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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. awesome! could banner guys be used as the lantern dudes?
  2. hey guys you probably got this a lot but I just found 52 LoTR army of the dead in the basement and I was wondering how close they are to chainwrasps? could they be a good model counts as?
  3. Would you like to share any? Maybe we could help?
  4. So I finally played 2 of the idoneth battletome battle plans and I had a blast, though I have to say it seem very one sided, especially at 1000 points. Incoming tide was a very unique idea for having a force try to stop you, and finding some way to table or run off the other side of the map was fairly fun. The harvest was probably my favorite one though, and can really have some fun narrative play of trying to capture the survivors and the like. It was very fun, but I basically could get a turn 1 charge off and since I went first... yea. It hurt the stormcast s in played against a lot.
  5. one question I got is if you have anything for calvary bases?
  6. honestly I would be wondering about marks of chaos more than magic.
  7. Man, anything with idoneth appearing in it is a thumbs up from me. Great piece of fiction I think, even if it was brief. I just want more of the deepkin in my stories, though how they would make a full length novel is beyond me.
  8. we got 52 other pages of this 😉 I was mostly making joke! I'm really excited to play it in a game (if I will ever have one) sometime. it just seems so fun to goof around with! @Aelven supremacy that sounds like a hilarious idea I need to try out sometime.
  9. Okay, that is actually around what I was thinking too. Epitome, chaos lord on foot and a sorcerer to cast that +1 to hit spell on a unit for my block to run down with great weapons. Plus, if they stay above 20 they get 2 hits per six rolled?
  10. So having a keeper of secrets and epitome would be best to have in a mostly mortals Slaves list? how about a block of 30 chaos warriors with two handed weapons or such?
  11. yea I was mainly looking at chaos warriors, chosen, demon princes and chaos lords for the main core, but It seems that I may as well play a straight slaves army if I don't have any demons?
  12. So is there any reason to have a slave to darkness focused hedonites army? Was wondering about it but it seems hard to make work. Are chosen good to have in this army?
  13. As much fun as putting the turtle together, the gondola on top was a big chore to put together along with the elven crossbows. Blah it sucked. Cant wait till I can play him though, for as much as he apparently sucks in games!
  14. A bit late but I have to say I love greenshade and use it for all my armor and fish. Makes a really nice armor for dohm-hein! also, zero hour is almost here for general's handbook. I'm both excited and scared. Got money saved up for the last two eel squads I need, and just started putting together my turtle. It really is painful to wait. also, what do y'all think of the forbidden power spells?
  15. Honestly if it's a city like mordheim (or the varanspire / allpoints) then I could see the cities spilling over into other realms, A La' hammer hall. make these areas special like necromunda, and give fluff reasons why every faction is trying to duke it out. (ie, idoneth trying to find souls / scout locations for raids, Orruks looking for a fight, storm casts trying to find a way into allpoints / kill champions, that sort of thing) it would explain why all these other factions have such easy access into the city from all the different realms.
  16. do not be deceived by Chaos! It is obviously a ploy. This is just a ladder tilted slightly against the wall!
  17. hey, no grids! I guess it's not going to be like underworld.
  18. Let's be honest, the deepkin are only there for the souls they will collect. they're just the One weird kid who is drinking all the punch and eating all the chips as everyone else does the job their supposed to do.
  19. But I want it nooooooow.... also, we have seen a lot of weapon choices for the iron golems now, from the big weapon tenderizers to the weapons the grunts use, but I'm really wondering about the other two war bands now. Will there be more weapons, or will they be boned? Also, I'm really curious to see what an STD army using these guys will look like. Heavens above the hype train is getting excessive
  20. Pretty sad there wasn't any discussion on how the game will be played. Is it basically AoS mordheim like so many want? Can we build our dudes and not be limited to named characters? Do these guys have more weapon options? Will an axe perform different than a sword in game? I have so so many questions.
  21. You know the hammernado stormcasts have? well, we should have a ****** sharknado. other than that, maybe some sort of giant tidal wave, that could work for cover and mortal wounding stuff like a better Giant Jaws spell. Maybe a swarm of swordfish that swims around stabbing things like quicksilver swords, or possibly a Kracken spell for area control. and, as long as we are wish listing... I want Crab knights, a giant skeleton terrain piece of a dead monster, a giant sea dragon monster as a throwback to old elfs, and more giant squids or stuff. Really, there is so many ideas.
  22. I think We may sea more for the weekender, but I don't know about the idoneth being part of it. Maybe we will see an overview of the game and maybe not. Regardless, I think I'm going to put those beast guys together first. I guess every army I play is coming from Ghur!
  23. Yea, I was thinking that too. I want to know what weapons will be given and the like, like if each weird weapon the thralls have will have their own profile. And, thinking how there are Ogers are in the iron golems warband, I was thinking maybe akhelians will be included in there, considering how eel knights could be oger sized
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