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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. Well ungor do make great chaff summons (or chariots if you've got them). I still feel inclined towards 2 5's but then I've got the taurus to potentially give out fights last meaning its ultimately the same if I send both units into the same target while still being flexible enough to spread out (if it all lines up of course). I'm weary of no screens since our army is just so fragile but if it works it works. Keep us updated.
  2. Personally I think centigor in units of 5 would be better due to coherency but that's just personal preference perhaps. I'm also putting mine in bounty hunters because they are surprisingly good for killing soft targets like 5 wound support heroes and in bounty hunters even a min squad is likely to put out 11 wounds against gally vets. On the topic of screens it's actually more economical to summon hammers than screens (disk enlightened/cockatrice/bestigor/Dogors at least) coupled with the fact that summoning screens is going to be harder to get them in the way of your enemy imo. I'd keep your current idea and use the ambushing shaman to devolve forcing units closer to your summoned hammers while using gors or ungor to screen.
  3. Better us than her lol Also I too am very curious if Hastings is still a credible rumor source. That shield has all the markings of being for beasts but then the bits of other armies stuff strapped to the gargant kit kind of ruined the RE anyway since they can literally just show us the base decorations of other models.
  4. Left most looks like maybe new dark Angel's? The subfaction that uses jet bikes. His backpack screams power armor to me. Right most is definitely a world eater (or at least power armored) juddging from the backpack fin top right. Then maybe goblins and dark mech. So no beasts?
  5. I'm sorry to hear about the situation. I've been there myself. You can also try the r/miniswap thread on reddit. I sold a lot through there myself but I feel its slowed down with the economic situation. Just bumping this back to the top as I'm afraid I can't really help. Also I assume you are only selling in lots but I'd add that info.
  6. Meh. I'm partial to mats with overlays myself. As noted you want the image to be a background not a focus so a $73 dollar picture that just makes a nice background is a hard sell for me. For those who don't want the business of an overlay but want something a little better than a peice of green cloth this is probably a good item? Idk but I appreciate it's in the proper size since most stores I've been too havent changed their tables to reflect the new smaller board size so a nice roll out to keep it nice and simple is good.
  7. Don't worry I'm sure that despite the linear nature of math and the fact that things in reality are finite this number can continue going up indefinitely without any negative impacts on anyone (that matters to the shareholders).
  8. I'm not the expert but basically I think if theres any way to up his attacks in StD then he should be exactly as deadly (and fragile) as he is in BoK. If not then he'll probably still do the damage you're looking for but without the "I roll 2 dice and deal 30 mw's" interaction he may not be doing more than 380 points of alternative options.
  9. It's very odd considering the awesome new model too. Maybe they saw Khorne princes being taken everywhere and decided to nerf him into the ground? I mean nevermind he was only being taken for bloodslick ground.
  10. My advice would be to go for an extra artifact and get the herdstone shard artifact because it could be fun. Bullgor really benefit from +1 to hit and you've only got so many AOA to go around so I reccomend Grashrak if you can find him. Or krondspine I suppose is in theme with beasts but I personally dont care for the model. Lastly is survivability. Bullgor die as easily as they kill things so screens are paramount. Ungor raiders or centigor are your best bet in my opinion but basically you need chaff to make layers to ensure you get the charges YOU want. As the above poster said the wildfire taurus will keep you from having to risk a unit if you charge multiple targets.
  11. Well that's not going to convince me to keep bringing a demon prince in beasts, which is unfortunate because I have a conversion I love and if it happened to play nice with Gavespawns use of spawn that would be convenient but ah well. I'll quit stinking up the StD thread with my barnyard questions lol Though I will ask what people think of Belakor as an ally since it seems like most people think he isn't getting much of a boost from in book rules anyway does that mean his power is baked in and if so does he seem idk... good?
  12. I think the new mutalith vortex beast gets buffed by having a tzeentch hero nearby. Do tzaangor shaman have the keyword?
  13. I know nobody but me (a filthy beasts player) cares but has anyone leaked the spawn stats? They went up 70 and I must know why. And since the name didnt change that means beasts have to use the new scroll right? I'm not up to date on all the faqs.
  14. Just had a pretty one sided match against my friends Ogors. I'm sure they'll be buffed with the upcoming book but still. Lists were 1500 Gavespawn versus Bloodgullet Beastlord w/gnarlblade Shaggoth Shaman w/ rampage 2 units of 10 gors in expert conquerors 20 bestigor 2 units of 6 bullgor 2 units of 10 ungor raider Wildfire taurus VS Frostlord on stonehorn 2 butchers 2 units of 4 leadbelchers 1 unit of 4 mournfang 2 units of 2 frost saber Mission was silk steel cache but it didn't matter as we called it at the end of bottomed of 2. I gave ogors turn 1 and they scooted everything up but not too much. Scored 5 My turn 1 I send it all forward, ambush my gors and beastlord in his backfield to take objectives and bring the bestigor on my left flank. Summoned a cockatrice off a good primordial call roll which shot his sabers off the right side and my bestigor made their chair to get the sabers on the left. Scored 6 due to barge through enemy lines with gors. I get the double turn. Everything shuffles around and I get my beastlord into one butcher and my bullgors and bestigors charged into the mournfang and the other unit of bullgor get into the stonehorn who's debuffed by the taurus. I lose 16 bestigor but in the end the mournfang are half dead. The butcher is gone and the stonehorn is dead by exactly 1 wound leaving my opponent with only 2 mournfang a butcher and 8 leadbelchers. Score 5 more. On his turn between shooting and melee he kills half of one unit of bullgor but fails to kill my general with his butcher and in return I finish off the mournfangs. He scores 1 point as my ambushing gors and beastlord have taken 3 of his objectives. He double turns me but opts to just see what he can kill before calling it. Shooting finishes off the wounded bullgor squad but fails to kill my general. Then his butcher rolls badly and also fails to kill my general before Mazarak kills the butcher and we call the game at the top of 3 as he had 8 leadbelchers left against almost my entire army so we just declared it tabled. All in all my opponents dice rolls were terrible but theres something to be said for the sense of despair and fluster he got from all of a sudden being surrounded on turn 1. Also really broke that "new model" curse with my warlord this time being as how he's died every other time I've faced my friends ogors. Seems the paint protected him.
  15. If the "perception" of lack of content leads to the "reality" of reduced interest from your playerbase then you have to deal with the reality whether the cause is real or not.
  16. Auspicious timing for TGA to come back. I have finished my Skullfray Beastlord, Mazarak Blood-Eye. In more good news, he nerfs to beasts weren't too bad but then I wasnt running dragon ogors anyway. I still think the best lists will use them as battleline personally. As an aside the point changes actually push both dogors and cockatrice into my own system of "efficient to summon" (points divided by primordial call points compared against all possible summons)
  17. I was starting to fear I'd have to go to dakka or some other godless pit for my AoS discussion T_T lol
  18. The warhsrines krone prayer is on the same warscroll as the slaneesh prayer and its like... who thought... how did that even make it to print? Why would I ever want +1 charge over 3d6 charge??
  19. I've always been able to find them by searching but they don't appear anywhere in particular which is odd.
  20. Considering it's also matchup dependent and costs the same as the universally applicable doomblast dirgehorn (which I also would only take if the points were laying around) I will personally continue to consider it "sometimes really useful if you have the points spare" but if I had 30 points and no idea what I'd be facing I'd probably opt for the horn myself. Which is too bad because I do really like the spell but with all those "ifs" I wouldn't go into list building intending to bring it.
  21. The problem with the direflock is that on your opponents turn they can easily move something near it and send it away. They can even pile in close enough to it to send it off before the battleshock phase meaning you only really have control of it once because a smart opponent will pick it up and put it in the farthest corner from you (a really smart opponent will put it in the farthest corner that also has their own units nearby so you cant summon on it either). Though I admit I hadnt considered summoning someone near it to move it but it does let your opponent dictate your placement a bit which can be problematic. I for one do like the flock though and would probably try it if I wasn't playing against BCR all the time.
  22. I'm all for leaks. If games workshop wanted me to respect their desire to "surprise us" then they shouldn't have dropped all of high elves (including reboxed kits) into last chance to buy over a weekend with no warning and then said absolutely nothing about it after the fact. Or invalidated all of the gathering storm books months after they were released with a new edition, but hey at least then they admitted fault and offered refunds for any book that came out in a period of time that only covered the space marine one. Or put out mercenary detachments and articles encouraging the purchase of freeguild artillery right before dropping them from the game. People are spending a lot of money on their product and the way they encourage people to buy invalid products seemingly intentionally invalidates any desire I have to support the "hype of mystery!"
  23. I'd rather see points changes. Dogors could go up I think. Maybe even Shaggoths even though they're not that great. Rules changes would be completely unwarranted. (Except the herdstone that probably could go back to a an aura though with debuffs I'd expect "within" rather than "wholly within") most of the warscrolls are quite frankly bad. Quite bad really. Bullgors deal damage but that's it and are better taken in other armies than beasts (or at least khorne). If anything I would say the new enlightened on disks that just got changed with tzeentch might need looked at but that's less of a beasts problems.
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