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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Sorry if I was unclear. I'm on mobile. The bloodsecrator is in the Garrison. The prince is out and about. My thinking is that the armies that would prioritize the prince are not the armies that can blast him off the table with MW from range. The thronebreaker torque is honestly just not a very good artifact in 3.0 but I like Goretide for the giant bubble of rr's that khul gives out to my coalition units.
  2. Yeah I'm in that boat. I get the sentiment but my beasts of chaos are beasts of KHORNE. Lovingly converted and painted to represent their devotion to the great brass beast and I would be severely miffed if they swept away those years of lore. Now I get it. Beastmen do appear and act very much in a way that might suit destruction but in my mind they are the true sons and daughters of chaos first and foremost. In order my thoughts on what they do with beasts going forward. I want: BoC to remain a separate faction I'd be happy with: BoC are souped into StD but done properly. I expect: BoC are souped into StD but done poorly. I'd possibly ragequit the army over: BoC are turned into a destruction faction. To me the grand alliance's are defined by their gods. Pantheon of order, worshippers of chaos, followers of Gorkamorka, Nagash.
  3. If we accept Skulltaker isn't unique then what warlord trait or artifact would benefit him most? I kind of like skullfiend tribe to reward him killing characters AND give him 2 more attacks base with crowncleaver. Unrelated but adding on so I'm not double posting. I've decided based on my local meta that running a 6 drop list isn't worth it and since my only options to bring that down are to miss out on our loads of good artifacts I'm changing my list to 2 warlord detachments and an alpha beast pack. So my question is, do I take crown of command on the demon prince (great command ability I want to use evey turn but pushes the throne breakers torque I'm required to take off onto idk the bloodsecrator? Which wastes the 2+ save hed be getting garriosoning the altar). Do I take the talisman of burning blood to add even more buffing to my bloodsecrator on altar. This is the one I most want to do as I assume the extra CP from warlord detachments will make up for the crimson crown but I worry that just puts an even bigger target on him. Do I take the crimson plate for a 2+ rr, armor save on the all important bloodsecrator Or do I do the most boring option and just stick the amulet of destiny on the bloodsecrator and call it a day. List below for comparison (just imagine the batallions are double warlord + beastpack + hunters of the heartland). Realisitcally I should drop the ghorgon but I have them and I like them. Allegiance: Khorne- Slaughterhost: The Goretide- Mortal Realm: Aqshy- Grand Strategy: Predator's Domain- Triumphs: InspiredBloodsecrator (125)***Khorghos Khul (165)**- GeneralSlaughterpriest (110)***- Prayer: Blood SacrificeSlaughterpriest (110)***- Universal Prayer Scripture: CurseSlaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)**- Sword- Artefact: Thronebreaker's Torc- Mark of Chaos: KhorneChaos Lord on Karkadrak (225)**- Artefact: Gorecleaver- Mark of Chaos: Khorne10 x Bloodreavers (80)**- Meatripper Axes10 x Bloodreavers (80)**- Meatripper Axes10 x Bloodreavers (80)**- Meatripper Axes6 x Bullgors (310)**- Pairs of Axes- Reinforced x 15 x Wrathmongers (155)**Ghorgon (170)*Ghorgon (170)**Alpha-Beast Pack**Battle Regiment***Command Entourage - MagnificentArtefactTotal: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 137Drops: 6
  4. I can't say for certain that I'd hate them to combine beasts and StD because it COULD be done well. I worry about losing out on the flavor of beasts and feel like that would be a HUGE tome if they just slap all those kits together, but who knows. I'm not actually optimistic they would do a good job though considering how they treat beasts as the forgotten cousin of their red headed stepchild.
  5. Same on the last bit. I'm confident I would forget locus every time.
  6. I mean those are rumored pricing changes right? The list of things going up for sale and how much they cost is literally the only rumor we have right now??
  7. It's spelled out in the FAQ that its specifically so he rerolls 1s outside of BoK.
  8. Greenstuffworld oddly enough does not have a scales texture plate but the chainmail one in small might make something suitable and they're very easy to use. Its basically like a stamp for your greenstuff.
  9. Obviously it depends on points but trying to one shot 8 wounds on a 3/2+ armor save followed by a 4+ ward doesnt sound fun for a lot of armies lol. Bah but I'm probably over reacting, stormcast are almost never the most competitive army except when. Nobody else has a book so im sure itll balance out.
  10. Am I crazy or did warhammer+ originally say it came with beta access to the app? Assuming I'm remembering correctly than has anyone gotten beta access or is it really that far from launching?
  11. I'll be the first to admit something I hadn't thought of. If the boxes come with the warscroll then it increases the chance that GW isnt getting rid of free online warscrolls.
  12. How does Belakor increase Skarbrands speed of engagement?
  13. I could always swapping a Slaughterpriest to try skarr but with only 5 wrathmonghers I feel like the priest blessing my 6 minotaur will do more for me but having someone to just throw to his death for blood tithe and to threaten objectives and to serve as a locus to summon from (he's a hero right and that's all it takes?)
  14. I'm fighting the desire to own skarbrand and belakor so this doesnt help lol
  15. Yeah it all mostly makes sense. I'm mainly confused about skarr, a unit of gors, and a unit of centigor. They seem like a random assortment of units though Centigor CAN be nice just for how fast they are I suppose and Skarr has synergy with wrathmongers but it still feels like a sub optimal way to spend those points. That said he went 4-1 and the other top 5 lists were very tight competitive lists so I assume he knows better than I do lol. That's why I was wondering if he had a blog or YouTube or anything.
  16. Dog headed beastmen are khornes thing, that said I like the idea of using scavengers, so presuming they want to remain mostly mammalian I would start a whole new army for some possum men lol
  17. Hey someone named Tyler Macdonald just came 4th in a 37 person tournament (toowoomba open '21 in Australia) using blades of khorne with some odd choices against what looks like a pretty competitive top 5. Does anyone know if he has a blog or anything cause I'd love to know his thoughts.
  18. Your track record on the news thread tells me that somehow there wont be a new space marine model lol
  19. But the designers commentary says it doesnt count as being slain for the purposes of battleshock. Now those sentences dont contradict each other as it can both not count as being slain AND not count as being slain for battleshock purposes so idk if the commentary overrides the other sentence or not.
  20. I want this to he how it works but I think weve seen time and time again that companies will not dedicate any resources towards something unless it impacts their bottom line (I mean makes sense for what they are in society whether I agree with it or not) and that loud public outcry is often the ONLY thing that effects change when it comes to companies and their products.
  21. We need a FAQ FAQ that comes 2 weeks after the FAQ.
  22. I don't think any of this is enough but the raiders buff is a nice surprise and makes them... I mean useable. I wouldnt build around them or anything but still.
  23. So I want to clarify something that's confused me. Zombies warscroll ability specifies that it can take them over their starting size, but the spells and other effects of the gravelords that return dead models do not. And the FAQ specifically says the model returned has to have come from the starting unit. Does that mean that you have to keep track of which individual models actually came from killing units because they specifically cant be returned by other effects? That seems really complicated and unintended.
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