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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. But there is a difference between "something is broken" and "people should learn how something works". Even a casual player can look up basic strategies on counter tactics. Now if 3-6 months pass and the only real strategy is to pray for RNG dice, then ok there is a problem. Also I do find the idea of people doing a 180 and not playing against FEC a bit ironic. Man one book and you go from "underdog hero" of death factions to "uberman villain"!
  2. Khorne has actually always been very good at shooting, for some weird reason. It's because he is also the god of industry? I think? (not really too emphasized today other than his War-Smiths like the Skull Grinder or the juggers which are dameon robots) Like the old Armorcast models And quite a bit in 40k of course with the Greater Brass Scorpion or the Lord of Skulls
  3. Another thing I think may be interesting to keep in mind is the eventual Everchosen+Slaves to Darkness update. Yes I do imagine a good chunk of new things for them will NOT have marks, but I think everything that currently has marks will still use marks and may get buffed. Maybe Bloodmarked Warband will come back! (maybe finally have more cross battalions like beasts of chaos)
  4. Could always make different mounts I suppose, like maybe thunderwolves, or bullgors with mortals riding on their shoulders, chaos mutated mournfangs.
  5. Kind of an unfair comparison though if you think about it though. BoK enjoyed being one of the OG-allegiances for a good amount of time. Beasts of Chaos was the laughing stock of chaos, probably no one would have predicted it would have ever happened. FEC relied on the gimmicky Majestic Horror General trait before their book gave them more variance. Skaven was a mess of 6 factions and basically was a "themed" Grand Allegiance assuming you wanted anything other than Pestilens or Skryre. Gloomspite Gitz also was also a themed GA before their book update. Now I'm not saying khorne deserved to be nerfed or anything, but I think there is a logical explanation why the previous battletomes appear as big jumps compared to khorne's "reshuffle". I imagine Tzeentch or Nurgle going through similar "reshuffles" assuming they'll also get updated soon-ish. Also it does suck Bloodwarriors still have their weapon limitation because they designed the box with ONE SPECIAL WEAPON.
  6. Well theres no item mixing.....yet. Who knows what will happen in AoS 3.0!
  7. Daemonic Axe is the name of the Jugger-Lord's ability. It's not an item.
  8. Buffs from abilities, spells, and prayers do affect mounts/companions unless specified.
  9. Well to be fair AoS 2.0 battalions are very rules light, almost always 1 additional rule. Not 2 additional rules like from old books.
  10. I'm sure they would make either website docs or include booklets with the releases assuming warcry stuff will be aos compatible. Now whether they're actually worth using or not is another story. A decent chunk of the time these specialist games into main game rules have been for more fluff rather than actual practicality.
  11. I still can't believe they made Ad-Titanticus all plastic, meanwhile still expecting people to buy metal sculpts from 15 years ago.
  12. With Warcry, it seems harpies and some sort of winged chaos beast are being made. Curious if they'll be usable for Beasts of Chaos.
  13. The one thing though I'm curious about, is Warcry going to be inserted into AoS? I cross posted Warcry into the Everchosen/Slaves to Darkness topic because it seems suspiciously running parallel to the eventual Everchosen/Slaves update. Sure one could argue Necromunda isn't compatible with 40k, but on the other hand these are literally chaos mortals (and also beasts). Would they be premade unique units like Underworlds, or able to be bulked up as normal units? I gues time will tell.
  14. I dont think Bloodcrushers are changing points, they already changed with wrath and rapture. So the only hope for additional change for them would be the skullmaster herald and battalions.
  15. Something tells me Warcry will be involved in whatever chaos update is happening
  16. Warcry has been revealed And (for now) it appears to be Chaos only
  17. Color Primer Spray of your choice, add basic other base colors, then Wash. Thats the usual recipe anyways for any quick paint job.
  18. As long as you have something roughly the same base size it should be fine. I do find it a little weird all Beasts of Chaos shop at the same "Herdstones R Us"! ☠️
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if they change a few battalions. Especially some of the more niche ones like Gorechosen which is one of the few battalions impossible to play outside of huge point games or Narrative Play. Red Headsmen is another thats pretty wacky since it can help your opponent and may do little if the enemy hid their heroes well.
  20. The last time we got something on wheels, it should have been on legs!🤣 (thank you FW for the fix)
  21. Well you dont have to take it. I think thats the goal of all of these terrains, a small minor bonus and a way for gw to sell more terrain. The Loonshrine for example doesn't really help spiderfang, squigs, or troggoths outside of the battleshock thing (which is hard to pull off if you go aggro anyways).
  22. At least Skulltaker has a command ability. I wonder if other heralds, or the blood throne, will get any.
  23. GHB 2018 are the latest source for point values for any battletome made before it.
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