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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. The spell part is that the fence is actually bursting out of the ground
  2. I actually disagree with your assertion that Skaven deserve a big release on the level of Gloompite. Skaven have a HUGE bench of really cool looking models - quite a big difference between what the Moonclan/Gloomspite were working with. Really, as far as models go, Skaven have a few old stinkers that need an upgrade (Skyre acolytes, etc), but the rest of their model line looks really good, with lots of plastic units and characters that really reflect the "look" that GW seems to be going for now. Honestly, they just need a few kits here and there to replace old resin stuff. MAYBE one single brand new kit to get players excited (probably a terrain piece). After that, add in the obligatory Endless Spells, themed dice and warscrolls, and Skaven would be good to go.
  3. Very much agreed. Personally I am more interested in spiders and Troggoths, rather than Squigs. That being said, I have no interest in running ALL spiders or ALL Troggoths. I'd just rather use them to supplement an existing Grot army. So far the only Squigs I run is sometimes 6 or 12 Cave Squigs, just to fill out that last battle line
  4. How have people been finding the Endless Spells in this army? Any clear MVP's for you folks? I feel like I want to use the mushroom in a quasi-competetive way, but I'm just not sure it's going to work out. Are the spiders worth it for non-Spiderfang casters? I have a decent amount of spell-using opponents. Has the bad moon spell been useful at all?
  5. Actually Chamon is the home realm of the Kharadron Overlords as well - for obvious reasons. So yeah that's a lot of stuff happening in that realm. I could definitely see some plot developements happening in that area. Cool stuff - it happens to be my favorite of the Mortal Realms.
  6. I still think Mhornar would be a good option for this, since they are giving out Battleshock debuffs
  7. I mean...no? Like absolutely, in no way are those statements accurate - at least not from my POV. The Chaos warriors and knights are made from the era where models needed to rank up with each other, and so were sculpted with the most static and boring poses imaginable. They are among the worst models GW currently produces, second only to zombies and Marauders. As a core antagonist to GWs storyline, being saddled with such uninspiring models is an absolute crime
  8. Yes, while I liked the look of the Empire in fantasy, they absolutely need a more wierd and over-the-top look for AoS
  9. They are old WW1 helmets - always liked the way they looked. I could easily see gas masks as a requirement for Ghyran, since I bet there's a ton of spores, pollen, pheremones and lord knows what else floating in the air. It doesn't even have to be because of the Nurgle influence.
  10. My post was intended to be more lighthearted ribbing than an actual serious point. You are free to like what you like, obviously. That being said, it does blow my mind that someone could look at the major elements of the Slaves to Darkness line (an army filled with bland and lifeless models), and think "yeah, that's a product line that needs to be preserved." Although in a way, I suppose I do agree with you - I prefer that Darkoath and StD remain isolated as well, if only so that the StD models don't stink up what could be something that actually looks cool
  11. Wait, I'm sorry...is your suggestion that the Darkoath art and the one Harbinger model available to us is worse than Slaves to Darkness? That faction is extremely dated, and includes the Marauders unit as battle line - which is in the discussion for the single ugliest GW kit currently in production. The unbelievably static and boring Chaos Warriors and Knights kits aren't that far behind, either. The few Darkoath things we have seen suggest an army that appears to have leaped from a vintage Frank Frazetta novel cover. I mean I get that art is subjective, and that we all have different tastes when it comes to aesthetics and all, but wow man...I feel like you really need to reevaluate your priorities!
  12. At some point, GW will get around to bringing out new books and models for all the armies. A whole lot of AoS armies have a very poor selection of models. In fairness though, armies like Ironjawz and Fyreslayers have been waiting longer, though. As long as we can get better points values, and maybe an errata or two, we should be ok with GHB updates for a while.
  13. I am pretty much the same as you, Amradiel. There is something about the army that I do really enjoy - it's hard to quantify. I figure that given some more time (when they don't have a new edition to worry about), the devs will get KO into a better place in terms of game play. Meantime, I shall enjoy the army for what it is.
  14. They really kind of don't. GW is really only interested in expanding on armies that have a unique aesthetic. Ironjawz, Moonclan, Bonesplitaz - all that stuff has a different look, other than the basic tired old Tolkien tropes. It's easier to promote AoS as an independent game, and to protect GW's brand against third-party imitators
  15. Not technically Free People's, but pretty darn close. So I am not looking to do anything like blow the doors off of Adepticon with this list, but I am looking to field something that is flavorful, as well as at least reasonably effective. With that in mind, what do you folks think of my "Cogfort defenders" list? Does it have potential, or will it get laughed off of the board? MIXED ORDER LIST Freeguild General (warlord) Battlemage Gunmaster 10 Liberators 40 Freeguild guard (with either swords/shields or halberds) 30 Freeguild Handgunners Cannon Cannon Steamtank Steamtank Either a Command Point, or an Endless Spell worth 50 pts or less. Probably the Palisade or the Shackles (basically something to slow or hamper the enemy army a bit
  16. So I haven't been thinking of constructing a Cogfort itself, but I do have plans on making an Order army that represents troopers who are actually stationed on a Cogfort. I want to make them into a quasi-Steampunk army, with an old-school German aesthetic. My plan is to use regular Free Guild models, plus the following conversion bits, with some Green Stuff hoses connecting the backpack tank with the gas masks:
  17. To be fair, pretty much all the Underworlds warbands suck in AoS. You've said good stuff about the Briar Queen. I think that is one of the only positive things about an Underworlds band I have ever heard, aside from them being sorta-OK points fillers
  18. Plus the Fanatics and Squigs too - just for some alternative models I suppose you could mix in the net and bow guys too, but...eh... there's SO MANY of those models in your average Moonclan army, the cool alternative guys would get lost in the shuffle. Maybe I could give them a cool or flashy paint job and use them as alternative unit leaders.
  19. That's fantastic. I'll be getting my Kharadron Overlords band that much quicker then. Makes sense - those warbands are pretty small and cheap.
  20. Personally I plan on using the Grot Wizard and armored Squig herder characters to represent variant AoS Shamans and Bosses respectively. I might even pick up a second warband specifically to use for conversion fodder. On a related note, does GW always release Underworlds warbands in pairs? Or is this just part of the initial marketing blitz?
  21. As an alternative, why not turn this kit into a terrain piece? The KO book has that really flavorful scenario where you have to rescue the crew of a downed ship? Turn your Frigate into a wreck, and use it for this scenario. You got it for free anyhow?
  22. Actually, on second thought, if you are using Mantic's Veer Myn models to get your heads, that kit also has air tank backpacks as well. Why not just use a single pack of Veer Myn Nightcrawlers to scavenge all your parts from. Lastly, as I recall, the original Plague Wind Globadiers were heavily robed. I think some Skaven Plague Monks would make for better base bodies than Storm Vermin. Just add some Veer Myn heads and backpacks to the Monk bodies and you are probably looking pretty good for the main part of the model. I would personally probably embellish with some extra hoses from my Green Stuff Workshop tool, but that's just me.
  23. This is a good start, but I would say that Kharadron Arkanaughts backpacks would fit better. Depending on how your local meta feels about third party conversion bits, Secret Weapon Miniatures makes the best alternative - just get the Rebreather Backpacks set. Ten bucks for ten packs (plus shipping, but still a better deal) http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=47_50&products_id=461
  24. He has the standard Warden loadout. You are mistaken
  25. I'm sorry, but the idea that the 30-strong Ardboyz unit is now worthless because of the shield nerfs is just complete and utter reactionary nonsense. If blocking one of six incoming MW's was somehow the key to that unit's effectiveness, then you are, quite franky, doing it wrong.
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