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Everything posted by Mandzak-Miniatures

  1. I’m just pointing out that they could easily say one of the guys could be made as a general, simply by stating it and giving the optional rules. I’m fully aware they still have horses and their no model no rules policy. it would be nice for them to have been given the option to run a hero with a unit of the chicken knights.
  2. Anyone else think it’s weird that they didn’t make a hero option for one on demigryph? The hero on horse is obsolete now that knights are gone. they could easily say the captain made from the kits bits could represent a hq choice..
  3. The large flying stand disguised as mushrooms doesn’t look modeled very well. not into the extreme cartoon vibe the model has, even with an alternate paint job the model suffers from cartoon forms. But then again I’ve never liked the gobos
  4. @LLV I hope we get some new marauders for Darkoath, and some sort of “shooting” whether it’s axe throwers bows or cross bows. any insight on what’s coming?
  5. happy to see them get a mixed book. Curious as to why they even made some of these splits to begin with.. The herdstone was long overdue. Now if only they would do multiple releases of endless spells for factions with books. Just to get them done and bring them up to speed.
  6. Pretty sure Karl Franz animorphed into Sigmar. Thought their spirits merged or something fantastical.
  7. wouldnt be surprised if they do full reveal of orc boss on bike. remake of the old janky plastic one (driver + boss on back)lol
  8. I’m hoping they make it a reference to the old spell! Even if it’s not, makes for a great count as! my only criticism is that they could have made it not so wildly disproportionate. It’s chest is a little too big and close to the ground lol
  9. What if grots get an ambull as a cross over? they are very insectoid..
  10. I think it could be a large centipede mount or pet like a squig
  11. Spells doom for twilight sisters losing points value. Minis going “legend” = death
  12. Awesome stuff here! I have always like the Phoenix Temple and have wanted to pick some up. Is it safe to assume you will be making more considering the preview they got?
  13. Hey now, repainting Dreamblade minis before they released unpainted packs was fun for a change lol.
  14. People can have opinions about things that are different than yours. Just because an opinion is expressed in contrast to yours doesn't mean everyone is 'rage mode' about it. Way to group everyone together with dangerous assumptions. Lets cool it and get back to the rumors, which is about: reaction to the rumors at hand and not reaction to people having reactions about the rumors. I am eager to see what lists/ rules have been updated in the new GHB. Hoping the factions without their own book get a little bit of love to hold them over and keep them relevant.
  15. Good news is that if this children stuff doesn't sell well, they wont bother with it and it will fade into existence. Children stories have no place in AoS just as much as 40k. Do your part.
  16. This would be cool, but I would fancy some new humans. Preferably ones that aren't solely reliant on black powder weaponry..
  17. Sigmar's gotta eat, and he loves hot wings. Which is why they are all wingless now.
  18. With more and more SCE releases and them riding larger and larger mounts, I am not sure how they can make free people significant lol Also kinda weird how the deepkin have been waaaay over shadowed by all this.
  19. some of those SCE poses are just not great.. Models look neat enough but could use some reposing. I couldn't be happier with the NH stuff!
  20. This is all very exciting. I cannot wait to get my hands on these new sets. While I am initially less enthusiastic about the amount of SCE being released (having figured it would be just some heroes and a wizard group), the video of Sigmar button smashing has gotten me excited lol. Elemental magics look awesome, curious to see what some of them are! This definitely opens up great conversion possibilities to further theme out an army.
  21. No bitterness, please don't project. It is okay, people can be tired of factions constantly getting release after release. Like Stormcast. They could have chosen something other than a nurgle inspired enemy to fight, but didn't because they are pandering to the masses with it lol. It's low hanging fruit.
  22. I am excited for absolutely none of this. GW is on this Nurgle ride that has passed its stop several times. Some models look good, but I am very over it lol. At this point I feel like it's pandering, with a little bit of patronizing haha.
  23. One final push for selling off theirs casts/ too evaluate sales to see if anything merits bringing back in one form or another.
  24. Not entirely model related, or a whole lot to look at right now.. Here is a WIP shot of my studio. In this picture its currently primed. I literally just got done with my first coat of paint, but no images will be up until after tomorrow when the painting is done. Anyone want to take a crack on what color it will be? Other WIP parts can be seen in my blog (which was started to keep me motivated).
  25. It definitely looks like it could be flipped. Got some weird pod things, maybe some sort of squig. or who knows... maybe it just something to do with the new Magic stuff coming out soon. Some sort of spell-emental
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