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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. As a former Eldar player the discord leak advent calendar is a lot better than GW "9 snippets of 2 kits" thing they've got going now. Like yes I'm glad GW are refreshing Eldar but for me personally the hype around that comes mostly from a relief that we werent going to be squatted for more marines, partly from the leaked rules, a smidge for new models, and not at all from an advent calendar dedicated to hinting at something we already know for over a week straight.
  2. This is from yesterday. And judging by the complication to flavor to power analysis of this rule I expect individual khorne models will have to track how many skull tokens they have (1 per enemy model slain by that model regardless of points or wounds etc) and once they have 8 they'll get +1 to hit for the last turn of the game because let's be honest it took 4 turns to activate this.
  3. I like this but I think it's about as absolute a "this is not getting an army any time soon" that we'll get. "Could experience a rebirth of his own one day" So they'll just go on being AoS exodites who always seem right around the corner.
  4. "Here's an alternate sculpt for a unit that didn't need it holding the head of one of our old ugly models that desperately DO need updated sculpts, get wrecked nerds!" Tune in next year for an updated dreadblade harrow holding the head of a kroxigor!
  5. I think I could be satisfied with just a real good winter FAQ as well. As for rumors the fyreslayers V idoneth thing is basically confirmed right? So does that mean we're expecting them to get book updates shortly after (for the new characters they'll each get) and if so is the release window for books (order-destruction-chaos-order-order)? I know death just got gravelords technically but that still feels bad for the nighthaunt.
  6. Seriously it's hilarious to me the way they try to pretend the game never existed.
  7. Theres a big chunk of apparently reliable rumours running around the Eldar discord to substantiate the BIG range refresh early next year. Doesn't directly relate but it may give us an idea of what kind of release windows we have as well as maybe adding credence to certain rumour mongers.
  8. Between the comments after the original incident made it's way to reddit, recent posts on out own beloved forum, and personal experience with an at times not so stellar local community, they may not HAVE to state it but it is the responsible thing to do and I respect it. On the topic of rumors is there any indication that the US open will have any surprises for us?
  9. Score an objective that's not in your territory with a flaggelants unit if I remember correctly.
  10. Save everyone the effort. DM'd OP, this is bait.
  11. Setting aside the fact that "Xenos" is not a faction but literally the lump category for "not power armor" there have been 142 space marine kits released since the last time Tyranid got a new model. So a revamp of the necron line doesn't really impress me as an eldar player and a revamp of the eldar line isn't gonna make tyranid feel any better, and in between each "huge revamp" of any one faction space marines will get at least the same number of kits if not more. That's a disparity that doesn't sit well with me.
  12. Yeah the changes are fine but they both seem like things that could just be in the warscroll and yes you are right about how to take them and no there is nothing else for matched play.
  13. 2 mount traits (gryphon lord can heal d3 and teleport instead of dying on a 2+ once a game and one that makes the black dragons breath on a 5+ instead of a 6) A useless grand strategy that's just predators domain except enemy faction terrain is worth 3. A battle tactic that you score by putting banner bearers near objectives that arent in your terrain (even if if you dont control it) and a battle tactic that can literally only be done by flaggelants. That's it for matched play. 10 dollars for an FAQ and not a good one.
  14. So I've had another successful game with my beasts of khorne. A fairly non competitive ironjaws list of 10 brutes, 40 ardboys, cabbage and foot boss. 2 chantas a shaman and an allied fungus cave shaman. I ended up taking first turn because I actually outstripped my opponent (12 to 12 but I won the roll off) and deployed my priest far enough forward to get the hex skulls in range of his casters turn 1 which basically made them useless all game. Other than that I moved up in places counting on bloodslick ground to save me from charges (too aggressively it turned out thanks to mighty destroyers and some high charge rolls) and just kind of postured. His turn 1 he moves right towards me and makes a bunch of charges killing off both ghorgon and my bloodreavers before they even swing thanks to smashing and bashing. Of note, his mawcrusha was unable to use his special stomp ability because all the guys around him were either monsters or hunters of the heartlands. Luckily I did not get double turned and my turn 2 was just a blood bath. Brought down the cabbage and foot boss as well as 10 boys while managing to steal and burn one of his objectives with a long dog charge. Also his poor boss with destroyer artifact didnt do a single wound as he rolled bad and then I spiked my saves. His turn 2 ended pretty uneventfully as he whiffed on killing my kark lord or anything else really while losing 10 more boys I think? I had to leave early at this point and offered to concede since I was the reason we couldnt finish but he told me he thought it was clear I was going to win since i just had so much more power left on the table and called it in my favor. Ardboyz are not killy and he was sad to see how theyd gotten worse. Khorne continues to be tons of fun to play in a casual setting.
  15. Sometimes I legitimately wonder if GW has seen the 3rd party xenos releases and decided it's not worth trying to catch up so please just play space marines. I hope the rumored eldar range refresh hits early next year and makes this comment age like milk.
  16. So I went back and ran my numbers through stathammer again and assuming that both units recieve +2 attacks from a bloodsecrator/wrathmongers, and both units recieve AoA, and the skullreapers are swinging into a unit that gives them full rerolls, the bulls will still outperform against anything that doesn't have a - save. Now in my list I'm running khul so the numbers actually favor the bulls even more there but that's 2 CP and most people aren't running him so I left out the reroll 1s he gives out. Though running in goretide assuming the skullreapers will get the rr 1's to wound near an objective bonus (that bulls cant get, and assuming the bulls dont get the rr 1's from either khul or mark of the slayer) leaves the skullreapers outperforming against some targets with minimal investment. Ultimately you're right that you have to build more for bulls than for reapers but at least with the list I was already running anyway there isn't that much opportunity cost and luckily the variance is so marginal that it isn't a case of "X is always better" which I like. Edited to add a final screenshot of how the numbers look if they DO reroll 1s to hit. Since it's not a difficult buff to get but it only benefits the bulls since skullreapers I'm already assuming to be rerolling all hits.
  17. I appreciate the commentary but I should add that bullgors arent entirely unbuffable in khorne. Khorgus khul or anyone with the artifact that let's khorne units re roll ones can also be applied them. They do desperately need all out attack but idk. I guess I just dont see big hordes of lightly armored dudes in my meta. I guess it's nice to know they're comparable though. I got some mierce mini werewolf guys I'm gonna add skullreaper armor and weapons too. I'll give em a try.
  18. So I need to be sold on skullreapers when I have access to bullgors that seem to just blend better in general. I assume I'm missing something or do people just like Skullreapers the way I just like bullgors?
  19. I forgot Ciao meant hello and I thought this was an "I'm leaving the game" post lol Welcome to the community!
  20. Probably not tyranid right? The flesh in the joints is usually ribbed and the chitin is normally ridged isn't it?
  21. Just got an email about more vouchers for signing up to W+. The clear sign that they have a healthy number of subscribers that they are happy with...
  22. Today's pre orders contrasted with what's been delayed makes it seem like there was a bunch up in the supply pipeline (maybe the ever given incident or the port issues?) That either resolved or they found a workaround for so now weve got stuff that was announced before delayed (chaos tome) behind stuff that just got announced that they have found alternative shipping options for (red harvest, bloodbowl).
  23. Nurgle deserves pestigors at least. Don't get me wrong Nurgle was actually my guess and they do deserve it being so old, but it does deflate me just a bit to know BoC aren't on the docket. My hope is that the world eaters release will also include some khorne stuff that makes it to AoS so I can at least supplement the demon side of my Skulfray. Maybe get some good conversion pieces and heaven forbid a khorngor (itll never happen, I know tzaangor in thousand sons were a special case).
  24. That completely left field rumor monger I denigrated was one hundred percent right. Crow tastes better than expected lol
  25. "Don't be mean to the poor little mutli million dollar corporations but if someone says they're leaving the game because it is literally not accessible to them then make sure you kick them on their way out the door!" I understand this thread has been left up as a concession by the mods to allow for a little negativity and I genuinely appreciate the amount of stress modding this thread must be but boy did it expose some "stark differences in opinion" in the community.
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