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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. Mind you warcry has already given use chaos worshipping dwarves, aelves and ogres, so just because this particular formorian is a chaos cultist doesn't mean they all will be.
  2. After spending the better part of a month trying to do all the fiddly detail which completely covers every Kharadron Overlords model, its surprisingly relaxing to be painting Night Goblins again! The only slight concern is that my Squig skin recipe is a bit reliant on GW red ink, which they've not made for a decade. Hopefully I'll have enough...
  3. Eh, I wouldn't be worried about Marvel writers not getting the tone of Warhammer. It will almost certainly be Dan Abnett, who happens to be both a respected comics writer, working for Marvel, and the guy who writes half the Black Library novels.
  4. True, it just seems weird that they'd let it sell out, when they are quite capable of printing more copies (and indeed are still making everything in the box separately). I've never quite understood GW's attitude to these sorts of box sets. Edit: With the Marvel news: Could we finally see Hero Man comics?
  5. Well, I won't be getting warcry for Christmas then... It seems like an odd idea to pull a major starter set just before the holiday season, but hey ho, its not as though there's much of a chance of actually getting to play it anyway.
  6. We have Ghoulies and Ghosties. It remains to be seen whether Bonereapers will be Long Leggity Beasties, or Things That Go Bump in the Night.
  7. From a getting things done perspective. I like to clear a shelf, and start setting up a display as I finish things. Once I've got two or three lonely models on the shelf I get very keen to add the rest, and once the army is almost all up there, and there are just a few partially finished models left, its amazing how quickly I'll get them done so that they can join their friends. It helps though that I usually spend months tinkering with models, blocking in bits of colour, making mistakes and needing to touch things up. There often comes a tipping point where things look in a complete mess, but are actually not that far from finished if you can sit down and focus on them. That can often be easier said than done though. Yesterday I was all set to get on with some fine detail, but then had to carry lots of heavy shopping up three flights of stairs since the lift was broken. My arms were shaking so badly for the rest of the evening that fine detail work of any sort went out the window, and I'd just spent the morning doing all of the messy base coating! The result was prime hobby time on a saturday, which I couldn't use despite being keen to crack on. It was so frustrating. That will teach me to buy groceries! (Or maybe I should have done some warmup or stretches or something first, before trying to lift heavy stuff?)
  8. One issue can just be giving yourself permission to do stuff. If you've got a dozen more important things to do, and are procrastinating because you just can't face them then doing hobby stuff can feel like cheating, since if you can do that then you should be able to do whatever the other stuff is that you should be doing. Then you don't get the chance to do the hobby stuff, and potentially the important stuff doesn't get done either. It is sometimes better to set aside time for hobbies and make sure that if you want to do it, you do. That can give you the morale boost to get on and do the work/life/productive stuff.
  9. Every thing is still usable. Just because its not i. Cities of Sigmar doesn't make it vanish from the ghb, so there should be no problem using things as allies, either in CoS or other order factions. That might change with next year's ghb, but we should hopefully have legends points by then by the sounds of it!
  10. Given the sheer variety of Witchhunters who star in their novels, it seems as though there is a great opportunity to do a massively customisable Witchhunter kit to represent all the different archetypes within it. I don't expect them to release any minis to tie into the upcoming RPG, but if they were to then it would be the perfect time.
  11. Well two of them have more or less been turned into the new start collecting set, sans stormcast and with a few less troops.
  12. Did Age of Sigmar get battleforces in 2015, or was it too new at that point?
  13. The models may be gone, but they still have points in the Generals Handbook, so the factions are still just as playable as they ever were so long as you have the models. Whether that will continue to be the case remains to be seen, but I'd imagine most reasonable opponents would let you take the odd discontinued model so long as it fit the army.
  14. Nighthaunt would be cool. But they are still available in the starter set, so it would have to be some of the non easy to build kits. gloomspite seems like a safe bet. Maybe a troll focused selection to complement looncurse and a more squiggly selection left for the eventual start collecting set. has there ever been a Fyreslayers battle force? N not sure if its likely but I'd certainly like a cheap way to get some of their core kits.
  15. I guess they're phasing them out. (The red boxes, not the high elves, although...)
  16. I did a bit Aelven project a few months ago, and pretty much everything came in a white box with both sorts of bases. That was the case both when I was getting the first few bits near the start of the year, and later when I grabbed the last few as they were discontinuing things. The only ones I recall having a red box were the Archmages and the Dragonlord. I guess since they were discontinuing those they didn't update them. I'd guess they won't be actively bothering to print boxes with the old trade dress, but they are not about to scrap any that they happen to have left, so there could be the odd red box still floating around.
  17. Do you, or the other mods, have the capability to split off these posts into a new thread please? I'd really like to get involved in the discussion, but am conscious that its completely the wrong thread for it!
  18. I figured I'd do a warcry story so as to a) be topical and b) not have to write about stormcast. The result is "Archaon must die" where a motley warband decide to assassinate the everchosen. I mainly wanted a slightly dysfunctional chaos crew with different backgrounds and clashing personalities. Including an exiled skaven assassin who rides around on the horns of his bestigor "mount" and delights in shooting people before they get within axe range. The beastman, for his part thinks the skaven is his pet. It seemed like a good time for a more multicultural take on chaos, with a warqueen who wants to be everchosen in the lead. We shall see what they think.
  19. If you can find them the old wardancers .ight be a good fit, but they are getting a bit scarce these days, so its probably best to stick to extant kits. If you're not planning on going to tourneys then definitely take a look at other companies that make 28-32mm figures. You can get a lot of diversity just by taking stuff from non GW sources, which others might be less familiar with.
  20. Page 1313, we need some skaven rumours! Delighted that free cities is finally in sight thiugh!
  21. I guess the first thing is to decide what kind of base you want to build them around. For conversion purposes its usually best to start with some kind of existing model to work from. There are those who are very handy with green stuff and fimo clay, and can sculpt their own models from scratch. For most though its best to look at a variety of ranges to find something which is close, and then build on that by kitbashing, green stuffing and creating variant paint schemes. You then need to convert some rules to represent them. Again its perfectly possible to write an AoS warscroll or alliegence abilities from scratch, but its always easier to have a starting point, and tweak things a bit to better match what you want your army to be able to do. The simplest solution is to create a "counts as" force, so you take a legal army list, but use your custom models to represent the existing scrolls. That may be easier said than done if your idea is quite unique, but if you can find something similar then its possible to add rules, change numbers and generally tinker until it gets closer to what you want. Good luck with the project, it sounds great, so we'll be keen to see what you come up with!
  22. Quickest and easiest? Catapult. Safest for the models? That's somewhat more tricky? I quite like the Really Useful Boxes brand. They do very solid plastic boxes, and you can get divider trays to go inside them. If you have any foam or bubblewrap then you can line the compartments of the trays. I find that they are a better fit for modern models than the traditional foam slot carry cases. You can basically have one box for all of your big stuff, with foam or other packing material to space them out and stop them clattering together, and then a second box with deep or shallow trays (as needed) to store and organise the infantry. They also do boxes with extra tall lids which can be handy if stuff in your top tray sticks up. They do though take up a lot of space though, so if you're using public transport then nothing quite beats a proper foam carry case.
  23. What if there are only three of them, but when they get inspired they turn into far more powerful Brettonian style knights? That would be a warband the likes of which we've never seen before... (Note: I don't actually think they'd do that, but its cool to dream...)
  24. I thought they were a new army announcement for a moment there! Very cool conversions.
  25. That looks great! I've just been painting some snake people for D&D purposes (mainly reaper and frostgrave models) so its presently a topic quite close to my heart!
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