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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. The only way they could print a Grand Strategy that Sons would actually take over beastmaster is "you score 3 VP for buying the boxes". Seriously, beastmaster is "as long as you dont get tabled" just like lumineth with "prized sorcery" and I hate it. Even if those werent already 2 strong armies they also get a free 3 VP for not getting tabled and that's dumb.
  2. "We know it's been a week since we said anything about AoS so... look at this photograph!"
  3. I probably wouldn't shout out the store that let you buy something pre street date as that could hurt them with GW. (Assuming this isn't supposed to be available till saturday)
  4. Reddit has a sub called miniswap. When I sold my eldar off it was so fast that paypal flagged my account for suspicious transactions lol
  5. So there are going to be 12 more units in the new stormcast book (76 as opposed to current 64 on GW site) Are those all accounted for? I'm not a stormcast player.
  6. I expected nothing and GW still managed to dissapoint me lol. I mean kudos if you like the model but it's just another primaris Lt to me and that's what really drove me put of 40k. I mean one armies subfactions get new releases as regularly as entire armies (I mean more regularly if we're honest but who's counting).
  7. "At least it's not the holocaust" is an... interesting line of defense lol
  8. Well yes but I was genuinely asking why. This wasn't a gotcha, I just cant empathize with the other side if I cant understand their stance so that's why I asked. When someone uses GW figures to play a game using GW rules and posts a video of it, in what way are they either A. Not building their house on the same table or B. Somehow more deserving of the use of the IP? I can say with utmost certainty that animations take more time, effort, and thus investment, to make than a painting tutorial or battle report and so I have to understand where and why defenders of the stricter stance draw their lines. Whether GW is or isnt currently stifling those kinds of channels (and I personally feel that an aggressive stance is a deterrent) would you or others defend their actions if they did choose to go after battle reports and lore videos and the like and why or why not? I know you feel they are different but can you tell me or yourself why they feel different if the crux of the issue is content creators making money off the GW IP?
  9. No offense but "let me preface this with I am making assumptions" followed by a multiple paragraph character assault, really causes me to question the good faith intentions of the poster... Tldr is "I dont know if anything I'm saying is true but Afabusa is a terrible person because I assume as much." Edit: After reading the comments of the above reddit post I give no credence to the post at all. Anytime someone criticizes one of his points he deflects by saying that he made other points as well (and then does the same when someone criticizes the other points) and then devolves to ignoring them. The whole thing is a circle of people applauding how brave he is to say that about Afabusa in spite of his "ravenous fans" while simultaneously downvoting anyone who disagrees into oblivion. Side note I neither like nor dislike afabusa though I have enjoyed a TTS or two in the past.
  10. I disagree with the stance you've come to but I also think you may have misunderstood what I was asking. I didn't say "they are attacking battle reports and paint channels" I said " If you feel they are in the right to 'defend' their IP from such things as TTS, then why do you not think they would be right to attack painting videos that include just as much if not more GW product (be it physical or IP) while being less transformative a work." As to your stated opinion I think of it this way, GW owns the table that people like TTS are building their entire house of cards on. Gw didn't tell him directly "hey we can take this table whenever we want" but instead have come over to stand by the table and grabbed the legs. Their stance is directly responsible for making his continued work an untenable position and I personally would rather have TTS and other great and creative fan works over more corporate control. Again I don't want to sound conspiratorial but the only person who benefits from this move is GW's effort to sell warhammer+ and that's scummy and detrimental to the community which are kind of the heart of the whole game.
  11. With respect that we really have a difference of opinion of what constitutes fair use as far as parody, as a genuine unloaded question, how do supporters of these moves feel about people posting battle reports or painting videos with their miniatures and how do they personally feel it differs from TTS in the amount of GW intellectual property it uses. My personal take is that the writing and animation and such that went into TTS far exceeds the amount of fair use that goes into recording yourself using GW official minis to play a game following GW official rules, but I assume nobody here is advocating that it would be correct, or beneficial to the community/game/bottomline, to disallow those kinds of videos that drive players to the game.
  12. I didn't know how to say that was the reason without sounding like it was some kind of conspiracy but yes. That is why and that's a very bad reason for the community.
  13. Yes and the rule is "it's a parody so it SHOULD be fine. " The issue here is that it doesnt matter who's legally in the right (it's TTS) because he can't afford the fight anyway and he's a pretty well established entity. GW knows this and the problem here is that their overly aggressive stance is stifling creativity and fan involvement for no good reason.
  14. I'm hopeful that WotC dipping their toes into "models on sprues" might cause legitimate competition for this particular skillset. Like that one guy who's name I don't know because I didn't see Godzilla versus King Kong said; "let them fight.'
  15. With no ward save ~300 points of deepstriking sisters of the watch would average 23 wounds off him in a single shooting phase (all out defense takes that to 16) but that still means roughly 600 points of middle tier shooting would put him down in turn 1 for half the cost. No ward save is way too big a detriment imo. Makes him a great target for blessing I guess though.
  16. Idk but boy is that model not to my tastes. Looks like they gave him a squig head and overall he looks like a warcraft 3 character. Just awful.
  17. So to the people who told me I was having a knee ****** reaction when I said "they're going to use dragons as an excuse to give stormcast a whole new line"; I've got some delicious crow here if you're interested...
  18. Okay well how do we maximize Archaon? Is it as simple as throwing all our buffs at him?
  19. So the person in the other thread who said "they dont have to go after people as long as the threat still drives people away and discourages new content creators" was completely right then. Driving down fan involvement and creativity all to sell it back to us in WH+, I swear corporations would find a way to charge us for air if they could. If I had had any interest in WH+ I would still not buy it on principle after these heavy handed IP moves.
  20. They're a bit of a miss for me. I mean there's nothing wrong with them (except the chins a little odd imo) but realistically I'm looking at a $150 "Dragon safari ltd" toy lol. They're very... bland for dragons. The above pics really bring home what I don't like about them (just kinda hit me) that's Tony the Tiger as a dragon and you can't convince me otherwise. Not to poo poo on anyone elses preferences mind you, if you like them then that's Grrrrrr-eat!
  21. The rest of your post is still valid but you can't intentionally break coherency with a move.
  22. I was gonna say "well that's not fair, they should at least be compared to a unit of comparable cost" but then I remembered lol
  23. If we can get something in the next book that increases the range of prayers I feel like Curse could become a very viable tool for us. As is you basically have to double someone or use it after they've charged your lines (or I suppose you COULD use BT to move him into range now that prayers happen during the hero phase instead of at the start but that's probably not worth it).
  24. I think I should clarify I was referring to the thread that the above poster mentioned which was specifically about Sisters of the watch "loose until the last" not the batallion one that most people are referring to in which case I agree. The batallion isnt a bold face ABILITY as described in the core rules. Sorry for the confusion.
  25. I dont understand how there isnt a contradiction between "you can issue the command ability when X" and "you can only issue any command ability once". "I activate [ability]. You cant because the core rules say you can't issue an ability more than once." I'm not going to qoute the definition of contradiction but that meets it in every sense of the word I can think of.
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