but I guess warpgale is rarely going to have no target that you want to slow down. Actually on the topic of the final 2k list I think I want to run its: 2 bells Skreech (rule of cool means I like skreech over the warpseer) Mounted clawlord Engineer (or bombadier) 80 clanrats 2 cannons Now the question is do I buy the warp lightning vortex (so many casters) or do I drop the bombardier to an engineer and bring 2 rattling guns so the engineer can do something besides overcharge cannons?
  14. So I had typed out a big long battle report but halfway through the text box started doing this weird thing where hitting enter deleted my last paragraph so I'm going to recreate the post succinctly. I had my first full 2k game with skaven and like my 6th game overall. I had to bring some sub optimal choices to pad points because I havent got my second battle box in yet but my basic list was Furnace Seer Clawlord on broodhorror Skreech Engineer 80 clan rats 3 rattling guns 20 monks 1 cannon Warp lightning vortex Enemy was Archaon 2 sorceror Chaos lord on karkadrak 20 warriors 5 knights Warshrine On duality of death and ended up winning by playing to the mission instead of trying to kill anything (which seemed like a solid plan through the nurgle minus 1 to hit in shooting and the rerolling 4+ saves and the ignore mortal wounds on a 5+ and 2 wounds apiece all on his most basic troop.) In the end I was completely tabled with archaon killing 1300 points on his own due to my not understanding that terrain didn't matter at all to his ability to land places I thought were blocked off but won by 2 VP becaus he deployed all on one side and I sniped his teleport caster with the cannon the one time it got to shoot. Question, how does one even kill Archaon? It felt nearly impossible to screen him out with cheap units because of the 14 inch flight and the weird "wobbly model/climbing terrain with a flying model" rules of AoS. The vortex couldnt even stop the flight because his tzeentch head can auto dispel it... I guess I could've taken warpgale and then screened normally. When do you have to pick your spells? In list building or at the start of the game?
  15. Interested myself as I've been working on a big project right now anyway.
  16. A little late on the pledge but I only started painting him in March so it counts lol. WIP Verminlord of the Rar King's Covenant.
  17. I wasn't even gonna pull the trigger on it until you said this T_T I could've bought the original off ebay after factoring in shipping lol
  18. Swapping one warlock for the Warp Lightning Vortex could really help if you run into any boxey factions but only really if you squeeze in a grey seer somewhere to skitterleap that arch warlock into range where you could unleash his own powerful spell and the vortex. Maybe drop the cannon and an engineer for a warp seer and the vortex and still have 40 for some other endless spell if you want it. On my own note I hope by putting it here I can be forced to work on it in a timely fashion but after painting one grey seer I have decided to paint my Verminlord. I combined multiple masks to make a proper Skreech Verminking and I'm excited to get him done up.
  19. Okay I think I've finally settled on my 2k list after much reading and the like. Skaven clawlord on Brood horror W/ Brutal Fury Grey seer on bell with Verminous valour trait and skitterleap spell Grey seer on bell with suspicious stone relic and death frenzy spell Skreech Verminking Warlock engineer w/ MMMWP 80 clanrats (40,20,20) 2 Warp lightning cannons (could be snipers probably but I really like these models) 10 skrye acolytes (I know 10 is an odd number but I needed to fill out some points and they give my warlock something to do besides be near cannons) On a fluff note do yall think my slightly converted clawlord homage to Queek should be Skulrak Mad-Thing or Skulrak the Mad? Follow on, do you think having his brood horror be the Ska homage (an oddly loyal guard and mount named Bloodtail) is a snub on Ska or nah?
  20. So I ended up changing the list to be Greyseer on bell Verminlord warbringer Clawlord on brood horror 4× clanrats ×20 Stormvermin ×40 And either the doom bell spell or an extra CP (leaning extra CP) I know plague monks are just better than stormvermin but this list is much more for putting 200 rats on the table and winning through style, not gameplay lol.
  21. Okay, so someone had an idea on reddit that I just had to explore so what do we think of a REAL skaven TIDE? Greyseer on bell w/suspicious stone, death frenzy, and master of magic Clawlord on horror w/verminous valor Clawlord on horror w/savage warlord Verminlord warbringer Stormvermin ×10 Clan rats ×40 Clan rats ×40 Clan rats ×40 Clan rats ×40 Clan rats ×40 I can drop the verminlord for a second grey seer on bell and the vermintide endless spell because I know just one won't have enough aura to keep all those rats from running. Alternatively I can drop one clawlord for 10 more stormvermin and then either buy an extra CP or turn the verminlord into skreech or one of the other higher cost lords. I love how versatile skaven list building is really. The idea behind this is more fun than competitive but a double death frenzied block of stormvermin and 200 clanrats just seems like a LOT of fun lol. Thoughts?
  22. I'm one hundred percent fine with the ads. Maybe like they said some people are getting more ads than others but TGA is by far the best community for AoS discussion anywhere on the web and the thought that one guy has to pay out of pocket so that the hundreds of us can enjoy a service and we aren't willing to chip in is just a bit selfish ( note I am not attacking anyone with that statement as selfishness has its time and place) I mean imagine instead of logging on and finding the horror of ADS! You get a sad little message from the creator of the site saying they had to shut down due to financial reasons. I can't speak for anyone else but I know I'd be more upset about the latter than the former.
  23. Doh! I'm coming from Cities and Sylvaneth so I completely blanked.
  24. That was a lot of really good info and I see what you're saying now. Doesn't Skreech get to pick a lore spell meaning he could be his own skitterleap or death frenzy caster?
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