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Everything posted by Sharkbelly

  1. Agreed. I plan to add my Ophidian Archway and Numinous Occulum to this as well--and maybe pick up a Realmgate or two.
  2. Thanks for sharing. This looks pretty cool, and I'm tempted to pick one up.
  3. I added three more heroes to my warband/adventuring party. Bretonnian Paladin Imperial Noble Warrior Priest
  4. A new black coach as part of a nighthaunt army would be awesome. That would certainly breath some life (undeath?) back into my old Vampire Counts army.
  5. That's what I thought too. One new model for each faction.
  6. Just finished some rat swarms and giant rats.
  7. that does look awfully dark... The ruins will also be sold separately, though.
  8. So much awesome in this army. The conversions are inspires, and the painting is gorgeous.
  9. I was wondering how they would fit in with the other AoS terrain. That looks pretty cool. I wonder what the Archway and Occulum would look like with that...
  10. Sounds awesome. "Behold the Turtle of Enormous Girth."
  11. "Witch hunter Hanniver Toll and former freeguild soldier Armand Callis are following Ortam Vermyre, the treacherous judge of the city of Excelsis. Together with dangerous corsair queen Arika Zenthe and aelven treasure hunter Shev Arclis, they must brave the dangerous waters and jungles of the Claw Coast to stop Vermyre before he reaches the lost city of Xoantica. In its forgotten ruins lies the silver shard, an artifact from another world with the power to change reality itself. If it were to fall into the hands of the arch-traitor, the fate of Excelsis and perhaps even all of the great Sigmar towns in Ghur - the realm of the beasts - is at stake" Cleaned up a few spots. :-)
  12. We've seen the new herald models for chaos and death. That leaves order and destruction. Some kind of Sylvaneth character? A fancy savage orruk with feathers? That looks like a peacock feather to me...
  13. I finished up a couple of older, classic models to add to Bertrand and his band.
  14. Here are some Spelljammer-esque minis that I have been working on: Githyanki Rogue Cleric Oriental Sorcerer
  15. This all looks very, very cool. I can't wait to try it out. I've started building a party of adventurers.
  16. Over the summer, Photobucket decided to no longer host images for free. I've now switched to a new hosting site. My current project is a set of Adventuring Kids and a pug dog from Reaper. I ran a D20 Grimm campaign a few years ago, and these guys reminded me of it. Here they are primed: The little pug is already nearly finished:
  17. Is the Merwyrm missing from Monstrous Arcanum? *edit* Nevermind, it's a behemoth...
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