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Everything posted by RandyRyan

  1. Woo! New year! Hopefully get a little painting time this month. Just to start the year off with something I can probably achieve, I'm going to do the fancy Vampire and Chaos Warrior that were released as event minis late this year. And maybe, just maybe, paint a little green Jedi Master while I'm at it...
  2. "More ideas than motivation" just sums me up so well!
  3. Ooh yes. Chunky barbarians and Pirate Ogre will be joining me for Christmas I hope! Even if I agree some of the female marauders' faces do look odd.
  4. I did enjoy the Dominion novel. I found the scene in the abandoned tower gave me some proper chills. I hold up Spear of Shadows as my favourite Black Library novel. Josh Reynolds' take on the Mortal Realms is just perfect IMO. It's crazy settings, gods and warfare, but without being overly dark and serious in tone. I find a lot of BL fiction to just be needlessly bleak - Reynolds keeps it fun. Black Pyramid and Dark Harvest are also favourites. They are some of the few BL novels that I have read more than once. I am yet to read Hamilcar but it's on the list.
  5. I feel this! I love the new Slaanesh mortals, but just looking at all the tiny straps and itty bitty details gives me a headache...
  6. Oh don't get me wrong, I would love to be in a proper organised campaign, but between having a young family and doing shift work I don't much get the chance other than the odd Wednesday every couple of months...
  7. I haven't been able to play a game yet, but I love the idea of Path to Glory. As someone who doesn't have any regular gaming buddies, being able to take my army "on campaign" independently of regular opponents is really appealing.
  8. I'm gonna pledge - 10 Zombies At least 1 Stormcast. And, not a painting pledge, but this month I am going to do my best to NOT buy any models this month! My pile of potential has grown too large for comfort so I'm going to save my pennies.
  9. Forgive the bad photos, but I got my chariot and Vargheists done this month. I also finished off my Blood Knights I pledged some months ago. I ran out of Astrogranite and forgot to buy more so chariot still needs it's base done but otherwise I'm calling these guys done!
  10. It's been a while since I've painted anything and I've just welcomed my third son into the world so time is limited - this month I'll start with an achievable goal, which is 1 Chaos Chariot. Should I get that done I will work on a unit of Vargheists.
  11. I am super keen on it. Its basically the mindset I always have in my games - building an ongoing story for my characters and units. Usually they all die, but...
  12. Certainly looks like an Excelsior Warpriest riding the altar in the background too...!
  13. For May I fully completed Khagra's Ravagers and I'm quite happy with them. I'm going to take a break from Chaos now and move on to a planned 1000pt Soulblight army featuring Prince Vhordrai, 2x5 Blood Knights and a unit of Vargheists. I didnt quite get the Crimson Court finished but I'll get to them, eventually... Anyway, pledge for June is Vhordrai on his Zombie Dragon and 5 Blood Knights!
  14. Me I'm just keen to see if the rumoured Stormcast drake-cav materialises...
  15. Question for those in the know - I want to build Vhordrai but prefer the posing of the Terrorgheist. Is there anything stopping you building it as a Zombie Dragon but in the pose of the TG?
  16. I'm thinking maybe Stormcast shoulder pauldron with dead lion draped over?
  17. Poor Khorghos is AoS's Arbaal the "Undefeated" 😅
  18. I would love to see some refreshed troops for LotR. All the new hero sculpts have been cool.
  19. That's what we do here 🤣 Silent People, anyone?
  20. I finally finished the Varanguard I pledged back in February... For May I have a few Underworlds warbands that I want to paint, starting with the Crimson Court, then Khagra's Ravagers, then the Wurmspat. Hopefully get them all done!
  21. I also failed - between family holidays and sicknesses, I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. I have got partially done Varanguard, Sigvald, a Fomoroid Crusher and just started Khagras Ravagers all on my desk. You'd think I'd have learnt by now to just do one thing at a time...
  22. Yeah. She'll be played by Helena Bonham Carter in his movie!
  23. If it helps, here in Queensland, Australia all the GWs opened as soon as they were allowed with games initially by appointment and now just a free for all. You can walk in and play a game any time just as before.
  24. I finished my Spire Tyrants and sorta kinda built the chariots I meant to but didn't get any further than the chassis. I have ideas for the crew but haven't got around to it yet.
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