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Everything posted by Carnith

  1. so moving some things around. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Invaders Host- Grand Strategy: None Chosen- Triumphs:Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- General- Command Trait: Skin-taker- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming WeaponLord of Pain (155)- Host Option: General11 x Blissbarb Archers (180)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (160)10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (370)- Reinforced x 15 x Blissbarb Seekers (220)Total: 1940 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 110Drops: 8 At least some units have better saves here, but I do feel i'm on the low end of heroes. Maybe I could remove belakor for a twin and another hero? Another idea could be Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Invaders Host- Grand Strategy: None Chosen- Triumphs:Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- General- Command Trait: Skin-taker- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming WeaponLord of Pain (155)- Host Option: GeneralThe Masque (135)11 x Blissbarb Archers (180)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Myrmidesh Painbringers (160)10 x Symbaresh Twinsouls (370)- Reinforced x 15 x Blissbarb Seekers (220)Total: 1715 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 101Drops: 8 but I have 285 points left over. Either twin/exalted chariot/sigvald could fit in here or 2x5 myrmadesh.
  2. So I’ve been playing just my friends beasts of chaos. I feel like I struggle super hard. This game did not go well. I do not have the board coverage and not nearly enough damage. By turn 3 I only just had the points to summon. Maybe taking first turn was the problem but at the end I only had 2 slick blades, belakor, exalted chariot, and my shard speaker. I misplayed with synessa but I just couldn’t clear anything. it’s been a super frustrating experience. I’m nearly thinking of just shelving the army. Perhaps I just don’t own the things needed to win, but I don’t want to go spend another 200-300 buying the correct models. anything to give me hope?
  3. List I'm going to try out tomorrow. Allegiance: Slaanesh- Host: Invaders Host- Grand Strategy: None Chosen- Triumphs:Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)- General- Command Trait: Skin-taker- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming WeaponSynessa, The Voice of Slaanesh (260)- Host Option: GeneralShardspeaker of Slaanesh (150)- Artefact: The Rod of Misrule- Host Option: General- Lore of Pain and Pleasure: Battle Rapture11 x Blissbarb Archers (180)11 x Blissbarb Archers (180)5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (135)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)5 x Slickblade Seekers (230)*Command Entourage - Magnificent**Battle RegimentTotal: 1990 / 2000Reinforced Units: 0 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 110Drops: 9
  4. So I decided to buy myself Belakor. The store I go to had one on the shelf. It was there for two hours before I picked it up. He doesn't stick around for long. Planning on using him in Hedonites and in my 40k Daemons of Slaanesh.
  5. /wave Thanks for the follow back and a reminder for me to update my profile just a little. I wonder if other profilic slaanesh players have seen or take the survey such as Vince V of Warhammer Weekly or the Facehammer guy.
  6. I think that would be really good. Maybe let keepers get the d3 targets like the epitome or perhaps let full rerolls happen, but like... make it casting 7. In general, improve the whole spell lore.
  7. If we were to get a points decrease, I'd rather summoning go up to compensate. I want more models to be on the board at the start. Having this does a few things for Slaanesh players. -Allows them to bring more of the new mortals to the table. They look so much better than most of our daemon units. -Field HEDONITE models. Everyone who talked about bringing herd units and slaves units was a major feels bad, at least for me. I want our book units to be good and desirable. -Allows the Slaanesh player not to bring 2k of daemons to potentially summon with there being fewer opportunities to summon
  8. I think it's still an important part to let our opinions about the faction be known. We may be 2-3 years before our next book, but let them start thinking of it and when it gets time to make Hedonites 2.0, they can have some input from the community about what Slaanesh should be. Honestly, all of the summoning factions should have some other mechanic that deals with their summoning points as an alternative way of playing. Blood Tithe, for all of its flaws, does this well. You can give buffs or stop spells with it, Or summon. That's huge. I love it. Or it could work like Waaaagh points instead for some sort of Slaanesh faction. Imagine something like 6 DP: Units gain a 6+ Ward. 12 DP: Units can run and Charge or Retreat and Charge 18 DP: Units can generate 2 hits on unmodified hit rolls of 5+, and ranged units now generated 2 hits on 6's. 24 DP: A keeper of secrets is spawned and your DP goes to 0. or it could be some sort of capstone ability that's hugely beneficial but still drains your DP as the hedonites finally have that release. Could even be battleshock immunity. And as we had also talked before in previous pages, while if they really want to keep the lazy story of invaders, pretenders, and godseekers DESPITE Slaanesh's location is known by Archaon, and the Twins, and pretty much all of its forces... then at least give us certain factions. I want to see what Sigvald's boys are like. Glutos clearly has a warband, how do they fight differently from Sigvald? Shalaxi seems like a force of nature for Slaanesh and doesn't make sense she would have her own faction. Syll'Esske should have their own. There is a lot of neat and interesting design space they can do with Slaanesh. We need to pressure them to actually do it. I know it's old to compare our book to the DoK book, but it's such a stark difference. Temples that just make unit play style actually desirable. You want snakes? Here you go! You want witch elves? Which 3 temples do you want?
  9. I feel like all of these are great questions and I feel can generate discussion. I would hope grand strats, tactics, and battalions would stay away. I get it for giants since they are locked out from most of the battalions, and while the current battle tactics aren't great thematically for slaanesh, on principle I do not want them.
  10. A wording change on your soulpiercer rule would be something about rounding in the game of like a 3 wound model. What if Shalaxi fought brutes, a 3 wound model, or a megaboss which has 7. I would make soul piecer maybe have a minimum of 3 attacks, maybe damage 3. It getting chaffed to death it not going go be a good time.
  11. I would hope for some additional unit of orruks for the Kruleboyz. If not, I guess Kruleboyz deal is more elite than bonesplittaz, but less than ironjawz, and have the mortal wound capabilities. It's also what I'd assume be the monster spam faction. I would think the Grots on Sloggoth is a monster, but honestly, could be the cav?
  12. I'm honestly surprised Seekers don't do some sort of mortal wounds considering blissbarb seekers use the seeker's spit as the venom they use. I get not wanting to profilerate the amount of mortal wounds they do, but it does seem odd. I'd hope for the cost increase on daemonettes, they'd get some sort of mw as well. like a mw on a 6 to wound and thats it. Basically taking epicurean revellers and just rolling it into the warscroll. Even still at a 4+/4+, you would at least consider them.
  13. Played a 2v2 yesterday with 1500 a player. I took my orruks, other players were giants, trees, and goats. Teams was destruction vs goats and trees. Mission was shifting objectives (I forget new name) I went with big Waaagh, and Ironclad/Amulet on mawkrusha, so no brutish cunning for mighty destroyers. It was around turn 2/3 that I finally got to 20 points so my orruks are slapping nearly everything on either a 2+/2+ or 3+/2+. Trees made their way to my backline (the summoning hero, I don't remember the name) and charged my warchanter and Shaman, and proceeded to beat some tree butt while the rest of the army partied under the enemy herdstone, knocking out the summoning of the goats and forcing the player to retreat as his 30 goats only managed to kill a single brute. Mawkrusha went after Drycha and kind of got stuck in the cornor while the giants took right flank and got grinded down for a bit. However, we basically took and held the three objectives for 3 turns. Giants in the taker tribe just held 2 of them while I pummeled the left flank. Teams probably should've been shifted around, but it was a learning game for the giants and the trees and just took what looked fun. I might start leaving the mawkrusha at home. It's insanely powerful, but I do worry about it just being an I-WIN button that my friends might not have the tools to compete with. ----------------------------------------- In other news, I'm hoping our book is announced today. What are some wishes we hope for Ironjawz? I personally want Brutes up +1 Damage across the board or some other way to give them damage. I want them to feel most distinct than ard boyz. I'd change the warchanter to something else instead of a +dmg bonus. Leave the mawkrusha as it is, maybe some minor changes.
  14. Ahh... should've expected the last possible weekend in August as the time to drop the pre-orders.
  15. Since the start of 3rd, I've played around 4 games. Two as Ironjawz and two as Slaanesh. First ironjawz was vs night haunt at 1k each. Second ironajwz game was vs BOC. I find Ironjawz a lot of fun. It's pure fighting. Mawkrusha stacked with saves and heals felt invincible. The Amulet of Destiny is way too good, and I wish faction artifacts were better than the universals, we will see with the books coming up how this fairs. my 1k list doesn't have a mawkrusha and has 20 brutes, megaboss, and two support heroes (at least one warchanter) The other two games I played as slaanesh vs Beasts of chaos. One game was close. Second game I got stomped on, though I mispositioned and had some of the worst dice rolls anyone could have. Slaanesh struggles to make a great feeling list. The army would be in a better position with its third edition points.
  16. Something to try next time! I had the bad cast dice, only casting 1/4 of my spells over two turns. Mission was the Vice. Opponent was Beasts of Chaos. Opponents list was Double warlord Shaggoth general, +1 sv characteristic, Amulet of Destiny, forgot spell (I think better rend by 1) 2 shaman beastlord (volcanic axe +1d and 6 to wound is mw in addition) Doom bull (wizard book, flaming weapon) Tzan Shaman 50 gors (10-10-30) 2x3 enlightened 6 skyfyre cygor ghorgon I deployed in a way to force him to deploy his ambush on the table sides so I didn't have to worry about something popping up in the back. Ardboyz stayed on the objectives following them up. I gave him first turn. 30 gors, shaman and beast lord popped up on my left flank which had goregruntas but shaman, chanter, brutes and mawkrusha were nearby. He fails charge to tie up goregruntas and uses skyfyres and they kill a singular brute. Bottom of 1, I move up engage gors with goregruntas powered by warchanter and mystic shield. They did a bit of damage, killing only 11 gors, but through the beastlord being nearby to attack and some counter attacks, I lose 2 pigs. I take the double turn. Right flank which didn't have any pressure from any goats sees brutes, other grunts, and warchanter move up and ready to strike with the pigs. Warchanter on that end buffs up the pigs, other warchanter hits the mawkrusha. 10 man brute squad takes midfield ready for turn 3 to be a second wave. Mawkrusha moves up take out the skyfyres, and boc redeploys some gors to cut off the charge. Mawkrusha makes a badly positioned charge to still hit the skyfyres and blocking gor, but I'm in herdstone range. Some bad dice see both units survive, and takes some damage in return. 4 man brutes charge what remains of the 30 gor to keep them in place and the singular goregrunta holds on from the beastlords attack survivng with 2 wounds. Fresh Goregruntas with warchanter buff charge the cygor and almost kill it. Bottom of 2, goregrunta is killed off with magic, and opponent prepares to kill off the mawkurhsa, who is down 5 wounds at this point. I give him Finest Hour to survive. He gets charged by finest hour doombull with flaming weapons, ghorgon. I smash the herdstone to stop the additional -1 to save. Ghorgon goes first and does no damage. Mawkrusha KOs both the ghorgon and the Doombull, which causes the goregruntas to finish off the ghorgon, which allows the brutes to fight more gor. One of my warchanters was caught out by the shaggoth and his now freed beastlord... but both flub their attacks and the warchanter survives. Roll off for third turn and I keep the stolen tempo and opponent concedes. Mawkrusha would've healed next turn for 3 damage from recovery. The game ends with 1 brute dead, and 3 goregruntas dead. the 10 brutes were in position to charge and kill the shaggoth and the beastlord freeing the warchanter, mawkrusha was in the middle of his army feeling quite healthy, about to smash his way out of the current combat to be free for movement. I enjoyed the list really well, and would definitely run it again for 2k.
  17. I would actually kill for a tome celestial to bring down the cost of everything and yeet summoning. The whole "bring a worse 2k than everyone else and hope you summon 1000 more points" is really defeating. if I could only ever summon a single keeper or 10-20 daemonettes, that'd be great. Plus there are things I'd rather summon but can't, such as 6 fiends. Let me summon an actual anvil unit.
  18. For a Slaanesh based Tome Celestial, I'd rather they rebalance Syll'esske's host to not just be summoning all the time, but rather do what we started thinking of in prior pages. Make dedicated hosts that offer some synergy for units and make it interesting. Sigvald with painbringers and lords of pain Syll'esske should be a focus on twinsouls with having that mortal/daemon mix Glutos could be archers or could be seeker units. The twins should have a faction for both of them, having separate hosts wouldn't work in my opinion lore wise. At least some faction should have a buff for our ranged units. Blissbarb archers are too fragile to spam, but some faction that gives me some buff would be nice.
  19. Trying this list out today. Thinking I might just drop the battle regiment for more hunters of the heartland. I'd rather not deal with getting roar'd at for debuffs. Struggling if I want shaman cloak or Magic Artifact for my shaman. I know the teleport is great, but it's on a high cost spell. I kind of want the shaman to deal some good amount of mortal wounds (I'm playing against beasts of chaos) and be able to cast mystic shield on a unit of boys. Allegiance: Ironjawz- Warclan: Ironjawz- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line- Triumphs:Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (495) in Warlord- General- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa- Command Trait: Ironclad- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Mount Trait: Mean 'UnOrruk Warchanter (120) in Warlord- Warbeat: Get 'Em BeatOrruk Warchanter (120) in Warlord- Warbeat: Fixin' BeatOrruk Weirdnob Shaman (120) in Battle Regiment- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Lore of the Weird: Brain-busta10 x Orruk Brutes (300) in Hunters of the Heartlands- Jagged Gore-hackas- Reinforced x 15 x Orruk Brutes (150) in Hunters of the Heartlands- Pair of Brute Choppas5 x Orruk Brutes (150) in Hunters of the Heartlands- Pair of Brute Choppas3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170) in Battle Regiment- Pig-iron Choppas3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (170) in Battle Regiment- Pig-iron Choppas5 x Orruk Ardboys (95) in Battle Regiment- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers5 x Orruk Ardboys (95) in Warlord- 1x Gorkamorka Banner BearersHunters of the HeartlandsWarlordBattle RegimentArtefactTotal: 1985 / 2000Reinforced Units: 1 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 143
  20. For my first game I ended up with Megaboss on Foot (Ironclad, amulet of Destiny) Weirdnob (went with a damage spell, can't remember which) Warchanter (Get em beat) 2x5 brutes 1x10 brutes
  21. Its very gross. Also I assume his complaint is about Vince Ventrella and how he calls Kruleboyz the Swamp bogglers.
  22. I don't think my opponent failed a charge, except for the bestigors coming from ambush. Only later did I get one spiked dice roll where my slick blades rolled 9 wounds, and 6 of them generated mortal wounds. The store owner asked how the game was going, and self admitted I failed the player code because my dice had turned me into a Morton Salt Factory, because that salt was flowing. In slaanesh... I could try 10 Symbaresh, and I do want the twins at some point. I will probably go forward for the near while and get orcs done.
  23. I went with a Dexcessa list... and I lost hard. I had very awful no good rolls (double 1's to charge with dexcessa into rolling double 1's again for a 3" charge). I know it's a dice game... but it was rough. Took the wind out of my sails a bit to enjoy slaanesh. Will have to retry them later on but I want to try other armies for the moment.
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