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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. IMO, yes. It seems that all Wizzards with the Tzeentch Keyword/ Mark can cast that spells.
  2. For 40k, there is a low ressolution pic (potato cam strikes back!) with Primaris Bikes and Land Speeders.
  3. Guys, we have a winner!! You have a place on the Geldraad!!!
  4. We don't know how the ability is written, but Faction Focus said "more than 10 models". Just wait for first leaks....(I can't wait fuuuu).
  5. Like all rumors that don't come fron any rumormonger: -FB -4chan -I know a guy that works... Nothing confirmed, so just speculation.
  6. Nobody knows. At this moment, the balloon guys are awesome (if you build Endrinriggers), but everything can change in a week. We know that Barak-Zon's skywardens can do a lot of damage if they charge, so another option for the balloon boys of the box, and there is a rumor that makes this dudes battleline... We don't have any info about Gunhaulers, but at least, it seems that they can fly now.
  7. Another set of rumors: Skyhooks and nearly all shooting reduced to rend -1 Armour save improved almost army wide by +1. Arkanauts can only take one of each weapon per 10. Khemist buff is gone Significant point changes.
  8. Im not sure that all others Duardins are going to gain the skyfarer keyword.
  9. Mhornar should have a new hability to "take" some aethergold shares from other Kharadron units 🤣 Clearly, the Code allow that!!!
  10. Remember that garrisons gives cover too (+1 save if the enemy didn't charge in that turn). Juicy +1save and -1hit while embarked
  11. It seems that they will be better than Endrinriggers if they charge!!! Fuuu, i have 12 Skywardens already assembled with their shooting loadout.
  12. Someone on WhatsApp: 145€ Tzeentch vs KO Box 32.5 € Battletome 20€ Warscrolls + Tokens
  13. Because you play KO. This is the way!! (/jokeOff)
  14. I must disagree. 34" is massive. That ability alone can stop a first turn charge (I'm looking at you Mawcrusha...), something that we couldn't do before. And having an inner keyword hero to remove Endless Spells , is a new tool and I'm happy to not having to take an Incantor for that... and that without knowing any Allegiance Abilities!!!
  15. From what I can read: Tormenta del Aether/ Aetherstorm: 34", in LoS, flying target: Roll a die, on 1-2, nothing happens, on 3-5, half movement, on a 6 half movement and 1D3 mw. Visión del Aether/ Aethervision (?): Can dispell 1 Endless Spells and unbind 1 spell. Leer los vientos/ Read the winds: re-roll run and charge (?) rolls for friendly skyvessels that are in LoS with one or more Navigators.
  16. We don't need any filthy spells!!! We need weapons and ships, something that we already have. So, give us rules to use them and we are ready to go!!! (but my greedy inner dwarf stills wants more minis too...)
  17. I hope it's a bit more than 1 or 2 tweaks. I'm talking about how our special weapons work. Anything that gave us an alternative gameplay than 12 skyhooks or 9-12 saws and new synergies than our khemists buffing those weapons, IMO it's a good step in the right direction. And if we play a bit more like our lore, better!!
  18. There are a lot of options to make arkanauts a bit more fun to play. Give them an "attack first" if they charged after disembarking (pirate boarding!!!), +1 to save in combat (swashbuckling skills) or an overwatch-style free attack if they are charged. I mean, everything is welcome if we stay away from our "40arkanaut blob" strategy.
  19. I really hope to see something like this. Elegant, simple and awesome.
  20. Fuuuuu, I need the box and the battletome ASAP!!!!
  21. In competitive play, I think that with just one frigate or maybe an Iroclad, you have enough. For narrative, I'm focusing on 3 Gunhaulers, 3 frigates and 1 ironclad to play a Grand Armada. Btw, a new battletome can just change everything...
  22. That's what I understand too. The last "strike first" or "strike last" ability that is going to buff/debuff the unit is the one that is going to be applied. Ignore the others (if any).
  23. Btw, it's an awesome show. P.D: New Kharadron Hero. The Bounty Hunter 🤣🤣
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